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91st Academy Awards - Discussion thread - RACISM IS OVER, THANKS GREEN BOOK

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3 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Besides we all know Octavia's real prize will come when she scores a hit later this year with MA.


"Don't make me drink allloooonnnnneeee!"

I doubt it'll end up being Oscar material, but I think it'll be fun.

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2 minutes ago, Mulder said:

BlackKklansman isn't extreme at all, if anything it's fairly moderate.

Not extreme but I agree it's beyond unsubtle even for Lee.  I liked it quite a bit but thought it far from Lee's best. In this year of award parallels, Blackkklansman is no Do The Right Thing but then Green Book is no Driving Miss Daisy.

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Just now, TalismanRing said:


Not extreme but I agree it's beyond unsubtle even for Lee.  I liked it quite a bit but thought it far from Lee's best. In this year of award parallels, Blackkklansman is no Do The Right Thing but then Green Book is no Driving Miss Daisy.

It's not subtle because Lee really isn't trying to be subtle. He's trying to make direct connections between now and the story he's telling, if there's any time to be unsubtle it's now.

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7 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:

Cats don't count.  It's Cats.  I need Glenn Close Over Acting The Eff Out Of A Role She's Twenty Years Too Old For As She's Not Hitting The Right Key.

But what if Glenn Close gets Gloria Swanson'd and loses to the 2020 analogue of Judy Holliday in Born Yesterday aka I dunno the lead girl in Spielberg's West Side Story?

Edited by Jake Gittes
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6 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

1. Birdman

2. Spotlight

3. 12 Years a slave

4. Moonlight

5. Argo

6. Green Book

7. The King Speech

8. The Artist

9. The Shape of water

1. Shape of Water

2. The Kings Speech

3. Spotlight

4. Green Book

5. 12 Years A Slave

6. Argo

7. Birdman

8. The Artist

*somehow I havent seen Moonlight yet (just realizing this.... goes to update Netflix que.)

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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:

Green Book is trash, so it's a fitting end to a night where Bohemian Rhapsody was the most read name out of an envelope.

I'm just thrilled that Bohemian Rhapsody didn't win because I was getting super nervous after that Editing win.

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4 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Well...yeah. Obviously people not in a certain minority group can tackle what said group deals with successfully and have done so in the past, but I feel it's more effective when a black person directs a movie about the black experience, or a gay person directs a movie about the gay experience. It's more authentic, and comes from a more personal place, and more often than not, even if the movie itself may not overall work, it's able to tackle said themes effectively.


It's the equivalent of a professional chef recommending to me a restaurant versus some average guy off the street. Considering the former has the experience and understanding of what being a chef or being in a quality restaurant is like, why wouldn't I prefer the person who lives in that certain environment or experience over an outsider?

Fair enough, but I do think that is somewhat generalizing a group of people, in the sense that it assumes "all black people" or "all gay people" have the same circumstances or experiences. I knew plenty of people in high school who were gay, but I'm just going to highlight 2 for my point, one was a friend I had since middle school (lets call him Austin) and another was a guy who was in my English 10, 11, and 12 classes (lets call him Rowan). Rowan struggled with his sexuality for years, a lot of people at school made fun of him, he started skipping classes frequently, and when he finally came out, things weren't much better for him. His dad threatened to kick him out of the house, and people at school continued to be dicks to him. It was hard for him, and I talked to him frequently until I moved away, but haven't heard from him lately. 


Austin on the other hand was a star basketball player when he started high school, and he had a really hot girlfriend. Things didn't work out with them, and they split up, and a few months later a came out as gay and by the end of that year he actually had a boyfriend. His parents accepted his sexuality, and he didn't lose any of his popularity. Now I'm not saying Austin didn't face his own problems with his sexuality, he most certainly did. But those problems were likely very different from Rowan's problems.


I'm just trying to illustrate that just because a person is "gay" means they are any more experienced with certain issues people face. I'll admit to doing it too, but we tend to look more at the differences between groups rather than the variation within the group. A white person may have faced problems of oppression themselves in their lives (it obviously wasn't because their skin was dark, but themes like oppression and racism are complex and really aren't surface level), the same way a straight person can struggle with identity. 

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2 minutes ago, aabattery said:


I'm not quite sure I want Taika's Hitler movie to go through the awards race tumble dryer.

It's....not going to go over well.

2 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

It is a timely movie, but sadly not timeless

I mean seeing how a Twilight Zone episode from the 60s still holds up in 2019, I'm sure BlackKklansman will be fine.

Edited by Mulder
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I thought Blackkklansman was a really good film up until the ending and then Spike Lee's worst tendencies came out and it became as subtle as an anvil to the head.  Too bad he threw a tantrum because he didn't like Green Book.


The Favourite was my favorite film of the nominees by far.


Roma was technically the best film, imo, in pure craftsmanship terms.  But it was painfully dull.


Black Panther was decent, but nothing more than that.


Green Book was safe and enjoyable.

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Just now, Gamera said:

I thought Blackkklansman was a really good film up until the ending and then Spike Lee's worst tendencies came out and it became as subtle as an anvil to the head.  Too bad he threw a tantrum because he didn't like Green Book.


The Favourite was my favorite film of the nominees by far.


Roma was technically the best film, imo, in pure craftsmanship terms.  But it was painfully dull.


Black Panther was decent, but nothing more than that.


Green Book was safe and enjoyable.

The ending where he showed real footage of a real event?

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