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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (and The Star and Wonder) WEEKEND THREAD | PREMIUM ACCOUNT SALE NOW LIVE | Weekend Actuals ~ JL 93.84M, W 27.54M, T:R 21.66M, DH2 14.43M, MOTOE 13.80M, TS 9.81M

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Just now, ZeeSoh said:

From Rth in the international thread. Assuming it opens to 95 million and manages 2.5 legs it gets to 237. 


OS if it opens to 180 would need 2.78x to get to 500 OS. For reference I think Thor is gonna manage a 2.45-2.5 legs to a final OS total of 540. I find it hard to believe JL will have better legs than Thor in OS markets. But even if we give Thor's 2.5 multi to JL eill get JL to 450 OS. 


Combine 240 Dom with 450 OS means a 690 total. There is a chance this could miss 700m WW and come under IT worldwide


I love it (and It).


This is a trainwreck of epic proportions. This goes beyond any silly rivalry between fans and critics, it goes beyond any excuses. This is a disaster for eternity.

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3 minutes ago, Deathlife said:

Folks are talking about an Ultimate Cut of JL.


Honestly that sounds crazy, it's like WB is releasing DLC after their badly received movies open. All that's left is micro-transactions.


This reminded me of that film 'The Devil Inside', where the ending was just a link to a website where you could find out the actual ending.


Still made 100m WW...

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12 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Still, I’d rather not support it. 

Makes sense, absolutely, and I'm not saying you're wrong for doing it.


But I like I said in my late edit of the post you quoted, to me, I can only find trouble separating art from artist in very peculiar and uncomfortably close to real life scenarios (like Woody Allen directing Manhattan, or Luc Besson helming Léon/The Professional). In Spacey's case, off the top of my head, American Beauty might be his only widely recognized film I will have trouble watching knowing what we know about him today. BD wouldn't really be that movie. Yes, it has come out that he supposedly was behaving like a douche, but... I can't say that alone destroys my enjoyment of the movie. It's extremely distracting, I get that, but it doesn't kill my desire to watch it.


But again, to each their own, and if you feel that way, I completely respect (and understand) your beliefs.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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3 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

From Rth in the international thread. Assuming it opens to 95 million dom and manages 2.5 legs it gets to 237. 


OS if it opens to 180 then it would need 2.78x to get to 500 OS. For reference I think Thor is gonna manage a 2.45-2.5 legs to a final OS total of 540. I find it hard to believe JL will have better legs than Thor in OS markets. But even if we give Thor's 2.5 multi to JL it will get JL to 450 OS. 


Combine 240 Dom with 450 OS means a 690 total. There is a chance this could miss 700m WW and come under IT worldwide

Deadline sources set the break even at 700-750m :whosad:

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2 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

To you, literally any excuse works for you to convince yourself that Justice League is actually doing well and that your (at a certain point in time surprisingly smart, but now absolutely doomed to be crushed) WB wins 2017 club still stands a chance, right?


No. 95M is the furthest thing from good for a sequel to a movie that opened to 248M and the direct franchise followup to a spin-off prequel that made 155M OW. Just like 95M isn't anything close to good for a movie that's supposed to be the culmination of sorts of a franchise composed of the following grosses: 115 (or 128) M OW and 291M DOM; 166M OW and 330M DOM; 133M OW and 325M DOM; 103M OW and 413M DOM. See what they all have in common? They ALL opened over 100M. And they were the movies that were building to Justice League. This is like if the 1st seven Harry Potter movies did really well, but then Deathly Hallows: Part 2 massively underperformed.


95M is a lot of money, no question. But a lot of money =/= a good opening. And it's not objectively good for a 300M budgeted blockbuster that Warner Bros. has been building for 5 years - hell, more than that, actually, when you really think about it - and whose franchise predecessors all opened above 100M. Hell, Wonder Woman, a solo origin story that had to fight off the shitty reactions to BVS and Suicide Squad, opened to over 100. Fucking Thor: Ragnarok - the threequel to Thor, the lesser of the main Avengers trio - and the 2nd Spider-Man reboot in a decade opened to over 100M as well. Yet.... Justice League, the DC Avengers, can't even get past that on opening weekend? Get outta here if you're really that delusional that it's a good opening (or just a troll, I don't know).


If we call JL an "abysmal" or "atrocious" opening, what do we call how Mars Needs Moms or John Carter opened? Supercalifragilistically Abysmal?

WB/DC hating causes a lot of hysteria/hyperbole around here, and someone needs to maintain  a proper perspective.  This reminds me of the BvS "legs" hysteria of last year. Reading the BvS posts, you'd think it was a Heaven's Gate level flop when in fact WB reportedely netted a $100m profit on the film.


Crazy talk ... :sadno:

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1 minute ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

. In Spacey's case, off the top of my head, American Beauty might be his only widely recognized film I will have trouble watching knowing what we know about him today. BD wouldn't really be that movie.




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37 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

Pretty sure he's already jumped ship extra-officially. It's sad really, I quite liked his Batman but that's what it is, I hope the next Batman actor does great as well. I  hope they keep the next Batman movie tied to the DCU though, even if just very faintly but enough so that we could still get another Justice League movie a few years down the road with this cast(sans Affleck, obviously) cause I really enjoyed them together and separately as well, specially this Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.


That would all be in a relatively distant future though, obviously. Time to focus on the solo movies.

I'm sure the next Batman will be connected to the larger DCEU. It'll just be "solo films" for the film time being. Probably for the best really. 

