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Water Bottle

HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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6 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

In fact , Poe and Ray never talked to each other since TFA, only until the very end of TLJ, a forced introductory dialogue was added so that they talked to each other 

Honestly I was pretty upset about that forced interaction. Such sloppy planning and storytelling. No wonder people are so disconnected from these films.

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3 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:

I mean the cartoons brought back Darth Maul :lol: I never liked that but resurrections are part of SW canon.  Being like "he never really died" would bother me. Him finding a way to come back to life? I'd be fine with that. Why wouldn't I want more Luke? As long as it doesn't erase the impact of his decision to sacrifice his life to save what's left of the resistance by opening himself up to the Force again. That to me is critical to his character arc in TLJ.


They don't need to bring him back to life even to give him some epic moments. Force ghost Yoda was able to start a fire. Clearly Luke's connection to the Force means he can still play a pretty big role especially since he was pretty powerful in life!


But if they are going to force it, I don't want it to happen. It needs to happen organically and naturally for it to work.

I agree. By "coming back", I mean just having a big role. Finding a way to make his character important to the story. Fuck, he can train Rey as a ghost. I'm fine with that! lol....I just would love to see the Luke from before. I picture they could write a reason for him to return and yeah if Maul can come back from that....well surely Luke can come back from fading away. That scene of him staring at the suns could just mean that he found purpose again. Now he gets to be the hero even more.

Yoda didn't have a big role in TLJ. If Luke is just a cameo, I don't think that will be enough and I think the marketing needs to emphasize that he's coming back and not keep it a JJ in the box secret if they do decide to go that route.

But yeah, I'm not a Hollywood writer. I'm sure they will be brainstorming a lot in the next two months.

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''TLJ went to interesting places...''


The biggest problem is that it really went nowhere. I'm not a fan of Star Wars, i have no nostalgic loyalty to Luke Skywalker, i'm first and foremost a film fan. I went there expecting a bold film and the film gave me the worst of both worlds, it thrashes the saga in it's supposed subversiveness and yet 30 minutes before the end, it jarringly course corrects and brings back the old status quo in a thoroughly unsatisfied manner.


Kylo is a deranged psychopath who kills his father at the end of the first, Kylo is a deranged psychopath who ''kills'' his mentor had he not been a hologram, and would have killed his mother at the end of the second.


Rey is a improbably skilled, smart, lucky do-gooder that learns everything on the fly and she does exactly the same in the second.


The less said about Finn and Poe and their lack of development, the better.


The only thing that changed between TFA and TLJ, is that Kylo is the Supreme Leader instead of Snoke. That's it. Everything else including the island scenes, the should-have-been-cut Casino scenes and the endless ship chase scenes, which is more or less 3/4 of the film, belong in a TV show where you have 12-20 episodes to fill it with some plot points that are fundamentally useless to the grand scheme of things.


Had RJ had the conviction to stick the landing i would have applauded the effort and most likely really enjoyed his take. As it is, he managed to both piss of a huge portion of the fans and yet apart from killing Snoke, he did nothing to further the trilogy let alone the franchise, only confirming the boring evil Kylo vs precious Rey showdown that we already saw in TFA.

Edited by The Dark Samurai
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9 minutes ago, Gokai Red said:

Alright then friends. I know I don't post much, but when I do, it's for good reason. Today is my last day at home and on this forum for a few months, because tomorrow morning I am leaving for the Basic Training for the Air Force. 


I've been a member on this forum since late 2013 (I still remember finding this site by looking for Catching Fire predictions, and I still remember this site's prediction for it was 167/390) and since then, I've been on it almost daily reading what everyone else has to say about my favorite things, box office and numbers. I love this site because (pretty much) everyone here has such a positive attitude and we're so much more knowledgeable about box office than any other site or source I know of (seriously, some people that write about box office for a living are trash, but I go here and even though everyone has their bad predictions, they're still a lot better than what some of the "professionals" do and it's awesome).


Anyways though, I'll miss this forum and its members while I'm gone, so I hope you keep your conversations civil and your predictions and projections strong. I'll be back around August, and I can't wait to see how this forum has been while I'm gone. 


Happy posting everyone. Have a good summer!

I was debating if I made a mistake reading the last ten pages but then I stumbled upon this post and realized I didn't. 


Thank you for your service and good luck! :) 

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3 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Honestly I was pretty upset about that forced interaction. Such sloppy planning and storytelling. No wonder people are so disconnected from these films.

I agree with this too. It didn't feel natural and I also hope they completely drop this will they/won't they romance between Kylo and Rey. It's fine that they connect but it shouldn't be that way.

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The original idea for ROTJ was that Obi Wan and Yoda's force ghosts became solid again and were able to help Luke against Vader and the Emperor. Maybe they'll recycle that idea. Hell, Yoda's ghost looked pretty solid to me when he appeared to Luke in TLJ.

Edited by Wonder Midget
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9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The original trio not being around for the next film is actually the thing I'm most interested in about Episode 9. Too bad Fisher's absence was unfortunately unplanned.

It makes me the least excited, when that shouldn't be the case. I don't have an attachment to the other characters because they have not been developed as properly as they should outside of Rey....and even then I feel like TLJ really short changed her. I care the most about her because of how she was written in TFA.

I always felt like the old cast was meant to build the new characters and have them all together at once. Han never really interacted with Poe. Luke never interacted with Finn. Did Finn even interact with Leia?

And I really want to see more conversations between Rey and Luke. So we can see her become a hero and for Luke to really pass the torch. I want to see more banter between Luke, Rey, Chewie and R2-D2.

All we got with the TLJ was her running off after a few supposed lessons. He didn't really do anything and the film sets up that she'll learn it all from the books instead of him.

I hope they fix this.


Edited by somebody85
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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Deadpool 2 is rated R while the others are family-friendly PG-13 movies so it's no surprise it held much worse than them.

I think people forget that Deadpool 2 is not a PG:13 family friendly Superhero film.

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3 minutes ago, MattW said:

Deadpool gets a great Sunday but then a bigger than average Monday drop.  Still not sure what to make of it so far.

That's been pretty much how it's run has gone. It'll get a good hold one day and then drop hard the next. Or get a few good holds in a row (early last week) and then drop hard for the next several days (late last week). 

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