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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | May 5, 2023 | The 9th most profitable film of 2023

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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

OK, so it seems to be GOTG cast pro-Gunn and the rest of MCU anti-Gunn:thinking:


Have the other cast members dealt with him in more than passing? 


Outside of Guardians and BP I haven't pay too much attention to MCU cast.

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1 hour ago, Thanos Legion said:

Looks like Hamill and Derrickson shared the pro-reinstatement cast letter. Don’t expect much of significance to happen here until Iger’s vacation is over.

Or Iger could just toss this back in Fiege's and the  Head of Disney Studios (as opposed t the head of Disney corporation) lap  and say "Do what you think is best.".

I don't think Disney top management is really as concerned about this fuss as the fanboys are.

The whole cast situation is just venting, since no matter what, they HAVE to make GOTG 3.it's called "contractual obligation".

Edited by dudalb
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25 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

I’m pretty sure their publicists control their twitter accounts 

I am not so sure about that, given the number of show biz celebs who get themselves into trouble with their tweets.

Twitter is a PR guy's nightmare, since one of the major parts of a PR guy's job is saving their clients from themselves.




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31 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Or Iger could just toss this back in Fiege's and the  Head of Disney Studios (as opposed t the head of Disney corporation) lap  and say "Do what you think is best.".

I don't think Disney top management is really as concerned about this fuss as the fanboys are.

The whole cast situation is just venting, since no matter what, they HAVE to make GOTG 3.it's called "contractual obligation".

Alan Horn was the one that issued the statement, so either Iger already put the ball in his court or agreed with him.   


He thought The Hangover vulgar and crass and not befitting of WB as a studio  and tried to send it to VOD.  I can imagine what he thought when he read those tweets. 

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James Gunn isn't even on twitter anymore. What's the point of following him anymore?


Do I think that Disney is going to rehire Gunn? No the Mouse will stick with their shitty decision and I think the GOTG cast know that. They just want to support their friend.  Furthermore reading a lot of shit into who follows and unfollows people on social media is childish bullshit. I'm almost 34 so I don't care to act like a 15 year old.

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9 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

probably just won't throw out the script that Gunn finished. get some game of thrones guy or whoever to execute it.

imo it's more believable that disney wasn't crazy about his script he turned in anyways and thus found it easy to cut him loose when a convenient controversy arose. 

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BoxOfficeTheory's favorite analyst Grace Randolph with the final word on James Gunn:



To summary, you don't come back from pedophilia, he's not coming back to Disney, and if the cast writes another impotent letter, keeping this in the news, the Mouse is going to drop the hammer on them. 

  • Haha 1
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