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4 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

i liked baby driver but my crazy take that i haven't bothered posting since i saw it is that the car chase sequences are just kinda ok. not that special or interesting to me. i remember i watched the driver the night before maybe that was a mistake, the car chases in that are incredible and visceral.


The Driver is rad. Real solid stuff.

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1 hour ago, RichWS said:

I'm still a bit flummoxed by the rapturous response Baby Driver received. I mean I understand why it did, but it feels like one of those golden movies to everybody else and I'm off to the side thinking, "I have some issues!"


Nope, you're not alone. At the end of the movie, I was like "So that's it"? :WHATanabe:


(And I didn't like nor got attached to any character, I mean they're all pretty much a bunch of smug thieving assholes, starting with Ethan Hunt's bae who I found bland as hell and have a hard time buying into his character. When Jon Hamm turned into The Terminator, I just totally tuned out. I still don't know why Jon Bernthal was like 30 seconds in it. 2 Jons playing roughly the same character? Too much I guess. The feminine characters were just swooning baby dolls. Lest we speak of Kevin Spacey...)


The only moments I got slightly engaged in are the main titles "musical" sequence (Too bad the movie does barely lives up to that introduction) and "I moved" scene when the odd music choice (Blur's Intermission and Focus' Hocus Pocus) synched to the editing produces something interesting and truly out of left field. The rest I could care less, I didn't find it groundbreaking or "instant cult-ish" like it was sold. I know I was supposed to love it like the Cornetto trilogy (I'm one of those that loved The World's End) but I was reduced to merely a shrug.



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2 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


If we call JL an "abysmal" or "atrocious" opening, what do we call how Mars Needs Moms or John Carter opened? Supercalifragilistically Abysmal?

WB/DC hating causes a lot of hysteria/hyperbole around here, and someone needs to maintain  a proper perspective.  This reminds me of the BvS "legs" hysteria of last year. Reading the BvS posts, you'd think it was a Heaven's Gate level flop when in fact WB reportedely netted a $100m profit on the film.


Crazy talk ... :sadno:

And rabid DC fanboyism makes you guys think erratically. This is an awful opening, abysmal and there is no spinning it to say otherwiise. The suits at are freaking out right about now.

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5 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:







I still stand by the movie, though. :ph34r:


@SteveJaros I didn't call it abysmal, I said it wasn't good by any stretch of the imagination. And it reeeeaally isn't. It doesn't matter how much you spin it: for the type of movie that JL is and the performance of its franchise predecessors, sub-100M OW is just the pits.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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If we dont distinguish between art and artists, id say we would need to destroy every copy of nearly every movie ever. Baby Driver is pure greatness and i really dont care that much that Spacey is in it, though his scenes and the "balls" line feel very different now ofc.

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2 minutes ago, Bishop54 said:

And rabid DC fanboyism makes you guys think erratically. This is an awful opening, abysmal and there is no spinning it to say otherwiise. The suits at are freaking out right about now.

If they actually lose money on it, heads will roll. The idea of a Justice League movie in 2017 losing money shouldn't even be a possibility. 

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37 minutes ago, Shawn said:

Just heard from a friend saying there are about 10 people at his screening right now.


On a Saturday afternoon at a movie tailor made for kids with three of the most popular comic book characters in history.




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7 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


If we call JL an "abysmal" or "atrocious" opening, what do we call how Mars Needs Moms or John Carter opened? Supercalifragilistically Abysmal?

WB/DC hating causes a lot of hysteria/hyperbole around here, and someone needs to maintain  a proper perspective.  This reminds me of the BvS "legs" hysteria of last year. Reading the BvS posts, you'd think it was a Heaven's Gate level flop when in fact WB reportedely netted a $100m profit on the film.


Crazy talk ... :sadno:

You think WB was happy with a 100m profit? They were expecting BvS to gross 1b+. And they will almost certainly be taking a write down on JL.

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3 hours ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

It might open to half of the last film that featured Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. How is that objectively good?


Objective means "on its own terms". Even for a movie that cost $250m, a $95m opening weekend is pretty good. It's not great, but it's nowhere near a disaster.


By your logic, if i won $10m in  a lottery tomorrow i shouldn't feel good about it, because hell, that pales in comparison to the $50m someone else won the week before. 

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Just now, SteveJaros said:


Objective means "on its own terms". Even for a movie that cost $250m, a $95m opening weekend is pretty good. It's not great, but it's nowhere near a disaster.


By your logic, if i won $10m in  a lottery tomorrow i shouldn't feel good about it, because hell, that pales in comparison to the $50m someone else won the week before. 

Well it cost $300m first of all. 


And just, no.

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10 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


If we call JL an "abysmal" or "atrocious" opening, what do we call how Mars Needs Moms or John Carter opened? Supercalifragilistically Abysmal?

Umm, epic bombs?  Once in a lifetime disasters?  Castastrophic failures?  Absolute trainwrecks?


Just b/c we've had some more epic disasters, that doesn't mean JL's opening weekend wasn't bad.  It's a bad OW - its future legs are now about a mitigation of how bad, not a celebration of how good...and I say that as a supers fan not beholden to any company or fight:)...You can't have this high a budget and open this low without it being a problem opening...I mean even if some Sat/Sun recovery gets this movie maybe struggling into the low 100s (at best - I'm not expecting that with the power the 2 other premier openers are having with families today)...that's not good any way it's spun...

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