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4-day Weekend Thread: 5-day numbers per BOM - TLJ 99.0M, J:WTTJ 55.4M, PP3 26.4M, TGS 14.4M, F 10.1M, C 8.2M, D 7.7M and an incredible $5,480,000 for Father Figures

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1 minute ago, NoLegMan said:

I was referring to movies you listed, JL won't make more profit than TLJ, the third planet of the apes underperformed, Batman Lego was fine it made a lot of profit, Transformers did as well. You added, did Alien Covenant even make profit?

I originally listed the 3 biggest franchises of 2017

DM3, FF8 and SW8.

The other ones may or may not make profits, but these are smaller franchises (in terms of box office revenues).

True SW8 will make much bigger profits than them, but its audience did not come back for SW8 as much as they came back for DM3 or FF8, which is an alarming sign for future sequels.

Plus am not sure if SW8 will be more proftable than something like DM3 or FF8 (which had lower expenses including marketing) and will probably both beat SW8 overseas along with BATB. Maybe even BATB will be more profitable or on par with SW8, not sure. But the retention rates don't look good. 

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2 minutes ago, MinaTakla said:

I originally listed the 3 biggest franchises of 2017

DM3, FF8 and SW8.

The other ones may or may not make profits, but these are smaller franchises (in terms of box office revenues).

True SW8 will make much bigger profits than them, but its audience did not come back for SW8 as much as they came back for DM3 or FF8, which is an alarming sign for future sequels.

Plus am not sure if SW8 will be more proftable than something like DM3 or FF8 (which had lower expenses including marketing) and will probably both beat SW8 overseas along with BATB. Maybe even BATB will be more profitable or on par with SW8, not sure. But the retention rates don't look good. 

Ff8 budget would be similar or more than sw8.

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Ho Ho Ho.


I bring you seasonal greetings and the biggest turkeys EVER!!!!


Can it be true?


Go here: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/


TLJ's only record is this:


The largest single dollar amount drop from weekend to weekend OF ALL TIME!!!!! $151M


And at time of writing ESTIMATES place the movie at $791M world wide after 11 days???? It hasn't broken even yet!!!!


It will be interesting to see the ACTUALS.


It will be interesting to see its weekend to weekend graph!!!!


Even more interesting will be this coming weekend's numbers!!!!


This movie might not even make it to $1B world wide!!!


Let's rub some salt into this turkey.


With estimated costs at $800M (and rising due to additional damage control marketing) those fingers stuck in before this movie debuted might be forced to put their slices back to keep it afloat.


I mean we are talking about a movie whose OW numbers should have been at least $50 M more than they were (based on ticket price inflation and historical trends).


Of course... the movie is atrocious (something that was not foreseen by myself) and it is plummeting at the box office. The incredible thing is by how much and how fast. And this thing has to sit in theaters for FOUR WEEKS! You know I walked past a marquee IMAX theater in these parts showcasing a very lonely looking Last Jedi promotional gate thing. No one is buying tickets.


Anyway getting back on topic... $27M for Christmas Day!!!!


Isn't that actually pretty bad? I mean in a week's time - box office figures for this movie will drop off dramatically, as in almost flat-line.


$1.1 Billion world wide is within reach, but ... shouldn't this movie be doing that DOMESTICALLY? I mean if it was a decent movie of course.


Can you believe this movie might not make it past 2012's Marvel's Avengers?


It might not even make it past Rogue One!!!!!


And guess what. For the first time in 40 or so years... I have no interest in watching the next Star Wars movie.


Perhaps these people will learn that composing insults (to "fans") isn't a profitable enterprise.





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2 minutes ago, MinaTakla said:

I originally listed the 3 biggest franchises of 2017

DM3, FF8 and SW8.

The other ones may or may not make profits, but these are smaller franchises (in terms of box office revenues).

True SW8 will make much bigger profits than them, but its audience did not come back for SW8 as much as they came back for DM3 or FF8, which is an alarming sign for future sequels.

