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Presales Tracking Thread(Maoyan, Taopiaopiao etc)

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1 hour ago, Olive said:

I enjoyed EP7, but didn't as much about RO.

So does my friends who have watched it.

Me and most of my friends, who are Star Wars fans prefer Rogue One.

TFA is too unoriginal, totally copying episode 4 and 6, and their characters are less likeable other than Rey.

The fight scenes are also much weaker in TFA.

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3 minutes ago, chrisman0606 said:

I think b/c of Midnight numbers RO may drop off huge from TFA.

While I also think Rogue One will fail to do as well as Ep7 (I'm more bullish than most here, I think it could hit 550-600M), it's hard to base that purely off of midnight screenings. Ep7 opened on a Saturday so its midnight numbers would look bigger regardless.

Edited by jiangsen
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3 hours ago, TigerPaw said:

Me and most of my friends, who are Star Wars fans prefer Rogue One.

TFA is too unoriginal, totally copying episode 4 and 6, and their characters are less likeable other than Rey.
The fight scenes are also much weaker in TFA.

I prefer SW 7 over SW R1. It's not that I do not like SW R!, I like a lot of it's ideas, but not all and so on. 

I didn't have a chance to see it in English yet (R1), but my son and his friends have, he says in English it was a lot better (as it is nearly always). So as usual, I wait before I've seen the English version before I rate it myself.

I think a lot of people who criticise SW 7 are doing it with reasoning that seem a bit over the top to me, too focused on some details, and not seeing it with a bit of a step back, to see the complete picture. But that is based more on the style of the wordings a lot of the 'not happy with SW 7' members use (who are seemingly a loud minority)

So I asked a lot of people here (I am teaching media comparison, like book to film adaptions,...) and acc. to that: it is a minority who did not like SW 7 in my surrounding. I found it strange how a lot of the reasons were worded nearly identical, but when going into it, not all stayed with their POV, were not able to really do a comparison to proof their points. As in truly show their theory, not only the typical surface scratching only internet-statements. Since then I am a bit sceptical about too general formulated judgements.

I am not saying that there is nothing too similar, but in 'cold-blooded' analysis its far less then people make it sound - at least in my POV.

Fight scenes well done, I like too, but they are for me not the essence of a film, or for the story of a film...

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1 hour ago, jiangsen said:

While I also think Rogue One will fail to do as well as Ep7 (I'm more bullish than most here, I think it could hit 550-600M), it's hard to base that purely off of midnight screenings. Ep7 opened on a Saturday so its midnight numbers would look bigger regardless.

The PS for tomorrow say otherwise. SW7 OD was 2.72 x PS like CA3. That leads to a 46m OD and a 155m OW. Most tentpoles fall between 2 and 2.5x OW.  one percent of movies explode on huge WoM(9.2+ maoyan) and 10% do very well on good WoM (Maoyan 8.8).  Its going to be low 300s, good Wom could get it close 400m if OD scores 55m.  with Taiwan and SK being down 65% from SW7(8.2) its doubtful it will gain any traction. 310-300m/$45m is where it will likely land


