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Daily Box-Office (12/31/2013) | FRZ 7.3, DOS 5.6, AH 4.6, SMB 4.1, SLWK 3.5, WOWS 3.4, AM2 3.2 (Rth)

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I just saw Walter Mitty,


So my last movie of 2013 was Saving Mr. Banks and my first of 2014 was Walter Mitty, im alright with Banks closing 2013 with me but I wish I could have opened 2014 with something a bit better.


I didn't dislike it, but it wasn't particularly memorable either.  It got some decent chuckles throughout, but there were just so many long travel scenes with an indie song in the background that would go in between actual story telling scenes as big filler.  It was also fairly predictable, and it seemed like it was trying to hard to be deeper than it actually was.  The cinematography was fantastic though, and at least it was decent indie music in the background instead of pop songs that take away your suspension of disbelief.


It was also really far-fetched at places (that weren't dreams), like him picking up his cell phone on the top of the mountain, or that he was able to even climb that mountain so easily when he was only in decent shape (I've gone on mountain trips, hiking is not an easy stroll).


However it did keep me engaged enough, I never really got bored (just ancy during the travel montages waiting for the story to pick back up), and the story was decent enough (despite being predictable).  The acting though was on the verge/in between of good and bad acting, it just seemed kind of bland.


The trailer did an awesome job sticking out and sticking to my memory with just one viewing, the movie however I don't think is going to be all that memorable.

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No, sorry. I meant first film experience this 2014...  :blush:


That's actually a decent topic though, the first movie you saw or remember seeing.


The first movie I distinctly remember seeing was either Pinocchio or The Wizard of Oz, I remember seeing them both when I was really little but im not sure which I saw first.


I also remember loving the Star Wars movies so much i'd run around the house and yard with a stick and pretend I was Luke Skywalker and re-enact the movies.  But that wasn't until I was a bit older.

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I remember going to see Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark, but for some reason I want to say my first movie experience was a rerelease of Disney's version of Robin Hood

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The first movie I saw in theatres according to my parents was toy story (I was like 2 so I can't remember). They have no idea the first movie I ever saw but they think it was one of the Disney animated classics.

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