Plus am not sure if SW8 will be more proftable than something like DM3 or FF8 (which had lower expenses including marketing) and will probably both beat SW8 overseas along with BATB. Maybe even BATB will be more profitable or on par with SW8, not sure. But the retention rates don't look good. 

I just don't think it's a fair comparison, TFA made 2B world wide it's retention rate was expected to be down, it was one of the most successful films of all time and even over performed. I would be more curious about the retention rate for E9.

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6 minutes ago, NoLegMan said:

I just don't think it's a fair comparison, TFA made 2B world wide it's retention rate was expected to be down, it was one of the most successful films of all time and even over performed. I would be more curious about the retention rate for E9.

FF7 made a considerably huge 1.5B too and look at its 2017 retention rate with FF8: an impressive 1.24B (81%).

The reason? It fell hashly domestic (230m vs 350m) but the overseas success (1B OS! for FF8 vs 1.1B OS for FF7) is what made the retention rate that strong. Same with DM3 vs Minions. DM3 fell 21% domestically (which SW8 won't match) but OS helped it achieve this great 89% retention.

In both cases, FF8 and DM3's OS retention was almost close to 93%. 

Point is: if the OS audiences supported SW8 and came back for it just as they did with other franchises, we would have been looking at perhaps a 650 + 900 = 1.55B which would have been an acceptable 75% retention for SW8.

Edited by MinaTakla
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3 minutes ago, junkshop36 said:


Thats what I’ve been saying since I first saw the movie. 


I dont understand why so many fans feel that none of these OT characters can ever change and that going through some traumatic event wouldn’t affect them in any way shape or form. 


Also, what do people think was going to happen when this trilogy was over? Can’t go into spoiler in here but I hate to tell people, shit was going to start changing anyway. If not in TLJ then probably in 9. Either way the changes were coming sooner rather than later. 

Think Star Wars might be different from Marvel/comic books in the sense that the latter fanbase are used to rebooting/reworking of the character.


Disney were too greedy, not that you can blame them this time around, but the existing IP and its popularity comes from the old characters.


They should have left them alone, and created new ones. That would probably test the actual popularity of the brand, but you're right in questioning the fanbase for its logic.


I think a good analogy would be Harry Potter. Massive fanbase, based off the books. 


If they released a new universe but 50 years into Harry Potter's future, I would think the brand would suffer too. This is because I don't think people really like their heroes, especially the same one (not a rebooted one), to not have their happy ending. 


I will only watch Jedi when it reaches HV, but I saw TFA and I can say, without even being much of a SW fan, that I thought it was stupid to resurrect Luke/Leia/Han and had them learn nothing whatsoever from the OT (and even from what we would presume they know from the PT). To me, as an outsider, it already reeked of the "cash-grab" sequel mindset. (For those pedants, who will say crap like "everything is a cash-grab, just GTFO and learn what the term is considered to mean and don't bother responding.)


Perhaps, that's not what the fanbase thinks, but I certainly feel the extension of storyline to characters considered "closed" only to ruin what they stood for (see: HP in Harry Potter & the Cursed Child) makes people disappointed and angry. I'm a HP fan, and even though JKR gave that play her blessing, it was blasphemously bad in misunderstanding existing characters. This is a feeling that is easily transferrable to any beloved property as it is emotional and psychological factors in play. 

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2 hours ago, Christmas baumer said:

I worked all day today...boxing day sales make people crazy.  I was an hour and 45 minutes late getting back to the garage tonight (I drive bus for the city for those who don't know) because the malls were fucking packed with idiots after cheap TVs and I-phones.  Fuck I hate consumerism sometimes.


So this is my first time in 2 days I've been able to type something out not using my phone, so forgive me if this is long winded.


Star Wars is obviously and unequivocally suffering from back lash.  This is not the Star Wars many people wanted to see and the numbers are proving it.  i don't care if 600 million is a good number.  With it opening to 220 million, it should have cleared 700 without breaking a sweat.  A 55% CD bump when when 6 other films in the top ten increased by more than 100%, is horrible.  And it has the worst increase in the top ten.  There's no getting around this.  There are many people who are massively disappointed in the movie and it's not just a bunch of loser Star Wars nerds.  If you want to call me and @filmnerdjamie and @Jay Hollywood loser Star Wars nerds, then I think you are barking up the wrong tree.


