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It | Sept. 8, 2017 | Warner Brothers | Andy Muschietti directing. Trailer on Page 12 NO SPOILER DISCUSSION. Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes

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14 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

I hope raves for Bill and Finn continue! :bravo:

I liked Finn in Stranger things, and I'm sure he did a good job here but I can't help but think that there is some bias when people choose him as the stand out actor in the kids. He's the most well known, and his acting in Stranger things was great, so it's easy to pick him. It also helps that the character Richie Tozier is so well written and developed.


IMO the girl playing Bev is going to blow the fuck up. 

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13 minutes ago, We0uthere said:

I liked Finn in Stranger things, and I'm sure he did a good job here but I can't help but think that there is some bias when people choose him as the stand out actor in the kids. He's the most well known, and his acting in Stranger things was great, so it's easy to pick him. It also helps that the character Richie Tozier is so well written and developed.


IMO the girl playing Bev is going to blow the fuck up. 

His role in Stranger Things was so different though. If anything, his sweet, earnest character on ST would make it harder for people to see him as Richie. Comic relief characters are always audience favorites so I'm not surprised he's getting good ink.


Sophia Lillis is definitely getting some good notices too - IMO, Bev has the most interesting, emotional arc so she has the meatiest role in the film and by most accounts, she's terrific.

Edited by snarkmachine
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So people think Finn's singled out only because of Stranger Things, not because he is the best in show? Weak. If anything, critics these days are more likely to fawn over Sophia cause the only girl in the gang but since they still think Finn's the best that's saying something. He's at disadvantage and yet getting MVP notices in a strong cast. 

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GOSH DARN IT! Literally after the cast came to my job and I asked them this question, 


http:// https://www.facebook.com/RendyReviews/videos/1510814419011508/



Oh well. If no critics are going to come out with an actual review for the movie just yet, I might as well be the first to break that blasted embargo:



Edited by rjones1325
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12 hours ago, Barnack said:

I'm curious why you are predicting that good of a 33% / 66% domestic/foreign split for a movie like IT ?


No King adaptation reached 60% ever before (at least in the big enough to be listed by mojo):




IT/serial killer clown skew American a lot and it's a crazy amount of domestic buzz, why would it be the most foreign skewed of King filmography with the current exchange rate ? Does not seem to have a China release planned either. Not sure how big of a phenomenom it is easy outside the anglo-saxon world.


Split did 50/50, I would expect much more than 100m dbo if it is to reach 300m WW.



See, the beautiful thing about this movie is that it's going to be a monster OS as well, it won't be an American phenomenon only like Get Out, from what I'm seeing on presales around the word, IT is posting even stronger numbers than Annabelle: Creation around LA/Europe, if DOM grosses $200m, I can see OS delivering between $250m-$300m, it is going to have a similar run to Ted, when it comes to a genre that is not used to make massive numbers OS, but will end breaking out OS. 

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6 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


See, the beautiful thing about this movie is that it's going to be a monster OS as well, it won't be an American phenomenon only like Get Out, from what I'm seeing on presales around the word, IT is posting even stronger numbers than Annabelle: Creation around LA/Europe, if DOM grosses $200m, I can see OS delivering between $250m-$300m, it is going to have a similar run to Ted, when it comes to a genre that is not used to make massive numbers OS, but will end breaking out OS. 

Totally. People are still underestimating this cause there hasn't be a precedent which is OK and understandable. 

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Word of warning: Hurricane Irma will affect this weekend at the box office. Southeast Florida theaters will be closed Saturday-Monday, and theaters more upstate will be closed Sunday-Monday. Don't be calling this a bomb if It has very bad holds on Saturday and Sunday :lol: 

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5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Word of warning: Hurricane Irma will affect this weekend at the box office. Southeast Florida theaters will be closed Saturday-Monday, and theaters more upstate will be closed Sunday-Monday. Don't be calling this a bomb if It has very bad holds on Saturday and Sunday :lol: 

I was expecting a frontoladed Friday anyway. 

Edited by Rman823
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Just now, Rman823 said:

I was expecting a frontoladed Friday anyway. 

I was on the verge of upping my prediction to 80M, but this storm is going to block a significant portion of the country. My 75M prediction was 9/28/25/15, but I might have to up Friday up a few million to compensate for worse Saturday and Sunday holds.

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8 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Word of warning: Hurricane Irma will affect this weekend at the box office. Southeast Florida theaters will be closed Saturday-Monday, and theaters more upstate will be closed Sunday-Monday. Don't be calling this a bomb if It has very bad holds on Saturday and Sunday :lol: 

If anything the Friday will be greater than expected but frontloaded.

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6 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Word of warning: Hurricane Irma will affect this weekend at the box office. Southeast Florida theaters will be closed Saturday-Monday, and theaters more upstate will be closed Sunday-Monday. Don't be calling this a bomb if It has very bad holds on Saturday and Sunday :lol: 

I expect business will be made up the following weekend (which is looking to be when I'll be seeing this anyway) for the most part, or at least enough to cushion the blow if ever so slightly.

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