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John Marston

Wednesday Box Office - (Asgard pg 17) R1 about 15, Sing 11, Ass 4.5, Pass 4.1, Moana 2.2

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3 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

pratt is a pretty limited performer honestly. some director could straighten him out like soderbergh did w/ cloons or use his small range effectively but i'd say he should try for more comedies.


Comedies would be good, but he needs better writing. Parks and Rec showed that he can do some pretty great comedy range. If he could get someone to actually deliver him good material to work with, he'd probably be a comedy superstar, which we haven't really had in a while. Trying to push him as the next action-movie man isn't the best path, IMO. I could easily see him pulling a Jim Carrey-esque run, given the chance.

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3 minutes ago, bcf26 said:

Is it now safe to say that Jennifer Lawrence and Chis Pratt are not draws?


It's been safe to say Pratt is not a draw. He is not responsible for driving the success of his two big hits. You could have swapped him with any other young/youngish actor (say Kellan Lutz, for instance) and those two films would have performed the same. 


Lawrence, on the other hand, is a bit of a draw when she is the star. Joy - a movie about a damn mop - made over $50M. She was undeniably the best thing about Silver Linings Playbook and she remains the most memorable character in American Hustle. She is firmly positioned to be the next female superstar as Hathaway and Portman have not stepped up to fill the vacuum. 


Lawrence has several big hits ahead of her while Pratt only has animated or maybe buddy cop films ahead of him once he's done with dinosaurs and spaceships.

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2 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Comedies would be good, but he needs better writing. Parks and Rec showed that he can do some pretty great comedy range. If he could get someone to actually deliver him good material to work with, he'd probably be a comedy superstar, which we haven't really had in a while. 





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Assassin's Creed had a 7.4M OD at my theatre yesterday. We have a strong geek crowd in town, which is why Warcraft was able to do mid 30's OW.


Passengers did 4.6M. Office Xmas is almost done here and did 2.6M. Rogue One did 24.8M but sing was the big surprise.


Evenings were stronger than I thought they would be. 20.6M OD.

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10 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Comedies would be good, but he needs better writing. Parks and Rec showed that he can do some pretty great comedy range. If he could get someone to actually deliver him good material to work with, he'd probably be a comedy superstar, which we haven't really had in a while. Trying to push him as the next action-movie man isn't the best path, IMO. I could easily see him pulling a Jim Carrey-esque run, given the chance.


Pratt's fantastic, and he can be REALLY funny, but I disagree that he's got great comedic range. He's great at the whole man-child nice frat-bro thing, but I've never really seen him do anything else well.


What I'd like is to see him play the bad guy in a big film. Not an irresponsible anti-hero or charming rogue, but a real villain. Its fine if he's a charming, ingratiating bad guy, but I want to see him pull off being really evil.

Edited by Wrath
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13 minutes ago, LonePirate said:


It's been safe to say Pratt is not a draw. He is not responsible for driving the success of his two big hits. You could have swapped him with any other young/youngish actor (say Kellan Lutz, for instance) and those two films would have performed the same. 


Lawrence, on the other hand, is a bit of a draw when she is the star. Joy - a movie about a damn mop - made over $50M. She was undeniably the best thing about Silver Linings Playbook and she remains the most memorable character in American Hustle. She is firmly positioned to be the next female superstar as Hathaway and Portman have not stepped up to fill the vacuum. 


Lawrence has several big hits ahead of her while Pratt only has animated or maybe buddy cop films ahead of him once he's done with dinosaurs and spaceships.


I'm not the biggest Pratt fan but Kellan Lutz?   He wouldn't have affected JW since it's dual Dino & Nostalgia power was unassailable (and how come Bryce never got any she's the biggest star in the world buzz after JW when she was the main character and the hero in the end?) but he could have seriously damaged GOTG.





Edited by TalismanRing
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If the SJWs took over everything, you're looking at a Demolition Man future.


If the Alt right took over everything, you're looking at V for Vendetta.


Currently were heading toward Idiocracy fast thanks to Brawndo (Trump) taking over.


Whoever thought the blue pill in The Matrix would be the best case scenario?




Edited by grey ghost
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3 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


I was thinking of McCarthy, but she's not quite in the realm of superstar. Her business is sustained and solid, but it isn't stratospheric, which Carrey was able to do. 