Someone mentioned that Clones fell sharply from Menace.  The difference is Menace was not as well received as TFA was and Clones still had a 3.77 multiplier coming off one of the biggest opening weekends of all time at that point.


Someone also mentioned that Christmas time is more of a time for films to spread their grosses around because of the shopping and the parties and the family stuff and all that bullshit.  We've already covered that if the film has enough spark to it, it will be the fire that brings the December crowds out.  TFA did it and so did R1.  This one is keeping the crowds at home.  After opening to 220 million, it's second weekend isn't going to even double Jumanji's OW and then to make it even more telling, Jumanji has a CD that is only 8 million less than TLJ.  


I don't know how you look at this any other way.  The film has left many disappointed and the wom is keeping people away.  You can't blame the calendar or Christmas day or the northern lights or aliens or Bigfoot.  After opening to 220 million, it has disappointed every day since.  


The problem is this film took too many risks and in the process it alienated the fans who have been making Lucasfilm billions of dollars over the last 40 years.  I hate that I disliked a SW film.  I didn't think it was possible....didn't think I would ever be able to watch a SW film and truly not only not love it but not even like it all that much.


It's not that making 600 million and say 1.3 billion world wide is bad, it's obviously not.  It's that it should have made much more if it was anywhere as liked as the last one.  


Do I think Rian Johnson is going to be fired from his SW trilogy?  Nope.


Do I think Disney is upset with the film he made?  Nope.


Do I think this film is horrible?  Nope.




Do I think JJ is coming on board to get things back on track?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think Disney is going to pay attention to the hundreds of millions of dollars that were left on the table?    Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think this movie should have and could have been so much better?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think they got a little too cute and a little too cocky and just figured they could make any bullshit fucking film and we'd all come running like Pavlov's dogs at the dinner bell?  Fuckin A I do.


Fan service is not a bad thing.  Some people make it out to be.  But we the fans are what fuels this series.  We the fans (at least in NA) spend more money on this franchise than any franchise in the history of film, so why would you make a film simply for yourself and not for us?  That makes no fucking sense at all whatsoever.


And to those of you who are thumping their chests saying that you knew it would only 600 and so on, keep in mind, when the opening weekend number came out, none of you were anywhere to be found.  But then when the weekday numbers came in, like cockroaches scattering in the light, you all came out in full force.  So you didn't call it at all.  Because the film defied all of your expectations and had the second highest opening weekend of all time and with a normal shitty December multiplier, this would have made 700 with ease. 


So do I think they need to fix some of what they messed up?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


As I've mentioned before...the first time I saw it I borderline hated it.

The second time I liked it more and tried to convince myself that it was a good film.

The third time I saw I realized that all the things I disliked the first time were still there the third time.  


So for me, I need my Star Wars back.  Those of you who liked or loved it, I'm happy for you.  Honestly.  I'm glad you got something out of it.  But for guys like filmnerdjamie and Jay Hollywood and me, #notmystarwars.

For me, it was the execution that fucked The Last Jedi. Not the creative decisions made (which let's not kid ourselves wasn't as "bold" and "risky" as proclaimed). And I respectfully disagree. Johnson won't be "fired" off his Star Wars trilogy. They just won't make it is all.


If you loved The Last Jedi, nothing wrong with that. Rock on! There is no such thing as a "right" or "wrong" opinion regarding taste in film. Don't let any jackass (on either side of the aisle) try to convince you otherwise. Just the Goddamn condescension and snottiness that irked me. Mostly coming from the same mouth-breathing bloggers... who just so happened to be pals with Rian Johnson... and were also the first to personally insult anyone with an opposing point-of-view (and throw out racism and sexism as a blanket defense). "You just didn't 'get' it." No, I "got" it fine.


I made the comment last week (here and elsewhere). If this somehow managed to do sub-$100M for its 4 day holiday weekend (which I didn't think was going to happen), then shit is officially in trouble. Well... how did it do?

