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Weekend Thread | The Jungle Book - Early Weekend Estimates 101m - 103m (DHD - Page 59) (Fri 32m, Sat 41.5m-42m) | RTH Saturday Early Est = 40-44M (Page 46) | Barbershop TNC - Est 20.4m (DHD) | Boss -59% | Hardcore Henry epic -71%

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8 hours ago, Emirazza said:

How is BvS looking today? Considering 1.1M Thursday?


7 hours ago, johnboy3434 said:

Well, here's my last weekend BvS prediction before we start getting estimates: $9.96 million (-57.4%).

Took a hit on Thursday against previews. Should be a bigger hit this weekend with more screen loss. Below 9m with that Thursday number

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19 minutes ago, The Panda Knight said:

If last year was the year of Universal (and Star Wars) than this is most definitely the year of Disney.


Disney also did pretty good last year - it just missed out on the yearly crown with aboutt half the slate.  AOU, Inside Out, Cinderella, Ant-Man also did quite well for it.  2014 and 2013 weren't too shabby for it either.


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3 hours ago, Telemachos said:

Okay, guys, here's the whole un-varnished story.


CJohn was never banned. We've actually never banned anyone for the (rare) case of posting fake numbers. The closest we came before was when Noctis did a really good job of impersonating Rth -- the outcome from that is that Rth has his own special verified account so no one can ever do it again.


We decided to goof off and have some fun chasing an imaginary "second account" from CJohn, and yes, the upcoming CIVIL WAR inspired us to take sides as mods. If it got to be too much for anyone, we apologize. We were making sure any numbers that got announced were promptly updated in the thread title so that people could stay abreast of that even amidst the nonsense.


None of this was planned from start to finish. It was basically an improv all the way through.


We're going to put the remnants of the trainwreck in a thread in the Speakeasy if anyone who wasn't around wants to see what happened.


In the meantime, JUNGLE BOOK is looking strong today.





:lol: That's hilarious.


Also great start or TJB

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15 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Disney also did pretty good last year - it just missed out on the yearly crown with aboutt half the slate.



Yeah, it depends on how you define a year. If you define it as "dollars earned in the year by a studio's film releases", then Universal won 2015. If you define it as "dollars earned by a studio's films released during that year", then Disney did. 


Either way, both of them lapped the field, they both had Epic years, arguably the two best ever.

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Criminal was... alright. Not terrible. Kinda like one of those forgettable episodes of 24, where not much sticks, but you're entertained enough to sit through it. Some interesting ideas for sure, but Costner's character was so unlikeable that even when he had Reynolds' mind, all I wanted was for him to die.

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4 hours ago, Telemachos said:

Okay, guys, here's the whole un-varnished story.


CJohn was never banned. We've actually never banned anyone for the (rare) case of posting fake numbers. The closest we came before was when Noctis did a really good job of impersonating Rth -- the outcome from that is that Rth has his own special verified account so no one can ever do it again.


We decided to goof off and have some fun chasing an imaginary "second account" from CJohn, and yes, the upcoming CIVIL WAR inspired us to take sides as mods. If it got to be too much for anyone, we apologize. We were making sure any numbers that got announced were promptly updated in the thread title so that people could stay abreast of that even amidst the nonsense.


None of this was planned from start to finish. It was basically an improv all the way through.


We're going to put the remnants of the trainwreck in a thread in the Speakeasy if anyone who wasn't around wants to see what happened.


In the meantime, JUNGLE BOOK is looking strong today.





Is this your selfie?

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