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Obviously suspense itself can be a subjective experience (rather than an objective) but I found Godzilla very suspenseful. I can understand Jay not liking this movie if he didn't find a lot of the scenes suspenseful nor do I expect everyone to like a movie that I loved.


But I definably wouldn't blame the director since Jay's problems of why there wasn't any suspense for him lay with the script completely.

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He does (to a big point) in that he was marketed as the threat, as the starting point of the chaos and destruction in the movie, as the reason for all the damage shown in the trailers, as the reason everyone is fearing for their lives...he was none of those things...everything shown was because of the MUTOs and Godzilla was secondary in that he was just the reactionary entity, not the catalyst and reason for it all.


So much THIS. You nail it. That is what left me a bad taste in my mouth more than the bland leads on which Edwards delve too much time into for no much depth to be found that was pretty much a waste of screentime. Gojira was the guest star in his own movie, reacting to the action for 99% of the movie instead of leading the action.


And also, the fact that Edwards tries to reconcile in the same movie Gojira 1954's tone/original themes (Big bad Gojira aka the apocalyptical atomic bomb metaphor bringing fear and destruction onto helpless Mankind) and Toho cheesy seventies Gojira's narrative aka the Luchador-like defender of Mankind against bad monsters. That doesn't gel all that well in my book.

Edited by dashrendar44
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So much THIS. You nail it. That is what left me a bad taste in my mouth more than the bland leads on which Edwards delve too much time into for no much depth to be found that was pretty much a waste of screentime. Gojira was the guest star in his own movie, reacting to the action for 99% of the movie instead of leading the action.


And also, the fact that Edwards tries to reconcile in the same movie Gojira 1954's tone/original themes (Big bad Gojira aka the apocalyptical atomic bomb metaphor bringing fear and destruction onto helpless Mankind) and Toho cheesy seventies Gojira's narrative aka the Luchador-like defender of Mankind against bad monsters. That doesn't gel all that well in my book.

It worked for the Hesei films. If they removed the clapping scene at the end it would've been flawless in Godzilla 2014.

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The clapping scene would've been much better if humanity just stared in shock and amazement how Godzilla, instead of attacking them, went back into the sea.

Edited by ChD
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I have to say I'm rather annoyed that people are crapping on Desplat's score. It's kind of fantastic. It's so bombastic, fun, precise and intelligent that the idea that it was written for a 2014 blockbuster is almost staggering. I can't think of a single blockbuster score in the last few years as good as it, I'd have to go back to 2010.


It's a theme that could be in a horror movie (the build-up). Desplat nailed the spirit but I was disappointed how his main theme was underused other than in the exciting opening credits getting you in the right mood or put in questionable spots.

Edited by dashrendar44
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It's a theme that could be in a horror movie (the build-up). Desplat nailed the spirit but I was disappointed how his main theme was underused other than in the exciting opening credits getting you in the right mood or put in questionable spots.

Thematically it's really nothing to write home about. It's all about the mood and that unbelievable density of the writing. it reminded me a bit of Elfman's Planet of the Apes in that regard. I'm probably being overexcited but the sheer volume of brass in this score had me grinning throughout the entire film. This is just a knockout action cue.



Edited by ddddeeee
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Fuck you.......................................................................................r review :P water bottle

First off let me start by saying that this was probably my most anticipated summer blockbuster, when I heard they were remaking Godzilla I had my doubts but as soon I saw the first teaser I knew I had to be there on opening day. With that said the movie was supremely disappointing. It starts off well enough especially with the opening credits scene. Additionally Cranston is really good in this movie. But then we get Ken wanttonotbeinthismovie show up and literally all he can do is gape his mouth wide open in shock at everything. He was great in Inception, but maybe it was this movies script or maybe he just didn't give a shit. Anyway back to Cranston, he gave it his everything in this movie, and l liked how he was breaking bad by trespassing. But then they have to kill him off for no apparent reason, as the biggest screw you to the audience of all time. And not only do they kill him off but they first injure him making us think he is going to come back, but no screw you he died. Of course what we are left with after he died is the most clichéd characters ever with the guy who just wants to save his family and unwittingly ends up saving the day and almost dies but gets saved at the end. Or the scientists who work for some super secret agency and nobody cares what they have to say. Or the military commander who only wants to blow shit up. I didn't mind waiting for Godzilla to show up, but they kept teasing him, like hey here comes this huge epic battle, but now we bring you commercial break to show you what life is like in urban America with a mother and her kid. Seriously just show us the damn fight already, ya the movie needs characters, but not wooden cardboard cutouts worse than Kristen stewart playing a block of wood that exists only so other events can happen and the characters can react in the most unnatural scripted way possible.