Edited by filmnerdjamie
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2 minutes ago, MinaTakla said:

FF7 made a considerably huge 1.5B too and look at its 2017 retention rate with FF8: an impressive 1.24B (81%).

The reason? It fell hashly domestic (230m vs 350m) but the overseas success (1B OS!) is what made the retention rate that strong. Same with DM3 vs Minions. DM3 fell 21% domestically (which SW8 won't match) but OS helped it achieve this great 89% retention.

In both cases, FF8 and DM3's OS retention was almost close to 93%. 

Point is: if the OS audiences supported SW8 and came back for it just as they did with other franchises, we would have been looking at perhaps a 650 + 900 = 1.55B which would have been an acceptable 25% retention for SW8.

I just think a lot of your position is hyperbolic you are comparing TLJ to TFA, one is a sequel and the other is the first star wars film in 10 years, which also over performed had some of th3 best legs for a film. Had no competition and had a better calender configuration. This one has played like a SW sequel, they are making profit it may end at 1.3B but it won't be casted as a disappointment, my point is I don't think it's a good metric for this film.

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4 minutes ago, MinaTakla said:

FF7 made a considerably huge 1.5B too and look at its 2017 retention rate with FF8: an impressive 1.24B (81%).

The reason? It fell hashly domestic (230m vs 350m) but the overseas success (1B OS! for FF8 vs 1.1B OS for FF7) is what made the retention rate that strong. Same with DM3 vs Minions. DM3 fell 21% domestically (which SW8 won't match) but OS helped it achieve this great 89% retention.

In both cases, FF8 and DM3's OS retention was almost close to 93%. 

Point is: if the OS audiences supported SW8 and came back for it just as they did with other franchises, we would have been looking at perhaps a 650 + 900 = 1.55B which would have been an acceptable 75% retention for SW8.


I'm not saying SW has a problem, because the numbers are massive, so it's really hard to spin it that way, but overall quality and direction of a franchise is important.


I didn't see FF8 (because FF7 was terrible) but DM has now had 2 awful movies in a row (Minions, DM3). The next iterations in these franchises, though surely to be made, will start seeing large drop-offs. Look at the way Transformers went. 


OS audiences take longer to catch up on a franchise and to desert it, but if the films suck, they can't skate by on OS forever. 

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2 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

For me, it was the execution that fucked The Last Jedi. Not the creative decisions made (which let's not kid ourselves wasn't as "bold" and "risky" as proclaimed). And I respectfully disagree. Johnson won't be "fired" off his Star Wars trilogy. They just won't make it is all.


If you loved The Last Jedi, nothing wrong with that. Rock on! There is no such thing as a "right" or "wrong" opinion regarding taste in film. Don't let any jackass (on either side of the aisle) try to convince you otherwise. Just the Goddamn condescension and snottiness that irked me. Mostly coming from the same mouth-breathing bloggers... who just so happened to be pals with Rian Johnson... and were also the first to personally insult anyone with an opposing point-of-view (and throw out racism and sexism as a blanket defense). "You just didn't 'get' it." No, I "got" fine.


I made the comment last week (here and elsewhere). If this somehow managed to do sub-$100M for its 4 day holiday weekend (which I didn't think was going to happen), then shit is officially in trouble. Well... how did it do?

Yep. I also said this weekend is what will tell the tale and it did. It told the tale of a movie that is still massive, yet is clearly not being completely embraced. It's not doing what it could if word of mouth was better.

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5 hours ago, Christmas baumer said:

I worked all day today...boxing day sales make people crazy.  I was an hour and 45 minutes late getting back to the garage tonight (I drive bus for the city for those who don't know) because the malls were fucking packed with idiots after cheap TVs and I-phones.  Fuck I hate consumerism sometimes.


So this is my first time in 2 days I've been able to type something out not using my phone, so forgive me if this is long winded.


