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INFINITY WAR WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals ~ 257.698M OW (RECORD) | 106.334M Friday, 82.131M Saturday (RECORD), 69.231M Sunday (RECORD) | 640.9M Worldwide Opening (RECORD) | Read the Rules on the First Post | SALE NOW LIVE

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18 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Am I the only person left on the internet who didn't hate TLJ? And did I not hate it precisely because I don't much care for Star Wars in general, so it felt like it was made for me?

I liked it too, but I am not a SW fan and the things that bothered the SW fan base didn’t really matter to me. In fact I thought it was much better than the boring TFA whose only big advantage was Han Solo.

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On 4/22/2018 at 1:17 AM, baumer said:


I just think you are way too cocky and full of piss and vinegar and you are very rarely right about much.  You prognosticating skills aren't any better or worse than ours here but you talk to most of us like you are king shit and the rest of us are just navel lint.  So yea, any time I can show that you are wrong about something I'll do it.


On 4/22/2018 at 1:20 AM, baumer said:


That's right.  You don't know much about predicting the box office, that's for sure.  


On 4/22/2018 at 1:29 AM, baumer said:

That's why you're a joke here.  That's why most people only want you around because you can fill a void when RTH is gone.  Without your raw numbers that you provide us, your'e pretty much useless here.  


On 4/22/2018 at 1:34 AM, baumer said:


Nobody wants you gone, but no one really cares that you're here.  You don't bring anything useful to the site anymore.  


12 hours ago, EmpireCity said:

It's early, but like I said this morning, people are going to be shocked at the number.  


Given that it kept going higher into the night yesterday I think it might hit $82m after everything is settled.  


Again, it is very early and that could change and I am being a bit more aggressive than others.  




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10 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

No I liked it, but I feel like the only one that hates TFA with an intense passion.

I didn't hate TFA, and I felt it was quite a decent restart for the franchise, and it skillfully managed the old memory with new element.


That scene of BB8 and R2D2 completed the map altogether was so heartfelt, and it's a movie about the old generation introduced the mysteries of the new generation.


While TLJ on the other hand, pissed me off to the core, never I had this super disutility after coming out from theater and was so passionate to bash around. It's an ultimate humiliation and i won't be just as other fan boys, accepting whatever dumb bullshit from empowered studio.         

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1 minute ago, Firepower said:

Episode 9 will probably decrease even more unless Abrams will pull off a miracle and create a masterpiece. TLJ did a big damage to the franchise and Episode 9 particulary.

Given that Abrams best movie is only mediocre I seriously doubt that will happen.

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2 minutes ago, CJohn said:

The fact that the MCU is going from two 240M+ mega openers to a 200M DOM total grosser in a matter of months is :hahaha: .

Paul Rudd as the child that ruined everything in the family. Makes sense.

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Not even their MCU follow-up released just six weeks later being a total "nobody cares" that even they probably don't remember making was enough to take down this ship.

It was probably a blessing to have a failure early on. Taught them some lessons and ultimately it wasn’t bad enough to sink anything. 

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I know I may get laughed at, but there are only two films in the next few years that have a chance at the OW record.


1. Obviously Avengers 4... with the way it ends and the superior quality of the film, what they’ll do with Captain Marvel, increased fanbase from Black Panther and the year long wait which is a LONG time given how good IW was.  It has a real chance to beat these numbers.


Thursday number will be $40-50M and then quality/WOM will determine the remainder of the weekend.


2.  And this is where people laugh, Avatar 2.  Yes, not truly known for superior story, in hindsight, but it’s been out of the public eye for a LONG time.  


Disney helped the film by making the ride the coolest experience at Disney World.  Tens of thousands of people daily are waiting three hours, mystified by the world of Avatar, keeping the property relevant and subconsciously building a young fanbase.


I wouldn’t bet on it beating the OW record, but at this point it’s the only film I think might have a chance.

Edited by lobogotti
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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Ant-Man 2 will likely do The Winter Soldier numbers of about $250M+.

I will be legit surprised if it beats Doctor Strange's DOM total.

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4 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:








don't know about everyone else but I can EASILY wait an extra day if it means not having get on my knees and beg you for numbers

Edited by IronJimbo
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Thanos is Infinity-punching historic box office number and people are expecting the film to fail horribly after OW , most even consider 600m to be a difficult feat . how the fuck is this possible ??? 

every 200m OW movie passed 600 , this one will probably be closer to 300m than 200m ( fingers crossed for a 252m OW ) and still most don't expect it to do a decent job later on  

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