 The Muto were alright, but ultimately took up too much screentime and were a massive distraction from Godzilla. The fight at the end was decent and Godzilla's atomic breath was pretty hella dope but he killed them way too fast. Plus Godzilla ends up saving ATJ in the same way the T-rex saved those people in Jurassic park from the raptors. Really? And of course just when you think they were gonna go completely ballsy by killing off Godzilla, they screw us over again and remind us that they really just want to make more sequels because of course this movie is gonna make like Godzillion dollars.

 Now don't get me wrong there some things in this movie I enjoyed, I liked how it at least took it self seriously instead of the campy 1998 version. I also liked how they gave more background for Godzilla, instead of nuclear tests creating him, he has actually been around for millions of years. Cranston was great and I also liked the guy who played the admiral. Gareth Edwards can clearly create tension and knows how to make set up a good scene, but in the end a movie needs more than just a couple of good scenes.

Plus when Godzilla is on screen he spends way too much roaring. Like we get it he can roar, so do lions and tigers and Katy Perry. But I came here to see Godzilla fight not audition for American Idol



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I'll say that the more I think about the movie, the more impressed I am with Edwards. The script is really pedestrian and the man got dramatically more out of it than anybody should be able to. With any other director this movie wouldn't have been worth the time of day and and he made it an 8/10 (for me). Pay this man whatever he wants to return, and also just let him write the script next time. Or just hire somebody good instead of a no name and the guy who wrote fucking Doom.

Edited by Seth Rollins
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Saw it today and I loved it! 


Cranston gave the best performance, but I thought the other were good too. 


Best part of the movie was easily every time Godzilla was on screen. I thought he looked fucking great. 


I loved when he did his atomic breath and his roar sounded awesome!


I would give it an......



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Thematically it's really nothing to write home about. It's all about the mood and that unbelievable density of the writing. it reminded me a bit of Elfman's Planet of the Apes in that regard. I'm probably being overexcited but the sheer volume of brass in this score had me grinning throughout the entire film. This is just a knockout action cue.




Before seeing the movie, I listened to his theme a godzillion time. Those brass ensembles and woodwinds are epic. Yeah I can see the Planet Of The Apes comparison indeed. Loved the harmonica little touches and the martial rythms in 15/8 signature (refreshing and suitably unsettling when most blockbusters themes are now composed in boring 4/4 or ternary signature).

Edited by dashrendar44
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 also just let him write the script next time. 


I thought his script for Monsters was fine, so he is a decent writer. I think though Legendary/WB didn't want him to do the whole thing by himself so they supplied him with a writer. Obviously, that is not a great idea now. 

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Having seen this in IMAX 3D I can honestly say..........MEH.


The minute Bryan Cranston dies the movie suffers. What is left over is unconvincing human drama and too many plot conveniences. Godzilla looked great but is hardly in it. When he does appear his scene is always cut short to show some more 'convincing' and 'compelling' human drama. 


This movie could have benefited from a streamlined plot. Keeping it simple and just focusing on the threat of Godzilla or the MUTOs but too much is happening and not all of it is interesting.





A average movie with a unconvincing lead actor but some good action when on screen.

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It's enjoyable albeit disappointing. Great visuals and directing but average script and acting. I love me human elements in my monster movies but can they please make an effort for me to care about the characters more. Pacific Rim has the same problems, but at least that movie has the salvation that is Idris Elba. B/B- for me. It could and should have been better.

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Why everytime there is going to be a big ass fight with these two big giant monsters CUT THE SCENE TO A FUCKING TV NEWS CHANNEL!!!! 




