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Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)  

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  1. 1. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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Felt like Thor got his own "Brian's prison side mission no one cares about" from Furious 6 in this. Is Thanos supposed to  be in Thor 3? Sounded like Thor was going after him at the end there.


May have a GotG-esque "pulling the strings" cameo, methinks. I actually think Hel will play a major role in Ragnarok, seeing all the references to it in AoU.

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why would thanos's dumb ass even give his one infinity stone to loki?


btw thanos still not in the least bit threatening with lame build-up. have him kill like 40% of the guardians of the galaxy and pretty much every thor side-character before infinity war and maybe I'll be excited to see him go up against the avengers as a legit threat.

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I want to add that Ultron is great, not because he is menacing (he isn't) or because his masterplan is creative/original/interesting (it isn't), I loved him because of the voice work, because of his personality. Example of great moments that didn't have Vision in it was when he says to BW that he doesn't want to be alone or his reaction when Klaw compares him to Stark.

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My favourite moment gotta be when Hawkguy pwned SW when she was messing with the avengers mind. She sneaked behind Hawkguy and BAM!


"Not a fan of mindtricks. Didn't like it (the last time)"


(something along the line while planting a paralyzing arrow on SW's cute forehead)


(Hawkguy also made me chuckled in the final sequence because Quicksilver is running around like a silver bullet saving people while he has to stroll like a snail throughout the ruins trying to keep the pace but he's Hawkguy you know, Hawkguy does his thing the Hawkguy style. The way he is running around is hilarious.)

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The minute even Joss Whedon starts cracking lame jokes you realise it's all fucked.


Some of the battles were good of course - the Hulk busting and the intro - but everything in between was more of a slog.


Good thing is Whedon is stepping down and the Russo bros are taking the reins, cause they need to rein those runaway jokes in. Also Cap 2 was much MUCH better.


Other similar movies which are (much) better:


IM3 (that's how you make funny, learn from Shane Black, Fluke Whedon)


and even the original Avengers


Good thing is I saw the movie in a super new and luxurious state of the modern art cinema, so I had enough to marvel at (the technical aspects) regardless of the actual movie.


Hope I like it more the second time.


But the story will be just as lame, flat and stupid.

Edited by Jedi Shay
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Nitpicky people.. They'll see it a 2nd time and turn the grade around.. Then you have Shay who hates the movie but will see it 3-4 more times... :rolleyes: 

I wish you would say all those things after having seen it yourself. There's a chance you might not like it, you know.. :lol:


I gave the movie a B but it's a 8.5/10 for me. :)

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Really liked the opening sequence, especially that one-take scene. There really was more humour in this one, which I really liked a lot too. The score was very good and Ultron, too me, was a good villian. Not really good nor bad, just good. His humour made him less threatening but reminded me of Tony Stark( geez I wonder why?). Was really sad to see Quicksilver go at the end. Really didnt see that one coming. And that after credits scene was really just an extended version of the one in the first Avengers. Elizabeth Olsen is hot.


9/10 with Elizabeth Olsen

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Ended up seeing this last night.

Forgettable summer flick, pretty lazy.

With the success of TA1 and the sure success of this one I would have expected them to do something self-confident, not just the first one mashed around two more times.

It was such a product... And didn't feel like a real movie. No heart. A lazy calculation with some great action and VFX (though 3D was horrible in parts) , some good acting and not that much more.

And no, this doesn't get worse reviews because of TA1. This isn't getting even worse reviews because of TA1 IMHO.

A certain charm was still there... But I am glad IW will have another director team behind it. I am sure true comic fans will have more to enjoy in it, though.

5/10 for now.


Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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Any thoughts on cinematography?


Cinematography was pretty standard fair for a Marvel film. I found the action scenes on the whole to be muddled & overly crowded, which maybe some better cinematography could have improved. Not sure Marvel are brave enough to go for anything different with regards to cinematography, think they like to keep it all a bit samey with there pictures, so one doesn't seem too different in style to others.


One really nice long shot in the final battle that is in slow-mo with pretty much all the heroes and enemies in frame. Pretty epic.

Edited by MonstersandRoy
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Cinematography was pretty standard fair for a Marvel film. I found the action scenes on the whole to be muddled & overly crowded, which maybe some better cinematography could have improved. Not sure Marvel are brave enough to go for anything different with regards to cinematography, think they like to keep it all a bit samey with there pictures, so one doesn't seem too different in style to others.

One really nice long shot in the final battle that is in slow-mo with pretty much all the heroes and enemies in frame. Pretty epic.

Yap, that shot was pretty great.

But IMHO there was nothing like the hero sweep shot during the NY battle in TA1.

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I also chuckled when Hulkbuster was drilling Hulk's mug on repeat. "Go to sleep! Go to sleep! Go to sleep!". Those little sparks of humor kept the movie from being tedious because let's face it, Ultron and his minions were boring threats and the fights become real repetitive fast.


I don't recount how many times thoughout the movie Ultron and his petty Oedipian complex get blasted to smithereen just to come again and again and again. You just don't care in the end because he's an intangible threat that becomes a CG stick to dispatch despite Spader trying very hard to inject some kind of delusional and sarcastic personality in there to mirror his creator while hating him to make the character interesting and a little more than "Power Rangers Evil robot" but he becomes a running joke devoid of any menacing grit (Did he manage to succeed whatever he plans at any point of the movie proving that he is the biggest threat than Loki and Chitauris ever was? I don't recall so and that is quite problematic to take him seriously.) being blasted all around like a placeholder ragdoll more than anything.(i.e. the scene when Hulk jumps on the plane just to hear Ultron sighing off screen "Oh For God's sake" before being easily thrown out like a dirty sock). Then Vision, the Deus Ex Machina comes around to face him, it feels unengaging and tedious. You just want to come back to the Avengers saving people and come to an end.


That's why I rated it B and not much. Enjoyable as a summer flick but it's more or less the same pudding, the same recipe without much sparks of greatness. If you like that meal, that's serviceable but it feels like cooked in a microwave oven piling the remains of an old dish without putting some brand new gravy on it to hide the fact that the novelty flavor TA had despite the warts, has kinda vanished for a casual generic taste that kept the warts unfortunately.

Edited by MADash Rendar
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They remade the Avengers except without the novelty, humour or wit of the first. 


I'm sure fanboys will adore it but it's going to lose a slice of the general audience because it literally does nothing new.


The Avengers break apart by the end and I didn't even realize or feel anything for them.


Plus anyway, War Machine is almost Iron Man, and Falcon is just a version of him stuck in prehistoric times. 


Ultron is a joke, but so many of these villains are. I don't know why they bother trying to pretend they are raising the stakes when we know they won't since this is a story that never ends and never actually goes anywhere either. 

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