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Weekend Actuals (Page 120): Boss Baby 50.2M | BATB 45.4M | GITS 18.7M | Power Rangers 14.2M | Kong 8.6M

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Just now, DamienRoc said:


Ten years ago I'd probably have liked it, too.


Now, though, the thought of seeing it makes me physically ill.


Actually the thought of seeing ScarJo in anything right now makes me ill.


It's that toxic.


Huh. In that case, I guess don't see it. 

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Just now, Telerian said:


Huh. In that case, I guess don't see it. 


I can't really ignore the endemic racism, anymore. It's making a number of things non-starters, at least theatrically, and possibly entirely. I skipped Strange and Fantastic Beasts mostly on those grounds. GitS is in the same boat (although it's worse, because of the cultural source.)


There's this thing, where "we" (geeks, collectively), will try and look at things and make some acknowledgement of the problematic aspects, while also praising other parts of it. Often phased something like, "Yes, it's sexist, but once you get past that, it's actually pretty good. The thing is, by doing that, we're downplaying those aspects in such a way to say that they're not really important.


More and more, I'm tending to view things as if they have some major problematic aspects, then they're just bad media, and I don't need to waste my time on them.


And I've had to listen to people say, for MONTHS, that they only cast ScarJo because they couldn't have made the film otherwise. And now we're seeing that they couldn't sell the film with her, so it looks like a bad deal all around. The filmmakers shouldn't have offered her the job, and she shouldn't have accepted. They're all complicit in the racism, and, so, the thought of supporting her, even elsewhere, turns my stomach a little.


Irony: the oft fan suggested Rinko Kikuchi might not have been able to get the film made, but they probably could have successfully sold it to the fans so they wouldn't have faced the backlash for the past year or two and it might have done better at the box office. They assumed that ScarJo fans would evangelize, but ignored the fact that GitS fans might have done moreso. It probably wouldn't even have to be a quote-unquote "good" movie to do so. Look at how DC fans act about those films (me included.) 



Wow, that was a rambling reply. It's late and I need to go to bed.

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25 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


I can't really ignore the endemic racism, anymore. It's making a number of things non-starters, at least theatrically, and possibly entirely. I skipped Strange and Fantastic Beasts mostly on those grounds. GitS is in the same boat (although it's worse, because of the cultural source.)


There's this thing, where "we" (geeks, collectively), will try and look at things and make some acknowledgement of the problematic aspects, while also praising other parts of it. Often phased something like, "Yes, it's sexist, but once you get past that, it's actually pretty good. The thing is, by doing that, we're downplaying those aspects in such a way to say that they're not really important.


More and more, I'm tending to view things as if they have some major problematic aspects, then they're just bad media, and I don't need to waste my time on them.


And I've had to listen to people say, for MONTHS, that they only cast ScarJo because they couldn't have made the film otherwise. And now we're seeing that they couldn't sell the film with her, so it looks like a bad deal all around. The filmmakers shouldn't have offered her the job, and she shouldn't have accepted. They're all complicit in the racism, and, so, the thought of supporting her, even elsewhere, turns my stomach a little.


Irony: the oft fan suggested Rinko Kikuchi might not have been able to get the film made, but they probably could have successfully sold it to the fans so they wouldn't have faced the backlash for the past year or two and it might have done better at the box office. They assumed that ScarJo fans would evangelize, but ignored the fact that GitS fans might have done moreso. It probably wouldn't even have to be a quote-unquote "good" movie to do so. Look at how DC fans act about those films (me included.) 



Wow, that was a rambling reply. It's late and I need to go to bed.


How on earth was FB racist?

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1 hour ago, DamienRoc said:


I will probably never watch the film.


The ScarJo casting completely ruined it, and no amount of trying to twist the story could make up for that. Being slavishly devoted to the visuals of the original while completely undermining the cultural aspect with the casting makes it worse, really.


Cultural aspect?! LOL of a robot? A robot can't appear white? Are you kidding me? Wow and people wonder why every reasonable logical person hates social justice warriors. Illogical crap like that is why!