Star Wars is obviously and unequivocally suffering from back lash.  This is not the Star Wars many people wanted to see and the numbers are proving it.  i don't care if 600 million is a good number.  With it opening to 220 million, it should have cleared 700 without breaking a sweat.  A 55% CD bump when when 6 other films in the top ten increased by more than 100%, is horrible.  And it has the worst increase in the top ten.  There's no getting around this.  There are many people who are massively disappointed in the movie and it's not just a bunch of loser Star Wars nerds.  If you want to call me and @filmnerdjamie and @Jay Hollywood loser Star Wars nerds, then I think you are barking up the wrong tree.


Someone mentioned that Clones fell sharply from Menace.  The difference is Menace was not as well received as TFA was and Clones still had a 3.77 multiplier coming off one of the biggest opening weekends of all time at that point.


Someone also mentioned that Christmas time is more of a time for films to spread their grosses around because of the shopping and the parties and the family stuff and all that bullshit.  We've already covered that if the film has enough spark to it, it will be the fire that brings the December crowds out.  TFA did it and so did R1.  This one is keeping the crowds at home.  After opening to 220 million, it's second weekend isn't going to even double Jumanji's OW and then to make it even more telling, Jumanji has a CD that is only 8 million less than TLJ.  


I don't know how you look at this any other way.  The film has left many disappointed and the wom is keeping people away.  You can't blame the calendar or Christmas day or the northern lights or aliens or Bigfoot.  After opening to 220 million, it has disappointed every day since.  


The problem is this film took too many risks and in the process it alienated the fans who have been making Lucasfilm billions of dollars over the last 40 years.  I hate that I disliked a SW film.  I didn't think it was possible....didn't think I would ever be able to watch a SW film and truly not only not love it but not even like it all that much.


It's not that making 600 million and say 1.3 billion world wide is bad, it's obviously not.  It's that it should have made much more if it was anywhere as liked as the last one.  


Do I think Rian Johnson is going to be fired from his SW trilogy?  Nope.


Do I think Disney is upset with the film he made?  Nope.


Do I think this film is horrible?  Nope.




Do I think JJ is coming on board to get things back on track?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think Disney is going to pay attention to the hundreds of millions of dollars that were left on the table?    Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think this movie should have and could have been so much better?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


Do I think they got a little too cute and a little too cocky and just figured they could make any bullshit fucking film and we'd all come running like Pavlov's dogs at the dinner bell?  Fuckin A I do.


Fan service is not a bad thing.  Some people make it out to be.  But we the fans are what fuels this series.  We the fans (at least in NA) spend more money on this franchise than any franchise in the history of film, so why would you make a film simply for yourself and not for us?  That makes no fucking sense at all whatsoever.


And to those of you who are thumping their chests saying that you knew it would only 600 and so on, keep in mind, when the opening weekend number came out, none of you were anywhere to be found.  But then when the weekday numbers came in, like cockroaches scattering in the light, you all came out in full force.  So you didn't call it at all.  Because the film defied all of your expectations and had the second highest opening weekend of all time and with a normal shitty December multiplier, this would have made 700 with ease. 


So do I think they need to fix some of what they messed up?  Abso-fucking-lutely!


As I've mentioned before...the first time I saw it I borderline hated it.

The second time I liked it more and tried to convince myself that it was a good film.

The third time I saw I realized that all the things I disliked the first time were still there the third time.  


So for me, I need my Star Wars back.  Those of you who liked or loved it, I'm happy for you.  Honestly.  I'm glad you got something out of it.  But for guys like filmnerdjamie and Jay Hollywood and me, #notmystarwars.



You have got to be kidding me.  The night of release you saw the movie and you were ANGRY!!!!!  and then hours later you watched again and really liked it.  Now you are writing these diatribes saying "I need my Star wars back!!" and doing fucking #notmystarwars hash tags and that you didn't like it?  What in the world man??





Edited by EmpireCity
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13 minutes ago, NoLegMan said:

I just think a lot of your position is hyperbolic you are comparing TLJ to TFA, one is a sequel and the other is the first star wars film in 10 years, which also over performed had some of th3 best legs for a film. Had no competition and had a better calender configuration. This one has played like a SW sequel, they are making profit it may end at 1.3B but it won't be casted as a disappointment, my point is I don't think it's a good metric for this film.

Agree to disagree:)

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