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Obi-Wan Kenobi | Disney+

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5 minutes ago, Knights of Ren said:
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I see people already bitching about Vader not walking through the fire to finish him.  Vader want's Obi Wan to suffer just like he did when he was left to burn.  The droid assisting Obi Wan is a direct correlation to Vader needing assisted on Mustafar in ROTS.  



Oh yes, I knew people would complain about that.


But, like, seemed to me that Vader was, if not toying with him, then not going all out.  From Vader's POV stringing this encounter out and coming at him again is perfectly in character.  Especially since he probably feels he could finish this at any time.


In a way, Kenobi not putting up much of a fight here helps with the Vader showdown as he doesn't fear Kenobi anymore.  In his mind he's already established his superiority and all that's left is the inevitable-as-the-sunset mop up.




Hmmmm..  It's like arrogance is a defining trait of both Anakin and Vader or sumthin'. 


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Also having a very small presence on social media continues to be a blessing. As you both point it it is so easy to explain the actions of the characters, people just need to have some patience. 


Then again there are Star Wars "fans" out there who hate a character due to her skin colour, so maybe I'm expecting too much of some people. 

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Very good episode 8/10

Direction and pacing and VFx was way better here.


Dialogue was still Abit clunky but overall a little better.


Reeva was better and serviceable  and the scene with her at the end was quite chilling. The first two episodes she was overstraining herself .


Obi wan was great as usual .


Vader was good but some scenes just felt a little overkill. 
 His scenes in rogue one are still way better and he is more intimidating.


The only negative thing for me in this episode is leia . She was charming in the first two  episodes but in this episode something was off. She felt like extra baggage in this  episode.
 Honestly her at aldeeran was much more interesting tbh.


Will elaborated more on what I liked and some minor nitpicks but overall Really good episode.

Edited by Liiviig 1998
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This episode was probably my favourite of all the Disney+ episodes of any Star Wars series they done till now.


Yeah. I loved it.



Completely agree with @Porthos on Obi-Wans mental state. I love that we see Darth Vaders younger, more ferocious and vengefull side. This man is pissed about burning alive in Lava and you FELT that in this episode. He doesnt want Obi-Wan to just die, he wants him to suffer the way he suffered and that comes across extremely well.


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Don't know if I would go as far as others, but definitely a strong episode. 


Vader and Obi-Wan meeting again was great, and of course Vader was chilling throughout. I agree that Reva worked much better in this episode as a secondary antagonist. The tension felt much more organic.

My only gripe now is why the John Williams themes are being so underplayed in this show, but overall really good. 

Edited by Menor Reborn
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What I liked about the obi wan /vader fight it wasn't so over the top and glossy. You can clearly see the mental state of obi wan,he has lost his swagger,his confused ,terrified and rusty he can barely hold his own against  vader. 

You can see the emo vader who just wants bloody revenge. He is not cool as composed as OT vader yet .

A nitpick, wasn't fan of him just murdering and torturing those civilians at random. It had"Muh look he's so evil" vibes . 
Using them as bait to lure kenobi or  torturing to get info  out would have made more sense.

Torturing and killing is a vader thing to do but it felt so random.


Like we are going to new locations now . 

Also liked the tala character ,she is interesting let's see what they do with her going forward. 


Yeah living baby leia to find the pilot on her own ,not a good plan,could have been written skittle better.


Episode was well paced and felt more functional,one of my pet peeves with mando is how it's plot is filled with lots of side quests and lots of plot points barely get time to breath.


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5 hours ago, Liiviig 1998 said:
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A nitpick, wasn't fan of him just murdering and torturing those civilians at random. It had"Muh look he's so evil" vibes . 
Using them as bait to lure kenobi or  torturing to get info  out would have made more sense.

Torturing and killing is a vader thing to do but it felt so random.




Isn't that exactly what he is doing here?

He already felt Obi-Wan's presence. That's why he dragged that man outside, because he thought Obi-Wan wouldn't look away. And he was right. While Obi-Wan didn't actively interfere, he couldn't stay away either. It's a mix of two things: either Obi-Wan will come out to prevent the torture, in which case Vader can face him, or Obi-Wan has to look on as people are suffering, which weakens him mentally and suggests that he doesn't dare to face Vader.



Overall I thought the episode was pretty good. Though not really a step up from the last one. Right now I would put part 2 ahead.



- Was it my tv or was there something off with the audio early on?

I could barely understand what Leia was saying, to the point that I had to activate subtitles. It's only when they entered the transport that it worked better for me.


- I thought the face-off between Vader and Obi-Wan was fine, but not really more than that. Visually it wasn't particularly impressive. And yes, it was obvious that this was supposed to be more of a setup than the actual fight between the two, that's not really a part I have an issue with.


- I also didn't quite understand the tunnel-system. How did Reva reach the place before Leia, even though she was minutes behind?


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I was a bit more tepid towards this episode. I'm liking the story and character dynamics enough. 


For me the central set peice was ultimately let down by the limitations of being a TV show. The coverage was all very unspecific and limited. The location was like when people go make a Star Wars fan film on a random patch of empty land. And there's only so many times you can watch Ewan McGregor awkwardly run in and out of frame. 


Mando S2 showed that you can do these things right (especially with Sam Hargrave at the helm of second unit) but this felt like a step backwards. 


Thinking I would have preferred a movie. 


Edited by FilmFincher
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Yep I can definitely agree with that criticism.  It’s the same issue The Mandalorian has with “The Tragedy” episode.  The set location looked like they were in the hills of California instead of an actual planet in Star Wars.  So it made it feel very fan filmy at times. 

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I thought episode 3 was a letdown, personally. I dunno it's just the direction and writing that I think were bad, feels like cheap TV, and



"you should have killed me when you had the chance" REALLY??!! lmao pitiful dialogue


H o w e v e r . . .


FUCK the people who bully the actress who plays Reva. Regardless of what you think of her performance, there is no legitimate reason for bullying an actress like that. Bunch of racist babies.


Also, I have zero notion of Clones Wars / Rebels, so all the backstory/background info is totally unknown to me (so no bias here in terms of established material), and I just absolutely do not see how Reva's character can be problematic? Like what are people seeing that I'm not? She's totally fine for the role. Not great, not bad, fine. Are they mad because she replaces somebody? I don't get it.

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Though i thought the direction was a little better, direction as a whole especially on the technical side has been one of the weak points.

Lots of weird editing choices in the fights too.,even the darth obi sequence.


Leia chase scene in episode 1 was pretty bad and made me chuckle quite Abit.

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I have not watched it yer, will catch up with it this weekend.

But one criticism I am hearing from friends who have seen it is that some of the SFX is tacky. which, if true would be a surprise, since you think Disney would want to go first class in production values for this series, which has been very heavily hyped. Cut the budgets for other shows if necessary, but for something this anticipated, don't cut corners.

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Writing wise... This is worse than Boba Fett so far, this is just being saved by the fan service which it's not even done right... I don't agree with fans anger against the cast but I can see why are people not liking another beloved hero turned into depression and being unable to do anything that made him great, they already lived that in the sequels.


For some reason they are giving so many weird scenes to Reva, it's like they are trying to make her cool but ends being the opposite, the over the top parkour, screaming at al sloooow ship in front of her, etc.


For every good scene there are 3 bad... Leia character is good BUT she being kidnapped or has a cringy chase scene every 5 minutes like come on.


It seems Mandalorian has no competition when it comes to SW series.

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