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Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)  

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Transformers Age of Product Placement.

The fourth transformers film in the Transformer takes place five years after the even in Chicago. The Transformers are in hiding and being hunted down the US government. Mark Wahlberg is down on his luck single dad. He finds a Transformer hiding out in abandoned movie theater. Which is a perfect hiding place for a truck not to stand out. Mark Walhberg is an inventor so he buys the track to see what he can do with it or his co-worker buys it for him since Mark Walhberg is broke.  Mark Walhberg plays around with truck and Optimus Prime is awaken. The coworker surfer guy contact the CIA. The CIA comes and looks for the truck and use any force they can to have Mark Walhberg talk about the truck he found. Eventually Optimus Prime shows himself and save Mark's family. So Mark Walherg daughter hot girl has  a secret boy friend who just happens to hide out with his car on the family's land. He picks them up when are hell breaks loose. I mean I do not how the CIA did not see his car with the helicopter or the drones.  I am guessing those workers got fired for that mistake.  After the a big car chase happens a another transformer is working with the government even thou the government hates transformers. He tracks the humans and Optimus Prime down. The surfer co-worker dies by the evil transformer. The hot girl and Mark Walhberg and girl's boy toy go into hiding. After hiding so long the go to Chicago to the company that is trying to build other transformers some shit goes and down and Megatron is still alive. During this battle in Chicago there is a nice commercial for bud . light during the battle.  The humans go on to space ship during the battle where the some aliens. The evil transformer wants Optimus Prime since there creators want Optimus Prime. After all this Chicago battle. They end up in China where we see some nice product placements. There is a nice Victoria Secret bus and some China drink product placement. There is this big battle in China and there are lot of explosion and it super boring. Some time after all these explosion the battle ends. Optimus Prime goes into space to find the creators and tell the transformers to protect Marky Mark, Hot girl, and Boy Toy but Sam since he is no longer famous.  The movie is finally over.


The visual effect where good but that is expected but the are not special or Oscar worthy effects like from what we have seen in Captain America or Godzilla. The score was forgettable, I do not remember any of the score beside the Imagine Dragons song.  The acting is just terrible but with a even worse script is hard to blame the actors. Stanley Tucci is the highlight of this film and is more likable than anyone of the characters in any transformer movie. The humor in the movie is terrible.The action fells pointless since there no reason to care for anyone. The action direction way dreadful in this movie much worse than Man of Steel.


Overall the movie first 30 minutes or so starts out find but after the movie gets boring.  The move is way to long. They could ended the movie in Chicago and just build the story and have the movie be around 1hr 50 minutes. They could saved the China battle for the sequel which could have been filmed back to back.  The movie lacks heart and direction which is why this movie falls it feels over long and pointless. But this is not the worse movie of the year so good job on that Mr. Bay. This is a big downgrade from  Pain and Gain which was actually a pretty good movie. Mr. Bay needs to step down from these Transformer films and only serve on as a producer. Paramount should look for a new director to give these movies a different style and direction. 


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TJ Miller's death is amazing in the sense of how gratuitously over the top it was. That was one giant fucking explosion. And then his charred corpse left standing reminded me of when Mads Mikkelson got turned to stone with a smile in Clash of the Titans.

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TJ Miller's death is amazing in the sense of how gratuitously over the top it was. That was one giant fucking explosion. And then his charred corpse left standing reminded me of when Mads Mikkelson got turned to stone with a smile in Clash of the Titans.

His death was one of the best and worst parts of the movie.  :lol:

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Not my kind of Transformers movie but Bay did not mail it in.  You can never say he mails it in imo.



from a FX and explosions level sure, he put in the effort.  At least his FX team did.  Even for a summer popcorn flick I need more.  When it comes to a coherent story that doesn't insult our intelligence, he didn't even try.  This was bad even for him. 

Edited by lilmac
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TJ Miller's death is amazing in the sense of how gratuitously over the top it was. That was one giant fucking explosion. And then his charred corpse left standing reminded me of when Mads Mikkelson got turned to stone with a smile in Clash of the Titans.

Has any other "good" human died in the series?  I can't think of one.

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from a FX and explosions level sure, he put in the effort.  At least his FX team did.  Even for a summer popcorn flick I need more.  When it comes to a coherent story that doesn't insult our intelligence, he didn't even try.  This was bad even for him. 

