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Weekend revised estimates and 4 days totals pg 43 4 day est: RA2: 41.6: The Rev: 39.0... SW7: 32.5

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1 hour ago, JonathanLB said:

Going for TFA #18 tonight. Tomorrow will be 19 with my sister and her boyfriend - his first time. :D



lol this wednesday at 9p.m. i'll see TFA for the first time 


and 19 times??? please do something else with your money, like i don't know... donate it to charity

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11 hours ago, filmlover said:

LOL I don't understand how someone can see a movie so many times in theaters. I'd rather wait for the DVD it again when I want whenever I want.


well I saw it 4 times (I mostly see movie once), and to be honest, even BEST HOME CINEMA can't compare to IMAX or well equipped big cinema, you just can't have same experience, no chance..., if there will be 4K Blu-ray UHD with DolbyAtmos or DTS:X and at least 65" 4K TV, with sound controlled room, well yes, then I will see it at home many more times ;)

DVD? last time I saw DVD was maybe 5years ago, from that point, cinema or blu-ray... on big TV

(and I was early adopter of Blu-ray and HD-DVD)

Edited by Marek the Jedi
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1 minute ago, Marek the Jedi said:


well I saw it 4 times (I mostly see movie once), and to be honest, even BEST HOME CINEMA can't compare to IMAX or well equipped big cinema, you just can't have same experience, no chance..., if there will be 4K Blu-ray UHD with DolbyAtmos or DTS:X and at least 65" 4K TV, with sound controlled room, well yes, then I will see it at home many more times ;)

DVD? last time I saw DVD was maybe 5years ago, from that point, cinema or blu-ray... on big TV





We cannot duplicate theater experience at home yet.

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5 hours ago, grim22 said:

Finally watched TFA, a pretty good sci-fi adventure movie for sure. As someone who didn't grow up with Star Wars dominating pop culture, all the nostalgia bits meant to evoke applause like the Falcon (I didn't even realize it was the Falcon till the moment when Finn sits at the laser cannons), Han and Chewy and probably a million other things I missed kind of fell flat. Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver were really good, BB-8 comes way too close to overexposure and Boyega is serviceable. The ending fight felt really off for some reason


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The 3D was good, but the movie didn't utilize the entire IMAX screen apart from 10 minutes in the middle which was somewhat disappointing.


well they were talking some time ago, that there will be just one SCENE done with IMAX cameras,.... it's still VERY VERY expensive to make full movie with IMAX cameras (post production will go NUTS to finish all compositions, VFX and rendering in IMAX resolution, when most movies are finished in 2K and some in 4K)...

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21 minutes ago, jb007 said:





We cannot duplicate theater experience at home yet.

Well, that's what makes the theater even more special, and why it will never go extinct. ;)Savor the experience and then relive it as much as you want through your imagination in the comfort of your own home. :)

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Box Office Guru (Gitesh... tweets), for the silent readers/newbies.... who got curious a few pages back


The weekend analysis is also to find here (if you like a white background more)


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5 hours ago, filmlover said:

I have been following Box Office Guru since it first started in 1997. It's what really got me interested in box office. Time flies.


I also started to follow box office using his reports. Also following a site that closed long ago, cinema1.com, and imdb.com for alltime top100. Damn, I remember when films like Cliffhanger were in top100 WW. Now it ranks in 457 position

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Lol you could say that of anything. Two tickets to a sports event can run $500 easily. My dad pays that for his second row Blazers tickets and he's a season ticket holder. He gives many away to friends / employees, and that's what I'll spend total seeing it. 


I get how if you're not a fan you don't get it, but I've spent or when I was younger my parents spent a combined probably $75,000 on Star Wars collectibles, vacations (Denver, Indy x2, Orlando, DC for the Magic of Myth, Orange County, Seattle for a Cinerama viewing), whatever else. Trust me $500 to see the actual movie doesn't mean that much to me. My AC broke last month and it cost me $1,500 to repair. That's an annoying expense. $500 to see a Star Wars movie I love in a great theater isn't worth even thinking about. My HOA dues are almost twice that every month.


When it comes to Star Wars money is no object for me. I budget for everything else and try to be frugal, like I don't even buy Blu-rays until they go down in price. But with SW I buy brand new and a digital copy or in the past every version, even keep an unopened VHS in the past in case of primary failure. To you, it's a movie series. To me, it's as close to religion as I care about ;)

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Yeah, I have no criticism if somebody legitimately wants to see a movie 19 times.


Would I personally?  No, 6-7 is going to be the cap for me, but that won't be the same for everyone.


Im not going to judge how someone else (especially someone who's financial situation I know nothing about.  They could easily have the money to do thi) spends their own money, unless they're doing something incredibly bad with it (like donating it to ISIS).  


Maybe if it was a friend who I knew didn't have the money for it, Id say something.  But, he seems fine, so there's really no reason to judge.

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I have to admit 19 times is impressive, most impressive ;)


I have to recall, but I don't think I ever hit 19.  I know I hit at least 15 for movies before and on down from that to 12, etc, etc


I doubt I will hit 19 for TFA but double digits may be possible :P 

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14 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Seeing a movie 4 or more times in the span of a month is excessive to me. I saw TFA twice and now I'm waiting for the Blu-Rey.

Going to watch it again in  DBox.  Watched it in IMAX 3D.  So just wanted to see what it feels like watching it in this format.

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11 hours ago, filmlover said:

LOL I don't understand how someone can see a movie so many times in theaters. I'd rather wait for the DVD it again when I want whenever I want.

Most I ever saw a film in theatres was Jurassic World, but that had a few circumstances.

1) Movies for me are free, so I'm not wasting money or anything.

2) I had a few out of town friends visit over the course of a month and they all wanted to see the movie

3) Summertime means no school means lots of spare time


I only saw Force Awakens once (techically) but i go and watch it on every single one of my breaks so I've seen half hour segments of the movie up to 20 times :/

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