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That One Girl

BLACK PANTHER WEEKEND THREAD | Current Estimates - 202.4M 3-day / 242.6M 4-day | Record 40.167 Monday; more than TFA!

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6 hours ago, Jandrew said:

Post some trailer reports please. Not sure why that thread was let go, but I'm curious as to what's attached to BP.

I was really annoyed Infinity War trailer was not ahead of BP.


From memory my trailers were


Mission Impossible Fallout


Pacific Rim Uprising

A Wrinkle In Time


Ant Man and the Wasp



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I'm a bit nervous to give my thoughts on Black Panther. I'll put a more full review in the spoiler thread sometime this weekend, even though it will mostly be spoiler-free apart from what is revealed in trailers. 


But I was torn on it to be honest. I think there's some great stuff it does, some REALLY great stuff. But there were just so many issues in the writing for me from dialogue but mostly monologing, plot conveniences etc. Not a bad movie, but one I truly wish was better than I found it to be. 


My uncle worked on the effects (found his name while watching the credits lol) and when he told me how last-minute and rushed a lot of the effects were, I could totally see it on screen. There were moments in the green screen for example where for example the grass in the background would be moving due to wind, but then others where it would just be completely still. A minor detail I noticed, but just kind of bothered me.


I thought the soundtrack was fantastic. FANTASTIC. Michael B Jordan's performance and character was probably the best part of the movie for me... such a well realized villain and a true step up for Marvel there. 


But man, I wish the movie could have just gone through one more re-write or touchup in the script to just get rid of some of the choppy areas that unfortunately brought it down for me. Won't go into specifics because spoilers of course, but overall I think there's a great movie in there that hadn't been quite dug out yet and is instead only a "good" movie. We'll see how it sits with me the next few days

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11 minutes ago, bladels said:

As impressive as BP's OW is going to be, on the other side of the world China heading toward the its first $500 weekend is much more insane.

Biggest weekend in US is ~$305M with TFA

But, but Netflixs and the other streamers have killed cinema going.......:sparta::hahaha:

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I'm not surprised at this OD cause I've never seen my theater so busy. They were adding shows through the night, cancelled other movies and line ups were around the theater. When ushers have to carry signs with times for each line you know the movie's blowing up like nobody's business. We were lucky to have bought tickets in advance for yesterday cause good luck to walk ups this weekend. Not a chance. Many shows are already sold out and others are close to it. 

Edited by Valonqar
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4 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:


The mid level market is clearly dying or dead.



The Only thing dead are romantic comedies.We have seen huge lower budget breakouts in recent years. A few good shows, Adam Sandler comedies and films like Bright /Cloverfield are not enough distraction to stop people going to watch films at the cinema. 

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