Well if you're going to look at it that way then blame the writers for the poor story, not Bay.

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TF4 (as someone rightly pointed out , the product placement apocalypse) is just another Transformers movie.Giant robots, convoluted plot, cardboard cut out human characters and tons of explosions.At this point, everyone knows what to expect from the movies but we just watch because of spectacle. Now, this movie isn't the worst in the series but it's at least 45 minutes too long and a whole lot should have been edited from the movie (I don't understand why the movie spent like 2 minutes focusing in and around T.J Miller's charred corpse). If you don't like Transformers movies, don't bother with this one. If you can stomach the Transformers series, then give it a go.

Edited by Deathlife
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Funny how some of you seem to find NO enjoyment in watching this movie at all. If I'm to list all the flaws in this movie my list would be ten pages long but I still think it's so much better than TF2 & 3 and it's the first movie this year that I feel like seeing it again.

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I don't get the issue with product placement.  Why does it bother you guys so much?  It's part of our world and it's part of business.  Get over it.

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I don't get the issue with product placement.  Why does it bother you guys so much?  It's part of our world and it's part of business.  Get over it.


The Bud Light was a tad much, but I laughed.



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I don't get the issue with product placement.  Why does it bother you guys so much?  It's part of our world and it's part of business.  Get over it.


I remember loving the tie ins for movies.  I loved getting all the cup or mugs, or toys from whatever fast food restaurant ;)

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The Bud Light was a tad much, but I laughed.



That was great it was so over the top. I did not mind the other ones. 

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Not a good movie at all. Didn't hate the movie completely though, I did find some enjoyment in it. I didn't mind seeing shit blow up for 2 hrs and 30 minutes. The visual effects surround the new and improved transformations done by Galvatron and his army was fucking atrocious. They looked like video game graphics or bad computer screensaver graphics. Dinobots were badass. Too bad we only got to see them for about 15 minutes at the end. Lockdown was a pretty interesting villain, if he wasn't so shitty and poorly written. Fucking Bay needs to find a least a competent writer. Some of the action was great. Chase scene through Chicago was awesome, also the slow-mo scene when bumblebee and optimus prime were crashing through the bridge. That was awesome. Had to wikipedia the plot after the movie was over, movie was incomprehensible. I couldn't remember the plot. 


I give it a C/C-.

Edited by FrozenBuff
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Watched TF4 with my 13 and 11 year old cousins



They loved it, I turned my mind off and just liked the action.



Unlike TF3 there are no moments that piss you off really however the film has no story.


However I found Mark more likable then Shia. Actually the movie starts off a lot like TF1 at first, but there is soo much filler.. For example the bad guy who is a collector has no back story and just seems to be there for action.


Dinobots looked cool hwoever. 



I would give it a C+.. Found far more enjoyable then ASM2 and Godzilla easily.


Imo its not much worse then a lot of forgettable summer movies, but likely gets hated on for its immense box office success. 

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I almost hated this movie.  I can't really hate anything that Bay does because there is always something to like in a Bay film but this is pretty bad.  For me, the human characters are what drives a Transformers movie.  The first three films, and especially the first two, because of Sam and Mikaela, had excellent characters.  Sam was likable to me.  He always had that quintessential fish out of water thing going on.  Even though by the third one, he's used to transforming cars and such, he never lost that wide eyed, what the fuck is happening to me, kind of look and sound.  He and the military guys and Sector 7 and even his goofy parents, were all factors in the interesting and well done dynamic.  


This film has none of that.  To be blunt, I didn't give a damn about any of the human characters.  Wahlberg's character was the most annoying.  And the plot was ridiculous.  I realize there's a level of suspension of disbelief in a film like this but when you can sneak into a top secret place of business that has tight security, just by scanning someone's badge, sorry, you lost me.  And what happens when you don't care about the characters is that you don't care about the Baysplosions.  The reason why Bay's manic direction works so well is because he has characters to care about in every film.  Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon and Transformers all had well defined and likable characters.  So when the stuff gets crazy you don't mind it because you have a rooting interest.  In this one, I don't think Ehren Krueger knew what they hell he was writing.  It was lame comedy, no interesting family dynamic and way too many convenient life saving antics.


The only good thing about this film is that for the fifth, they now have the option of bringing back the originals to make it better.



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