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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (and The Star and Wonder) WEEKEND THREAD | PREMIUM ACCOUNT SALE NOW LIVE | Weekend Actuals ~ JL 93.84M, W 27.54M, T:R 21.66M, DH2 14.43M, MOTOE 13.80M, TS 9.81M

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1 minute ago, Brainiac5 said:

The conversation between me and the other was about me saying all week JL was gonna cut into Thor legs and that’s what I responded to.

Theres no defense for the Domestic market from me as far as opening goes but we do have to see the legs and actuals.

It's pretty early to already be saying TR dropped 64% this weekend. Deadline's math seems pretty wonky since it already had a better jump than DS's 3rd Friday. The low end of their Friday range gives it 22m if it follows DS and the high end gives it 24.5. So not sure where -64% is coming from. 

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2 minutes ago, Orestes said:

Thor had been dominating social media talk long before reviews hit, and it started when the teaser trailer dropped out of nowhere and knocked many socks off.




Oh yeah. People were shitting on those social media numbers for MONTHS.


Guess they didn't mean nothing after all :ph34r:

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OW predictions in the winter game:


JJ-8: 173.5M

ZeeSoh: 170M

Alfred: 166M

Fancyarcher: 165M

Kalo: 165M

kayumanggi: 165M

Spaghetti: 165M

YourMother: 165M

Chasmmi: 162M

bcf26: 160M

DamienRoc: 160M

glassfairy: 155M

sakskidz: 155M

That One Guy: 155M

Empire: 154M

damnitgeorge08: 150M

The Panda: 150M

Simionski: 150M

WrathOfHan: 150M

aabattery: 145.69M

Telemachos: 145M

TalismanRing: 140M

Wrath: 135M

grey ghost: 115M


@grey ghost is the only user that won't lose points, but if it opens under 95M, the only points he's getting are the bonus ones for being the closest. 

Edited by WrathOfHan
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5 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

My review to avoid idiot fanboys was "It's fine".  


The real review was it fucking suuuuuuuuucked.  

Oh fuck yeah. 


I say this as a MoS/BvS UC lover, I really didn't like it. I really really really didn't like it. 


I wanted to but just couldn't.


I'm sorry for every mean thing I said about or to you. I was just in denial but now I can say that I VEHEMENTLY DON'T LIKE IT.

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2 minutes ago, cookie said:

BvS and Justice League are both art movies that the simple-minded public just couldn't grasp. Everyone knows that.


People can like any film but the utter defiant defence of BvS against overwhelming negative response, always boggled my mind.


Like I wonder would Star Wars, HP, LOTR, Marvel and etc fans would defend a film as vigorously with the same quality as Batman vs Superman. 

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5 minutes ago, Lestranger said:


That is objectively not true. Thor's stellar reviews had nothing to do with how it did on OW? If JL had a 95% rating on RT a week ago, you still think it would do less than 100m.

What make it hard, is that often that 95% RT will be correlated with the marketing, Thor had great trailers, JL not so much, when you achieve a great trailer from a terrible movie (Suicide Squad) it still open like crazy.


Pre-sales JL were already bad before the RT score (and vice versa about every metric about Thor being really good before the reviews)


It is really hard to isolate RT effect on movies like those (versus say the smaller movie that get over 90 on metacritic/Baby Driver type that seem more obvious)

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19 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

None of these movies should ever see the light of day at least not until the DC Universe has matured to a point of doing spinoffs:

1. Nightwing

2. Batgirl

3. Joker solo

4. Joker vs Harley

5. Black Adam

I 100% disagree...I think Batman probably needs the time off, and Nightwing is the Spider-man of the DC universe in pretty much all ways, including being the guy every hero (and villain) teams with and the guy every hero (and villain) literally loves...


Maybe instead of that Flashpoint movie, they should do a rethink and have the Flash head over to Bludhaven and make a new best friend...we already know Nightwing's around since Jason Todd, as Robin, is dead and Dick Grayson wasn't living in the manor...




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3 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Name one comic book movie during the last five years that had reviews as bad as JL's that managed to have good legs?


But reviews for this seem to be different than audience reaction.

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Just now, Barnack said:

What make it hard, is that often that 95% RT will be correlated with the marketing, Thor had great trailers, JL not so much, when you achieve a great trailer from a terrible movie (Suicide Squad) it still open like crazy.


Pre-sales JL were already bad before the RT score (and vice versa about every metric about Thor being really good before the reviews)


It is really hard to isolate RT effect on movies like those (versus say the smaller movie that get over 90 on metacritic/Baby Driver type that seem more obvious)


Which is precisely why it is incorrect to say that the quality and critical reception of a film will not affect the OW. 

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