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10 Cloverfield Lane | 3.11.2016 | Walking Dead TV Spot on Page 15 | Tickets on Sale Now!

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27 minutes ago, Bishop54 said:

$1.8M on Thursday, great start!


Holy shit, that's amazing if true. Big surprise too, I was expecting something like 1M, 1.2M at best. It had a stronger Thursday debut than Zootopia did. Pretty awesome!


Also, John Goodman is getting Oscar buzz? THIS IS A CLOVERFIELD MOVIE. AN ACTOR IS GETTING OSCAR BUZZ FOR A CLOVERFIELD MOVIE. Like Queen asked, is this the real life?

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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25 minutes ago, filmlover said:

John Goodman is getting crazy good raves for this. If getting him that long overdue Oscar nomination for this means selling one of my organs, I'll do it.

He's great in it, but I have a tough time believing he'll get an Oscar nom for a thriller movie released in March. The entire cast is great, they deserve the heaps of praise they are getting.

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Saw this at a screening on Weds. Here are some thoughts, non to spoilery. 


This is NOT a direct sequel to Cloverfield. Think of it as happening in the same universe. 


John Goodman KILLS it in this. Man, he just owns every minute he is onscreen. He made me laugh and terrified me within seconds. 


Mary Elizabeth Winstead, goodness she is just gorgeous...wait, that's not what this was about! Anyway,  she plays her part perfectly as well. You are experiencing the unfolding events through her eyes, and she exemplifies an intelligent heroine. By the end, you are all in with her and her actions. 


The small cast really allows all actors to shine and give moments of space for all the emotions they go through despite this taking place in mainly one location. 


This is a psychological thriller/suspense film. The tension mounts until the ending. When....


She finally gets away from the Goodman character and goes outside. The tension goes from shit to Holy Shit! It's an alien invasion and our girl is fighting for her life against that creature and ship! This was like X-files meets Twilight  Zone those final 10 minutes. 


Really did like it. Much like Ex-Machina last year, I walked into this not expecting too much and walked out fully satisfied as the story accomplished what it set out to do. The sliver of genres pushed together to create what the film became was as creative as it was thrilling. 

Edited by 5upe5
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I just got back from the film... and I don't know what to say. I KNEW it wasn't a DIRECT sequel to Cloverfield, but still expected some kind of reference to it. The only possible reference was


right before her crash the radio mentions a attack on the east coast... but that could be something else like we find out later on. (alien ships etc.)

This did NOT have to have the name CLOVERFIELD in it. This should have been called something else completely. There might not be a HUGE fan base for Cloverfield, but when name J.J. Abrams, MATT REEVES and Bad Robot are behind a film that has the name CLOVERFIELD in it.... All I can say is, they knew exactly what they were doing when they decided on the name "Hey, we might get people that still remember Cloverfield to come and see this.".... Unless there's some kind of plan that the


"East Coast attack"

they mentioned WAS the events in Cloverfield, and Clovie ends up fighting what's in this film, the whole thing was a quick cash grab. There was absolutely no reason to have the name CLoverfield in it.

CLOVERFIELD and Super 8 were also much better than this film. I didn't enjoy the bunker stuff at all really.... unfortunately that was like


95% of the film.


Edited by Cookson
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11 minutes ago, langer said:

REgardless of the links or lack of links to Cloverfield,  is it a good movie?  I'm debating seeing it.  


There might be links in the ARG... but nothing screams that the Cloverfield monster attacked New York. The bunker stuff was ok.....

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56 minutes ago, Bishop54 said:

Cookson requires a giant monster in every film.


No. Don't name drop me like that please.... Yes, I'm a fan of giant monster films. That's it. I don't require a giant monster in every film.............................. So, I'm guessing you're expecting Abram's "Clover-verse" to have the name Cloverfield in every title. Honestly, that's the only thing that makes sense. You put the name CLOVERFIELD in it.

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7 minutes ago, Cookson said:


No. Don't name drop me like that please.... Yes, I'm a fan of giant monster films. That's it. I don't require a giant monster in every film.............................. So, I'm guessing you're expecting Abram's "Clover-verse" to have the name Cloverfield in every title. Honestly, that's the only thing that makes sense. You put the name CLOVERFIELD in it.

Since it's now an anthology series, yes by all means put Cloverfield in the title of every film they do.

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16 hours ago, Bishop54 said:

Let's be extra mindful of spoilers for this one, let's not ruin it for those who have to wait 3 weeks to see it.


I only saw one trailer and was forced to watch a 16 second tv spot. and I almost wish I hadn't seen anything. the less you know coming in the better.

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This isn't a spoiler but just my reaction to the movie, I said this in the weekend thread.


I was almost ready to call this the next Sixth Sense (yes, the first 80-90 minutes are that good). But the ending is terrible. Like, 2014's Godzilla bad. It just didn't work with the rest of the film at all unfortunately.


So I guess overall, a high 6/10 maybe 7/10 once I dwell more on the movie.

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18 minutes ago, James said:

I liked Cloverfield for it's all out destruction porn. Can someone tell me if this is the same or it is more of a psychological thriller where what's happening outside is just suggested?



its psychological thriller, the last act has some action


Edited by Ryan Reynolds
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