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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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this is a very small problem i had with the movie but was anyone else disappointed by the CGI for Maz? I thought she looked very cartoon-ey and there was one point in her final scene i think where she pushed Fin away that looked really awkward and took me out of the movie

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2 minutes ago, sharpie said:

this is a very small problem i had with the movie but was anyone else disappointed by the CGI for Maz? I thought she looked very cartoon-ey and there was one point in her final scene i think where she pushed Fin away that looked really awkward and took me out of the movie

Didn't like anything about her, that part of the movie was off for me.

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5 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

Rey vs Ken needs to be a 1000x more epic in part 8 or 9.


But you understand why it was the way it was this time, don't you?

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41 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

Rey vs Ken needs to be a 1000x more epic in part 8 or 9.

it needed more explosions in the background, flying debris everywhere and maybe it should have been shot in the sunset, amiright?



Edited by Goffe
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I heard an interesting explanation of why Rey was a Solo and not a Skywalker, thematically, and it made sense.  Basically, the saga is about choice, how you aren't destined to be dark/light because you are the chosen one, or because your father was a sith lord.  So the next step would be to show two twins, and how one chose the dark path and the other the light.  How it was choice instead of destiny.


Fits into the sagas core theme, and I think I might buy it.

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3 hours ago, DMan7 said:


And that brings me to the obvious question as to why JJ isn't directing all the SW movies?


They're doing it like the original trilogy, by having a different director for every film. Mixing it up basically. 

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37 minutes ago, Goffe said:

it needed more explosions in the background, flying debris everywhere and maybe it should have been shot in the sunset, amiright?





No the best duels are the subtle mind games in empire and the sheer passion in ROTJ



I am saying does anything think that this duel was anywhere as cool as the luke vs Vader or duel of the fates or the lava fight.


I am saying after ten years wanted more of a showdown.


However unlike the other films there are literally no senior strong fighters to fight 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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It would make no sense for Rey to be a Solo. She has to be a Skywalker or a Kenobi. But then if she's a kenobi it makes Yoda a liar when he said No there is another.....he shoulda said, There are others.....your offspring would be one.

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3 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


Name 3 blockbuster villains better than Darth Vader. :popcorn:


be careful here.  he thinks the generic bad guy, Ronan from GOTG is intimidating so you may not like the answers :P 

Edited by 75live
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I think it ends up that she's a Solo. Kids were taken from their families at a young age to begin jedi training. Who knows how old she was when she began hers. Her parents may not have seen her for years before Ben goes dark side and kills everyone. And even then, kids don't look the same at age 5(or whenever) as they do when they grow up. Ever look through someones facebook tbt kid pics and not recognize which one was them even after they told you? So let's assume the set up is that at 3 years old, Rey goes with uncle luke to begin jedi training. 4 or 5 years later, Ben goes darkside and kills everyone, except Luke and Rey. He goes and hides her on Jakku, does an obliviate on her, and splits never telling anyone that Rey survived so that Ben wouldn't hunt her down to kill her. So Han and Leia think shes dead and don't recognize her when she shows up. She doesn't remember her parents or that she is a jedi, so she won't recognize any of them. She already has force training and is force sensitive, combined with whatever life we haven't seen on Jakku, makes it so she can fight naturally. So when the force within the lightsaber decides to wake her buried memories up, the training she does have kicks in. I think the "Force Awakens" title is referring to the Force insider her that Luke buried or hid years before, and isn't just a catchy title or a reference to more jedis. I think the writers want you to think she's a Skywalker. If she turns out to be a Skywalker, everyone will be like I told you so and there will be no shock. By making her a Solo, they get some shock value out of it. It also sets up a much better dynamic of brother vs sister instead of just cousins. It also keeps her as Anakin Skywalkers descendant for those who think the movies have to be about Skywalkers. I think it all fits really. At least as much as some other things we accept in Star Wars. 

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