  CA3         XMA         R1   PS x PS x
    multi   multi     multi   multi       CA3 m XMA m
Th 0.8 22.6 2.4 75.4       2.3 48.7   0.18 0.8 63.4 40.9
Fr 1.2 15.1 3.6 50.3       3.2 35.0   0.25 1.2 60.3 42.0
Sa 1.8 10.1 6.2 29.2       4.2 26.7   0.30 2.2 64.2 58.7
Su 2.1 8.6 8.1 22.3       4.9 22.9   0.57 2.7 59.2 60.6
Mo 2.8 6.5 11.9 15.2       6.2 18.1   0.65 3.1 47.2 56.0
Tu 3.5 5.2 16.3 11.1       9.0 12.4   0.73 3.7 41.1 46.0
We 4.8 3.8 25.4 7.1       11.1 10.1   0.90 4.9 34.9 49.4
Th 6.4 2.8 37.9 4.8       17.8 6.3   1.17 8.0 38.2 50.3
Fr(OD)     65.8 2.75       31.6 3.54     16.6 45.7 58.8
                        y(m)   $(m)
  MN 18.1       MN 7.6       MN 4 Actual 0.6
  OD 181       OD 112       OD 46 proj 6.6
  OW 628       OW 386       OW 155 proj 22.3
  Gross 1245       Gross 802       Gross 326 proj 46.8
  OD/PS 2.75       OD/PS 3.5       OD/PS      
  OW/MN 34.70       OW/MN 50.8       OW/MN      
  OW/OD 3.47       OW/OD 3.45       OW/OD      
  Tot/OD 6.88       Tot/OD 7.16       Tot/OD      
  Tot/OW 1.98       Tot/OW 2.08       Tot/OW      



Edited by POTUS
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I agree with some people about "TFA was an unimaginative and uncreative movie", even Lucas felt the same, he was so upset with what Disney did to TFA, it made SW's universe look so poor. The main characters weren't well-received too. The US felt annoyed by Rey's marysue-ness, while the Chinese disliked Finn for being a weak, uncharismatic comic relief sidekick. Nostalgia is a real double-edged sword, it could give the grumpy old fans (who accept nothing but a vintage, look-exactly-like-the-original SW movie) a back-to-childhood festival, but it could also reduce the chance to gain new international fans for SW franchise.

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33 minutes ago, Ariana said:

I agree with some people about "TFA was an unimaginative and uncreative movie", even Lucas felt the same, he was so upset with what Disney did to TFA, it made SW's universe look so poor. The main characters weren't well-received too. The US felt annoyed by Rey's marysue-ness, while the Chinese disliked Finn for being a weak, uncharismatic comic relief sidekick. Nostalgia is a real double-edged sword, it could give the grumpy old fans (who accept nothing but a vintage, look-exactly-like-the-original SW movie) a back-to-childhood festival, but it could also reduce the chance to gain new international fans for SW franchise.


This is a huge overstatement. The people bitching about Rey and any "Mary Sue" stuff are a tiny minority. 

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3 hours ago, Telemachos said:


This is a huge overstatement. The people bitching about Rey and any "Mary Sue" stuff are a tiny minority. 


Indeed, the movie was exceptionally well received and the complaints were few and far in between. The idea that "the US" was annoyed about Rey has no basis in reality. The comment about Lucas being "upset" with Disney over TFA isn't true either. Going from what he has actually said and done, TFA likely isn't the movie he would have made, but he never said a bad word about it either, on the contrary. He might not have been much of a fan of making the movie such a huge callback to the OT, but that doesn't mean that he was upset with what Disney had done. There is a pretty broad range between loving something and being upset about it.

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4 hours ago, Ariana said:

I agree with some people about "TFA was an unimaginative and uncreative movie", even Lucas felt the same, he was so upset with what Disney did to TFA, it made SW's universe look so poor. The main characters weren't well-received too. The US felt annoyed by Rey's marysue-ness, while the Chinese disliked Finn for being a weak, uncharismatic comic relief sidekick. Nostalgia is a real double-edged sword, it could give the grumpy old fans (who accept nothing but a vintage, look-exactly-like-the-original SW movie) a back-to-childhood festival, but it could also reduce the chance to gain new international fans for SW franchise.


The main reactions / critique, as pointed out repeatedly to you, were about other details. In both regions.

The ones you name here were given see e.g. Mary Sue, only by a IMHO small minority.

And if looking deeper into, a lot seem to have either - to say it a bit extreme - no idea what a Mary Sue even means or missed a lot of details showing the opposite of that interpretation (not in general, but as Mary Sue in a way means general....)