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30 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


I can't really ignore the endemic racism, anymore. It's making a number of things non-starters, at least theatrically, and possibly entirely. I skipped Strange and Fantastic Beasts mostly on those grounds. GitS is in the same boat (although it's worse, because of the cultural source.)


There's this thing, where "we" (geeks, collectively), will try and look at things and make some acknowledgement of the problematic aspects, while also praising other parts of it. Often phased something like, "Yes, it's sexist, but once you get past that, it's actually pretty good. The thing is, by doing that, we're downplaying those aspects in such a way to say that they're not really important.


More and more, I'm tending to view things as if they have some major problematic aspects, then they're just bad media, and I don't need to waste my time on them.


And I've had to listen to people say, for MONTHS, that they only cast ScarJo because they couldn't have made the film otherwise. And now we're seeing that they couldn't sell the film with her, so it looks like a bad deal all around. The filmmakers shouldn't have offered her the job, and she shouldn't have accepted. They're all complicit in the racism, and, so, the thought of supporting her, even elsewhere, turns my stomach a little.


Irony: the oft fan suggested Rinko Kikuchi might not have been able to get the film made, but they probably could have successfully sold it to the fans so they wouldn't have faced the backlash for the past year or two and it might have done better at the box office. They assumed that ScarJo fans would evangelize, but ignored the fact that GitS fans might have done moreso. It probably wouldn't even have to be a quote-unquote "good" movie to do so. Look at how DC fans act about those films (me included.) 



Wow, that was a rambling reply. It's late and I need to go to bed.


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5 hours ago, Nova said:

GITS is DOA. Thats only 600K more than its true Friday number. 

That hurts it. B&B had a strong Saturday and BB doing like I expected.  I knew B&B would do well but didn't expect these kind of holds.

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Going a bit OT, but i just want to say this: Whenever i hear people complain about "white people", "latinos" or "black people" (the context is irrelevant here) i truly feel they're missing the point. In a perfect world, we should just stop calling "races" because we are all the same race, homo sapiens sapiens. I recognise the difficulties and problems with racism that are still very relevant today, but i believe when we are beginning to call Dave just Dave and not Dave, the Afro-American or Dave, the Caucasian these viewpoints will slowly but surely diminish. It might be wishful thinking but i cant stand some of these tiring (online) discussions about racism anymore. Especially when some people are so overly energetic about minor things like movies, like there are real problems in our world you dont have to search in a movie theater for them.

For example, this davin guy actually made me not wanting to see Get Out when it comes out in my country. Thank God i have him on ignore, now i will definetly see it.

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3 hours ago, DamienRoc said:


Ten years ago I'd probably have liked it, too.


Now, though, the thought of seeing it makes me physically ill.


Actually the thought of seeing ScarJo in anything right now makes me ill.


It's that toxic.


3 hours ago, DamienRoc said:


And I've had to listen to people say, for MONTHS, that they only cast ScarJo because they couldn't have made the film otherwise. And now we're seeing that they couldn't sell the film with her, so it looks like a bad deal all around. The filmmakers shouldn't have offered her the job, and she shouldn't have accepted. They're all complicit in the racism, and, so, the thought of supporting her, even elsewhere, turns my stomach a little.


Irony: the oft fan suggested Rinko Kikuchi might not have been able to get the film made, but they probably could have successfully sold it to the fans so they wouldn't have faced the backlash for the past year or two and it might have done better at the box office. They assumed that ScarJo fans would evangelize, but ignored the fact that GitS fans might have done moreso. It probably wouldn't even have to be a quote-unquote "good" movie to do so. Look at how DC fans act about those films (me included.) 



Your arguement reminds me of those who said Jake saved the day in Avatar and Matt Damon in The Great Wall is "whitewashing". I think your hatred towards Scarlett made you go a bit too far here.


I myself never liked casting Scarlett in this movie (and just like you I dont like this actress in genereal either), but it's a totally understandable business decision based on what the studio know about the movie business. Live action adaptations were never promosing in Japan, and they figured since they can't reply too much on Japan, they need an much more internationally (particularly the US) appealing actress. Had Scarlett not been available, they would have gone for someone else with a big name as well. You're heading for the wrong direction if your criticism is to call it racism, or whitewashing like some other sites said. What's really wrong on this project is the studio's stale and decadent understanding of today's movie business and their stale decadent outdated & almost superstitious faith in star power. Things are changing, and they are not catching up. That's all.