To put it another way: she's the de facto comedy star of the moment, but we're lacking a superstar. Not that I expect Pratt to become one. His current career path seems to be in more of the action leading man mold. If I was looking at someone who's more likely to build to that level, McCarthy's a possibility, though McKinnon may have a better shot because she's younger. Kevin Hart could probably make a go at it, too.

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Going back to that twist in Passengers that I've read so much about, I think Pratt, like a lot of comedic actors, could also kill in the part of someone who believes he's a charming affable well-meaning dude but is gradually revealed to be a self-centered asshole. (Think Jason Bateman in The Gift). Though he needs to have a bigger comedic filmography before he can effectively attempt that kinda subversion, I think. And, it goes without saying, a really sharp script and director. 

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6 hours ago, filmlover said:

The weight of expectations for JLaw has come partially from how quickly she's risen to the top. At the beginning of the decade, hardly anyone knew who she was. Winter's Bone was the first time she actually caught anyone's attention. After that, her next movies were supporting roles in the blockbuster X-Men: First Class and a pair of indies (The Beaver, Like Crazy) in which she played love interest to Anton Yelchin (RIP). Then The Hunger Games came along and brought her worldwide exposure before Silver Linings Playbook would solidify her status as leading lady (although to be fair, she signed on for that movie well before The Hunger Games hit since she was an 11th hour replacement for Anne Hathaway). Passengers is her big star test since most of her movies (and biggest hits) since her Oscar glory have either been continuing to work with David O. Russell (American Hustle, Joy) or were contractual obligations (Hunger Games and X-Men sequels). But the lesson here is that starpower doesn't cut it in 2016 when you have a subpar movie on your hands.

It really never has. Heck during the hpeak of the Stallone/Arnold box office wars you had Rhinestone, Cobra, Running Man, etc. At the end of the day this had a blacklist script, a seemingly very talented director, and a major co-star. It just happens.  

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5 minutes ago, pepsa said:

I think the only real draw is leonardo dicaprio, all his latest movies made over 100M, he's very well liked. Like he said him self, movies get green lit because he wants to star in it... 

Leo is a draw, but people tend to undermine how sharp his talent is for picking the kind of roles and films people will want to see him in. In the off cases he doesn't (J. Edgar, Revolutionary Road, Body of Lies), his star power hasn't meant much. I think he kind of lucked into Revenant being the success it was, due to the "give Leo an Oscar" narrative that consumed the entirety of last season's award stretch. 

Edited by MovieMan89
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6 hours ago, Beals said:

Wait...did I just read that ”Jlaw” made DOFP one of the greatest films of all time and that she was what powered THG to high grosses? Ok. No wonder the socalled stans of this woman have such a bad rep...

I am sure that being based on a huge YA franchise at the height of the YA frenzy had nothing ro do with THG success, amd I am sure that the director, special effects, action scenes and most importantly, The Xmen/Marvel brand had nothing to do with DOFP success. Nope. It was all our dear lady of the buttscratching rocks.. *facepalm*

Yep. You read it, just not well well. The idea that you try to discount what she did in the Hunger Games is laughable. But where you came up with the idea that nothing else contributed to it is your own invention. She was clearly the main reason, which is why Ross said he would not have made the film without her. Btw other than Twilight name all those gloriously successful YA franchises. Any? And the Hunger Games was certainly not a CGI fest.  


In DOFP she was the center of the entire story. That needed a big star.  

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16 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

If the SJWs took over everything, you're looking at a Demolition Man future.


If the Alt right took over everything, you're looking at V for Vendetta.


Currently were heading toward Idiocracy fast thanks to Brawndo (Trump) taking over.


Whoever thought the blue pill in The Matrix would be the best case scenario?





alt right would overturn right wing government? hmm

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2 minutes ago, straggler said:

Yep. You read it, just not well well. The idea that you try to discount what she did in the Hunger Games is laughable. But where you came up with the idea that nothing else contributed to it is your own invention. She was clearly the main reason, which is why Ross said he would not have made the film without her. Btw other than Twilight name all those gloriously successful YA franchises. Any? And the Hunger Games was certainly not a CGI fest.  


In DOFP she was the center of the entire story. That needed a big star.  


Which is why it starred and was centered around Hugh Jackman.

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