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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (and The Star and Wonder) WEEKEND THREAD | PREMIUM ACCOUNT SALE NOW LIVE | Weekend Actuals ~ JL 93.84M, W 27.54M, T:R 21.66M, DH2 14.43M, MOTOE 13.80M, TS 9.81M

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4 minutes ago, Orestes said:

Nah, the quality of a movie, especially big movies like this, rarely has anything to do with a films OW. It comes down to marketing, if the movie is a sequel, to how the previous movie was received. This pretty much proves that BvS was basically despised by the GA.

Every time anyone said that BvS was despised you had someone jumping on them and saying that it was beloved because of IMDB and it's RT audience score. Yes these numbers absolutely prove that the movie was disliked by a lot of people. The atrocious 1.99 multiplier proved that as well of course.

Edited by Zakiyyah6
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I think what we are learning is that making an inter-connected universe on the big screen, like the one that exists in the comics, is not easy at all. What Disney/Marvel has done is absolutely amazing. Kevin Feige has done an outstanding job. Warner Bros is showing us how hard it really is.

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1 minute ago, grey ghost said:

@EmpireCity  has been giving the lowest OW predicts for JL for weeks.


He's been saying under 115 m OW for JL for a while.


Did I miss something?







That isn't exactly true.  I have been saying since late October that the presales looked terrible and indicative of opening to what the $115m tracking said.  Even with that I chickened out and still said I thought it would pick up and open to $150m because it was hard to imagine a Justice League movie opening below Suicide Squad.  


I lowered to $130m earlier this week, then $125m if it was lucky.  Should have gone with the tracking and presales.  

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5 hours ago, KJsooner said:

Brainiac was telling us all month long JL was going to ‘destroy TR’s leg.’ Well, that’s not going to happen. 



Well Thor is projected to take a 64%(20mil from 57mil) fall this weekend it just JL is underperforming.


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6 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Every time anyone said that BvS was despised you had someone jumping on them and saying that it was beloved because of IMDB and it's RT audience score. Yes these numbers absolutely prove that the movie was disliked by a lot of people. The atrocious 1.99 multiplier proved that as well of course.



Do you realize we are going to deal with Justice League being called an underrated masterpiece until the Next DC film? 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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18 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

Guardians of The Galaxy which was pretty much an unknown brand 3 years ago passed 800 million.


Wonder Women a film that many doubted for years and years passed Civil War domestically and 800 million worldwide.


Third Version of Spiderman in 15 years passed 800 million


Thor 3 which was a sequel to one of the most disliked Marvel films passed 800 million.


Logan which is a sequel to many mediocre recent wolverine films was a smashing success and likely a future comic book classic.



Yet JL underperforming is a systemic problem??? 





A movie that had a 300 million production budget (total releasing costs will push 850 million) that is the foundation of the multi-billion DCEU is going to open under 100m. If you think that it is just some sort of aberration that will not significantly affect DCEU, DC Comics, and Warner Brothers at large, then well I hope you don't do your own taxes. This amount of money lost will roll heads and change the entire genre.

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19 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:

There's not-so-subtle deflection/projection at work here..."JL may fail right now but...but...but MCU will fail too next year! CBM fatigue y'all!".

Deflection/Projection should be added as an extra stage in the grief stages for the CBM crazed crowd.

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2 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

I wish EC said his review of Justice League in the thread.  Imagine the chaos.  The destruction of the thread.  It'd be BEAUTIFUL.

I didn't have the balls because of last time.  The best I could muster was "It's fine" and that it would make money.  

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2 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

Well Thor is projected to take a 64%(20mil from 57mil) fall this weekend it just JL is underperforming.


This is what deflection looks like. I’m sure the WB execs are talking about Thor 3 dropping 64% in its third weekend and not about how their response to the Avengers is a disaster of epic proportions 

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1 minute ago, Lordmandeep said:



Do you realize we are going to deal with Justice League being called an underrated masterpiece until the Next DC film? 

Really hoping since JL opened so low it doesn't manage to beat TR's multi or you just know we'll be hearing from some about how much better JL's WOM was. Nevermind the OW differences.


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