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New Year's Day Weekend Thread: Late Friday estimates (DHD) - TLJ 19.5M, Jumanji 17.5M, PP3 6.7M, TGS 5.3M

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19 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:


I've never been on board with their fairy tale reboots. Best I could muster was some grudging respect for Jungle Book's visuals and some appreciation for how easy-going Pete's Dragon was; but I've largely been unmoved by them. Definitely was never excited for BATB.


Mulan I kind of have some hope for just because it'd be nice to see a big-budget Asian movie find an audience here again, but I'm still bracing myself for disappointment.


Good man. :D


What do you think of Coco's BO run? Not Asian of course, but minority nonetheless. 


I suppose Moana would be a valid comparison to say that it's still possible to get a massive gross, but somehow I feel the bashing of Latinos by the Trump administration for over a year has definitely played a part in suppressing Coco's gross. 

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5 minutes ago, Christmas baumer said:

Or they could just pull a DALLAS (TV show from the 80's) and have The Last Jedi just be a dream of Rey's or something.  Just pretend it never existed.  :redcapes:

Wow, we had the same thought at the same time:)...wish I had likes left!:)

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8 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I can understand all these arguments, but i wont make a real prediction for any movie before marketing hits us. We have no idea how the Hype for Episode IX will be. The Trailers could be amazing or underwhelming. Nobody knows. And before that, arguing now, 15 days into TLJ's run, about Episode IX is pointless imo.


I disagree completely with the bold sentences, but thats just my subjective opinion about the movie. Cant go into that really without spoilers.


You think the Vader situation is not an issue? No problem whatsoever?


I can tell you there are at least two people who showed up on opening day for Sith after skipping the first two prequels. I’m guessing we aren’t the only people who did that. 

Edited by redfirebird2008
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12 minutes ago, BK007 said:


Good man. :D


What do you think of Coco's BO run? Not Asian of course, but minority nonetheless. 


I suppose Moana would be a valid comparison to say that it's still possible to get a massive gross, but somehow I feel the bashing of Latinos by the Trump administration for over a year has definitely played a part in suppressing Coco's gross. 


... on the other hand, CoCo received fawning USA press, possibly because it is a Mexican-themed film released in the context of Trump's attacks on illegal Mexican immigration, and the mainstream USA media is largely anti-Trump.


So let's call the politics a wash and conclude that maybe CoCo just wasn't that appealing a film to USA audiences on the merits. I personally don't care about the politics either way but found the movie to be pretty good but nothing special, entertaining, but with a basic connect the dots story. Glad i saw it, but one time was enough. IMO not worthy of the ecstatic gushing it received in some quarters.

Edited by estebanJ
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1 minute ago, Christmas baumer said:

They can add Vader.  It's the movies....they can do anything.  Think of some of the bullshit they did in TLJ.  :ohmyzod:


They really can't. 


Adding Vader would be akin to making Sandman Uncle Ben's killer - an awful, terrible idea.  

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1 hour ago, That One Guy said:

Greatest Showman and La La Land both doing well should hopefully lead to Hollywood funding more big budget musicals.  And thank god for that.

Is everyone ignoring Greatest Showmans $84m budget (and reported $150m ad campaign). 


Not doing well. 

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I can definitely see Jumanji make it to $300m. Comparing to Sing, it’ll be about $15-20m ahead of it come NYE, and with better weekdays from not appealing directly to kids, I think it can hold really well. 


Its always nice to see a film pull an out of the blue triumph like this. I thought Star Wars would hurt it, but it seems to be the other way around.

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23 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I can understand all these arguments, but i wont make a real prediction for any movie before marketing hits us. We have no idea how the Hype for Episode IX will be. The Trailers could be amazing or underwhelming. Nobody knows. And before that, arguing now, 15 days into TLJ's run, about Episode IX is pointless imo.


I disagree completely with the bold sentences, but thats just my subjective opinion about the movie. Cant go into that really without spoilers.

Lets see: second movie in the trilogy divides fandom (happened in 1980, 2002, 2017). Boxoffice drops from the first movie. Emotions run high in the first weeks of release. Fans swear they are done with SW. 2-3 years later, when the finale is getting released, they all show up in droves cause OMG PREVIEWS LOOK AMAZEBALLS MY FAITH IN SW RESTORED. The movie makes more than the second but less than the first. Rinse, repeat. :)


Point is, just going by Internet reaction (yeah, I know) one would think TLJ is the worst movie ever. Within 2 years, when the movie comes out on BD, people will calm down, see it 100000 times, go through all 5 phases of grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) and be ready for IX. In those 2 years, some things will sink in such as that IX will be the last of the Skywalker Saga so those who decided yesterday they are done with the Saga are going to revise that down the line and start caring. it's always been that way. There won't be any retconning of TLJ cause LF/Mouse are not stupid (in fact, they approved TLJ without any hassle with the director), the last movie in the series doesn't have to pander to anyone cause there will no Saga movies after it in the near future (RJ's new trilogy will stand on its own and so will the Anthologies) and everyone will show up to see how the story ends anyway. So that's that. The trend won't be bucked cause it hasn't been for decades now. This may be the most consistent series in history. 





Edited by Valonqar
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3 hours ago, Darth Boh-ne'er said:


They really can't. 


Adding Vader would be akin to making Sandman Uncle Ben's killer - an awful, terrible idea.  


They really can.  You're just not thinking about it in the right context.  It's a fucking great idea.

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25 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Baumer ir right though. Adding Vader would be consistent with some of the bullshit they throw against the wall in Last Jedi. 


See, this is your opinion and that of many others as well. But there are countless others like me that love practically every aspect of TLJ. Nothing got thrown against a wall. Theres nothing to be fixed.

Edited by Brainbug
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3 hours ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Baumer ir right though. Adding Vader would be consistent with some of the bullshit they throw against the wall in Last Jedi. 



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