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Flop Weekend Thread: Top 5 Weekend Actuals - TSLOP2 $46.65M | Dark Phoenix $32.83M | Aladdin $24.68M | Godzilla KOTM $15.45M | Rocketman $13.82M

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1 hour ago, Finnick said:

Dude, right now WB executives are in deep shit after the GKATOM and LEGO debacle. And the so so boxoffice of Shazam and Pika. The last thing they need  is swimming in unknown waters and invest in a new IP like MK. 

They're likely to take more of a risk with Mortal Kombat as they own it outright.

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Not the biggest fan of Scott Mendelsohn but he is right here 


It’s 2019 and the X-Men franchise is still afraid of its comic book roots. They’re still afraid of the comic book costumes, the comic book soap opera plotting and the larger-than-life fantasy material. The films still revolve around the “Xavier vs. Magneto: Dawn of Ideologies.” And the action/fantasy elements remain stubbornly “grounded” and “realistic” even as the MCU has taken their heroes to fantastical worlds and on impossible adventures. What was groundbreaking in 2000 is now very much out-of-date. That this allegedly final Fox X-Men movie would choose to remake a previous X-Men movie, but less fantastical and smaller-in-scale, tells you everything you need to know. The franchise refused to evolve.



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1 hour ago, TMP said:

All these flops make me feel more and more confident in OUATIH > $200m dom

What audience does that movie even cater to?


Funny thing about Dark Phoenix. Fox, no matter how much they spent on it, would never get a penny due to the Disney deal. And Disney, no matter how poorly DP does, doesn't lose a cent since it didn't spend anything on it. The movie is in no-man's land in terms of revenue.

Edited by jedijake
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10 minutes ago, John Marston said:

Yeah just look even at how Aquaman completely embraced the fantastical aspects of the source material and people loved it. Guess Kinberg felt they couldn't after Apocalypse's backlash but that was kinda taking the wrong lessons from that film.

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3 minutes ago, jedijake said:

What audience does that movie even cater to?

It's the only big film this summer catered at the non-genre crowd other than Yesterday - and that seems more and more like a dud in the making.

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18 minutes ago, John Marston said:


I kind of wonder what this means for the Joker movie. Too much realism for audiences? My theatre had no reaction to the trailer today. 

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2 minutes ago, Frozen said:

I kind of wonder what this means for the Joker movie. Too much realism for audiences? My theatre had no reaction to the trailer today. 

Bombs away? The trailer for Joker blew up though, and none of the Dark Phoenix trailers ever did. Also they're not really advertising it as a superhero movie, and Batman's world has always been more grounded than other super hero worlds, so audiences probably expect it at this point from that property - The Dark Knight being completely realistic and making bank. I'm just hoping for a good movie at this point from that, but that seems... unlikely. Even with the Joaq.

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5 hours ago, Sunny Max said:

yeah Despite China rejection movie did well All over ... A Totally new character With Poor Release date+ Low Promotion .. $361 M+ WW is a fine figure ... i m seeing huge potential in this franchise .

Shazam looks more like a fun streaming material. I can see family enjoy its TV series at home instead of paying 50 bucks a family to the theatre.

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1 minute ago, xiazhi said:

Shazam looks more like a fun streaming material. I can see family enjoy its TV series at home instead of paying 50 bucks a family to the theatre.

Rock "the Dwayne" Johnson is gonna film a Shazam! spin-off next year, so WB clearly has no intentions of putting it on streaming. This isn't the Monsterverse or anything.

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I love it


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3 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

one thing i found out in that deadline article which never comes up in the movie, is that jessica chastain's character's name is Vuk??? lmaooo simon kinberg truly did not give a vuk.

Was she better/worse than Steppenwolf though? It's a real battle for "worst funnybook villain" between those two.

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Just now, TMP said:

Was she better/worse than Steppenwolf though? It's a real battle for "worst funnybook villain" between those two.

i thought vuk was fine. maybe a little underdeveloped but she got the job done.

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17 minutes ago, TMP said:

Rock "the Dwayne" Johnson is gonna film a Shazam! spin-off next year, so WB clearly has no intentions of putting it on streaming. This isn't the Monsterverse or anything.

WB has made many bad decisions this year alone

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Just now, xiazhi said:

WB has made many bad decisions this year alone

Why would they not move forward with a follow-up to a critically acclaimed superhero film that made them profit? Especially since it's likely to co-star one of the biggest (literally) movie stars in the world?

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26 minutes ago, TMP said:

Bombs away? The trailer for Joker blew up though, and none of the Dark Phoenix trailers ever did. Also they're not really advertising it as a superhero movie, and Batman's world has always been more grounded than other super hero worlds, so audiences probably expect it at this point from that property - The Dark Knight being completely realistic and making bank. I'm just hoping for a good movie at this point from that, but that seems... unlikely. Even with the Joaq.

It's a fairly inexpensive movie at $55m. It's appealing more to the sort of the audience that likes adult dramas and also the Joker is a pop culture icon so really it's a win win


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