A comparable example would be Mulan, which it was said the studio decided the main cast will all be Chinese. They made the decision based on the understanding that China is a much bigger market than Japan now, and it's worth to please the Chinese audience even at the cost of not having an internationally appealing face. (In fact, it's a little understatement because Mulan is much more well-know in China than GITS in Japan.)  You dont see racism here, not because the studio decided to not being racist on Mulan, but because they think it's a worthy business decision.


And dont even bring up that "GITS fans can do so much more" here. We all know it's a small fanbase, and any logical investment decision on projects like this must be based on, not how much its fans can offer, but that they can make a much broader appeal out of it. You mentioned DC, but it's exactly because they thought they could make a much broader appeal out of it rather than just fan serving, they decided to invest $150m on Ironman and brought Marvel to its great situation now. The only franchise that you can say "OK we're gonna make a new film because we're gonna trust the fans" is Star Wars, because its fanbase is the entire US nation, and that's how TFA happened.


Edited by vc2002
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Tree and water are both by far the most ridiculous posters here when it comes to racism/sexism/whateverism and do a disservice to those issues because they end up attacking films and ideas that are really not deserving of being criticised. 


Racism is a massive issue. And I also don't think people should be "race-blind". I highly doubt that is even possible with our evolutionary biology. Instead, minorities should be used to express a certain part of society and to give awareness to it and avoid stereotypes. When you go as far as mercilessly hating on FB for not having any black actors (except one...who was both female and black and president of MACUSA) then it goes way too far and give fuel for the racists to attack you for being so melodramatic. They end up victimising minorities themselves which is detrimental to their breaking out of barriers. 


When someone like water blows up because a white person wore dreads or had an afro is fucking ridiculous. Why not attack blacks for having their hair done to mimic their white counterparts? Does that means she's ashamed to he black? OF COURSE NOT.


Focus on the real socio-economic and political issues of minorities but when you turn into hysterical idiots claiming everyone and everything is racist then you have only harmed the minorities.

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I'm glad to see GITS failing, not because of whitewashing or any of that other pc bullshit, but because it was a crappy adaptation of something great. It's a shame on the other hand for me though, because there are some great anime out there that really could lend themselves to a Hollywood retelling, but are likely to be on the back foot now. Still holding out hope for Attack on Titan though. 

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8 hours ago, Rth and the Beast said:

Sat looking like

BB 20,BATB 19.8, GITS 6.5, PR 6.2

Finally saw B&B, pure magic!!
Eww at these GiTS numbers, I guess there's no such thing as star power anymore.

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1 hour ago, Noctis said:

Tree and water are both by far the most ridiculous posters here when it comes to racism/sexism/whateverism and do a disservice to those issues because they end up attacking films and ideas that are really not deserving of being criticised. 


Racism is a massive issue. And I also don't think people should be "race-blind". I highly doubt that is even possible with our evolutionary biology. Instead, minorities should be used to express a certain part of society and to give awareness to it and avoid stereotypes. When you go as far as mercilessly hating on FB for not having any black actors (except one...who was both female and black and president of MACUSA) then it goes way too far and give fuel for the racists to attack you for being so melodramatic. They end up victimising minorities themselves which is detrimental to their breaking out of barriers. 


When someone like water blows up because a white person wore dreads or had an afro is fucking ridiculous. Why not attack blacks for having their hair done to mimic their white counterparts? Does that means she's ashamed to he black? OF COURSE NOT.


Focus on the real socio-economic and political issues of minorities but when you turn into hysterical idiots claiming everyone and everything is racist then you have only harmed the minorities.


Stop Being reasonable  and stop making sense.


They Hates It.



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19 minutes ago, Ohana said:

I guess there's no such thing as star power anymore.

Why does everyone forget about The Rock? He has star power. I would say he's the only one whose movies make big box office numbers no matter of reviews.

Edited by Firepower
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