Read up on what Lukas really said - especially at what date and... not even having have seen the film at that time - about what especially and so on, before believing out of context quotes, that seem to gotten changed a bit (depending on which version) to make it sound bigger. 

I really hate it when people try to change other people statements - I mean the ones who did that then in 'wanna-be-articles' aka click-baits or worse.


Your judgement of 'older fans' seems a bit biased too, as a lot of the then younger fans had pro and contra about all 7 main story films - then and today and in between. 


I still do not know what design has to do with the quality of a film or a character, but I can understand why a culture being in a high speed up into technology ... might not being into it. = not a statement about the quality, but ... like someone is not into e.g. the light / colouring of Scandinavian crime films or TV-series, as it looks so cold to them and as such do not tend to going looking out for those kind of films, but if happen to watch those, still can appreciate the other details in said example.

Edited by terrestrial
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If TFA was only popular with older people, how do you explain how it became the 11th highest ticket seller in the history of box office? (according to BOM)


No movie has ever reached such numbers without appealing to, well, basically everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:

If TFA was only popular with older people, how do you explain how it became the 11th highest ticket seller in the history of box office? (according to BOM)


No movie has ever reached such numbers without appealing to, well, basically everyone.


Let's not pretend that the attendance calculation that BOM uses (gross/average ticket price for the year) is in any way accurate for recent blockbusters.


Also, no franchise has ever built up such a fanbase over the span of 3 or 4 decades.


The Rentrak statistics for TFA's opening weekend show that it skewed heavily towards older audiences - I believe it was something like 65% of the opening weekend audience was over 25. I'll try and dig up the source.


TFA certainly didn't appeal only to older audiences, but it overindexed massively in that regard compared to other recent blockbusters (and indeed, compared to previous Star Wars films).

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12 hours ago, Telemachos said:


This is a huge overstatement. The people bitching about Rey and any "Mary Sue" stuff are a tiny minority. 


Yeah, how do you get to 936M domestically if "Mary Sue" is a big problem? You don't. Mary Sue detractors are about as big as Jedi Finn stans - in translation: few loud Internet keyboard warriors who think that they have the power to sway how studios do business. Hilarious. 

Edited by Valonqar
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5 hours ago, Ariana said:

That is the ultimate power of nostalgia and the great marketing team of Disney, people didn't feel the Christmas spirit anymore, all they could do was feel the hype and curiosity of "TFA event".

Wow, you sound bitter in your repeats...

Did someone in your surrounding ignore Christmas the way you'd like to do it?

Because last year: all people I know where capable to do both, enjoy the film and Christmas.

SE 7 did not take away anything from anyone's Christmas spirit, maybe the other way around for a very few cases, finally the family took the time to drive together to the cinemas again, doing something together, speaking about the same during the drive and meals... = pre-Christmas time can take away from the spirit, if people forget to take the time to do things together in rest mode.

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17 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

passengers presales are beyond horrible. At this rate would struggle to 100m yuan


Doesn't sound too much like a pre-sale kind of film, maybe popularity will pick up a bit after release.

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Oh man, Passengers presales are bad...won't have an OD over 10M yuan, I  thought Jlaw and Pratt have some good star power.

January before 27th will remain trash...The Spring Festival will save the day.the last 4 days over the previous 27?

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20 hours ago, keysersoze123 said:

passengers presales are beyond horrible. At this rate would struggle to 100m yuan


19 hours ago, NCsoft said:


Doesn't sound too much like a pre-sale kind of film, maybe popularity will pick up a bit after release.


17 hours ago, TigerPaw said:

Market is weak now.

100m yuan total BO or opening weekend?


3 hours ago, Olive said:

Oh man, Passengers presales are bad...won't have an OD over 10M yuan, I  thought Jlaw and Pratt have some good star power.

January before 27th will remain trash...The Spring Festival will save the day.the last 4 days over the previous 27?




It is doing really well some places.  I had hoped it would do really well there too.  It is absolutely beautiful to look at, as well.

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