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Aladdin live action movie | 24 MAY 2019 | Disney | 7th most profitable movie of 2019. Disney does it again!

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8 hours ago, Warmaster506 said:

4 massive movies right after one another?  I'm sorry but I don't like a monopoly. 

Disney wishes it had a Monopoly. Ilumination are still making billion dollar animated films despite the presence Disney animation and Pixar. Also Disney can't make all kinds of films, they are not brave enough to make films like IT and Deadpool, so the other studios will take advantage of the starving general audience members tired of safe by the numbers Disney flicks. 

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16 hours ago, That One Guy said:

They could have easily saved a couple of them for 2020 (Frozen 2, Aladdin, Lion King, Toy Story 4) and spaced it out more instead of cramming it all into 2019.

Toy Story 4 was supposed to be out by now when it was first greenlit. They wouldn't delay it again out of some made-up courtesy.

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16 hours ago, That One Guy said:


I never said WB wasnt being greedy (pretty much every studio is out in the business for money and I get that), but the main issue I have is that Disney doesn't even try and hide it.  I'm sorry, but they didn't just unintentionally slot 4 of their 7 biggest tentpoles of the year within 2 and a half months of each other.  Nor did they unintentionally put Frozen 2 and Episode IX less than a month apart from each other.  And it's not like they don't control their production start dates either.  They greenlit each of these films with at least an estimate on when they'll be finished and ready for release.  They could have easily saved a couple of them for 2020 (Frozen 2, Aladdin, Lion King, Toy Story 4) and spaced it out more instead of cramming it all into 2019.


Scheduling a film production is more than just about the eventual release date but when scripts are ready and when the desired directors and stars are available. 


If it was all about planning then 2017 wouldn't have been relatively barren for Disney.  A 5 month hole between films is enormous for a major studio.


Toy Story 4 is coming out later than expected (2017) but they decided not to rush it and as said they're not going to sit on it for another year after its ready.


Movies cost money and investors don't like movies that cost hundreds of millions sitting on the shelf not being released. 


Episode IX just got pushed back from it's May release date.  So no they didn't initially plan to have it and Frozen a month apart.  They're not going to push it out further just so that they leave December open for other studios big films.  WB didn't move Lord of The Rings just because they had Harry Potter a month earlier.



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20 hours ago, AN9815 said:

I'd say 'The Little Mermaid' is as famous as 'Aladdin' 

I would say that, despite the actual box office numbers (Aladdin wins), TLM had a much bigger cultural impact than Aladdin.

Of that whole Disney hand-drawn golden age, I feel that there is TLK, BATB, TLM...and then everything else.

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Let's be honest if any studio would do the same if they had the power too as well. WB has a massive 2019 as well. Not as massive as Disney but still huge. The thing is I'm not surprised Disney's doing this and don't see why anyone should be. They bought Marvel and Star Wars for reasons. At the end of the day, studios are first and foremost about money.



While there's still fear of Disney, yes it's disgusting that they put their major IPs all at once in the summer to choke out the marketplace. And look at May 2018, There's nothing other than Infinity War and Han Solo, but that doesn't stop studios. In May 2019, WB has Minecraft against Aladdin. Charlie Angels, Pets 2, an untitled X-Men movie, an untitled DCEU movie, Transformers 6, and Cowboy Ninja Viking in June. All of which close to each other. Homecoming 2 and Top Gun 2 are in July and we'll probably see some stuff after Lion King in July. Spongebob 3 is still staying in August, an X Men movie is tackling Frozen 2 head on and look at the winters last year, this year and 2019. Rogue One fought Sing, Passengers and Assassins Creed. Jedi faces Jumanji, Ferdinand, Showman, and Pitch Perfect 3, and in 2019, Wicked, something from Sony Animation and Masters of The Universe are fighting IX, who knows maybe WW2 stays as well. Studios can survive even with how strong Disney is stop them from being monopolies.

Edited by YourMother
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7 hours ago, Cochofles said:

I would say that, despite the actual box office numbers (Aladdin wins), TLM had a much bigger cultural impact than Aladdin.

Of that whole Disney hand-drawn golden age, I feel that there is TLK, BATB, TLM...and then everything else.

I disagree. TLM is the most influential for Disney because it pretty much became the template for all their renaissance movies except Lion King. But if we 're talking cultural impact Aladdin wins easily. Is there anything in Little Mermaid that has been ingrained in the public consciousness as much as Robbin Williams's Genie or the magic carpet ride? I'm not buying it. 


I think the reason people saying Aladdin isn't as big anymore is because Disney has kept it doormat for the last 15 years instead of pimping out its legacy with IMAX, 3D etc like they did with BATB and TLK. But there's a perfect explanation for this and it's 9/11.



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I am looking forward to live-action Aladdin than TLK. A live-action without humans is not live-action, just a 100% animation movie but with photo-realism. But live-action with real human leads makes it far more relatable even if the entire environment and some characters are animated.


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On 12/9/2017 at 7:20 PM, Joel M said:




Aladdin might be #3 amongst Disney Renaissance movies behind both TLK and BATB, but there's a very big gap between those three and Pocahontas,Mulan,Tarzan and even The Little Mermaid. They 're not even in the same league both in popularity and cultural impact.

What would you say about a CGI "Bambi", or a straight live-action "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? Could they make more than BATB or even whatever TLK is gonna make? 

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