20 minutes of fighting at the end was not enough and the human drama... it was boring as hell. And Cranston should have been the leading man not Talylor Johnson


This movie was so disappointing.



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movie was ok , not what i expected , didnt really care for the characters, esp after they killed bryan cranston character like who's genius idea was it to do so ? we get invested in his story and he doesnt even get to go for the ride 


i dont know who's idea it was to have that guy as the lead, he's in the military i get, but at no point in the film does the military actively seek his expert help , he constantly insert himself , and you could tell they didnt give a beep but for script purpose he's the only guy who can diffuse a bomb in the american entire military , heck even the west coast contingent lollll

i couldnt care for his wife or kid, if it was suppose to pull my heart strings it failed boring , then he had that scene with lost kid on the train, wasnt he on the boat , how the heck did he get there ? another scene that was unnecessary , i  :lol: when before that they asked him for help like if he was some expert scientist (no you dummies you killed that guy off remember , this is his kid who's not a genius )


basically humans were super blah , except bryan cranston, and i agree had they kept him and watanabe at forefront it would have been better, heck i was even expected binoche character to be alive somehow lol


the heroes here are godzilla and his two birdy foes , but i had to laugh at the military basically following godzilla around the ocean  :lol:

took me a while to catch on that godzilla wasnt going to be a baddie in this , so i was like why arent they attacking him 


one thing though they sure did their best with project how to destroy a city in a movie ! i def enjoyed the destruction scenes , godzilla and birdies were having fun tearing up the place , and good job on his facial expression  but i have to say , godzilla looked fat , i even tweeted he should do a diet and some jillian michaels fitness dvd and if he had he'd have been quicker at taking them down and they wouldnt have gotten the jump on him


talking about that i was saying , its not fair they're tag teaming on him , why aren't the military lending him a hand? poor dude was getting pierced here and there and no one was intervening , i dont know shoot something ,just soo godzeela could get a sec to stand up and keep on fighting 


then at the end i was like ughh finished when the heck did he die? i swore the bomb exploded off the coast ?oh but before that special mention to godzilla cool jet breath ha ha ha , i had tots forgotten about that , so yeah fights were cool humans were moot!


about the hawaii tsunami why oh why would you keep running straight or jumping on cars when the boulevard is sided by tall buildings , this isnt like the real tsunami that hit in indonesia where there was a lot of shacks made of wood and stuff , they had time to go into a building in search of higher ground but seems like one of those money shot on a disaster checklist , same schtick for the wife running aimlessly in the streets with a group and being blocked between godzeela and birdy  pff


in other words godzilla is the saving grace of this film ;still in that genre i have to say nothing has topped Pacific Rim for me in terms of entertainment /connection with characters story/action and badassery  so far, heck i even liked the music better ha ha 

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Thematically it's really nothing to write home about. It's all about the mood and that unbelievable density of the writing. it reminded me a bit of Elfman's Planet of the Apes in that regard. I'm probably being overexcited but the sheer volume of brass in this score had me grinning throughout the entire film. This is just a knockout action cue.


I found that Desplat's best music was in the first act. There's some great ominious variations of the main theme when Cranston and ATJ are exploring Janjira. But the best cues of the film get buried in the second half under a lot of generic loud action beats.

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Saw it today and I loved it! 


Cranston gave the best performance, but I thought the other were good too. 


Best part of the movie was easily every time Godzilla was on screen. I thought he looked fucking great. 


I loved when he did his atomic breath and his roar sounded awesome!


I would give it an......



Amen I give GOdzilla a 91-95...Incredible cinematograph and epic build up keeping us teased and putting the audience in some intense scenes there.... The payoff is one of the greatest  I can think of.. I Would have only want it to be longer :)

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Well Jake, that's why we have DVD/Blu-Ray deleted scenes.. Also, the opening with the Navy and the fin coming out of the water was such a FANTASTIC Homage to JAWS and looked incredibly realistic..

Glad you noticed that, I hinted at that to Ballman buddy. I could give it a 10 almost for that incredible opening and the Jaws reference BKB... Just wow .. And of course that they did include them trying to nuke Godzilla lol. I Wanted to see them gasp as even the new bombs cant take godzilla or the mutos out :D

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