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2 minutes ago, Ithil said:

A quick but great gag, the whole X-Men team appearing briefly to shut a door before Deadpool can notice them. So the mansion is empty because no one but Colossus wants to deal with Deadpool's crap.

I like how all the X-Men still look exactly like they did in 1980.

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2 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

I like how all the X-Men still look exactly like they did in 1980.

That gag immediately threw me off for that very reason.


Then, moments later, I remembered I was watching a Deadpool movie, and logic is but a minor hindrance in a Deadpool movie. ;) 

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40 minutes ago, Webslinger said:

That gag immediately threw me off for that very reason.


Then, moments later, I remembered I was watching a Deadpool movie, and logic is but a minor hindrance in a Deadpool movie. ;) 

Not like aging timeline makes sense in the regular X-Men movies either.

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The Say Anything part had me busting a gut.

Loved it when he goes tr Blind AL'S place to get the cocaine and under the floor boards, there's a CURE FOR BLINDNESS

Matt Damon's cameo

Brad Pitt's cameo

The death of the X-force

The killing of Ryan Reynolds and YOU'RE WELCOME CANADA!


So much great comedy!

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I even saw Deadpool 2 in the exact same auditorium where I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Talk about a full-circle cleansing of a franchise sin!


Then again, I'm still mildly embarrassed to have given Wolverine a passing grade upon my first viewing. I gave it a then-generous B, which has since dropped to a C+ as of a re-watch of the entire franchise ahead of Apocalypse two years ago (because I bought the whole collection on Blu-Ray). In my defense, though:


a.) Wolverine isn't that bad - the first two-thirds are actually decently entertaining, though it falls apart in the final act and the Deadpool twist becomes even harder to swallow after seeing what Ryan Reynolds ultimately gets to do with the character, and...


b.) I saw it the night before I took the AP Literature exam as a deliberate de-stressing method, so I was kinda predisposed to enjoy myself. (Then again, I slammed Angels & Demons when I saw it as a distraction from a big project two weeks later, so...)


Either way, I still enjoyed the hell out of the callback in the stinger.

Edited by Webslinger
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I am surprised none of you guys have mentioned these jokes :-


1) Without my superpowers the only thing I have is my cancer ... give me a bow & arrrow and I'll be just like Hawkeye

2) WTF did I do to piss a grumpy old man with a Winter Soldier arm.

3) You are so dark ... are you from the DC Universe?


My audience was going crazy with all these jokes and what surprised me was people actually understood the DC joke :P


Anyways the movie is the best pure comedy I have seen since ... well D1. I would actually place D2 above D1.


Also ... the whole X-force getting killed and baby legs scenes killed it at my theatre.

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14 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:

One of the worst offenses this movie does is play Bangerang for the dubstep song. Its not a big deal but 


Its the first time I went yep this filmmaker to def to old to be making this reference,  it made me roll my eyes. 


They picked the OLDEST possible dubstep song they could have.  its 6 years OLDDDDDDDDD. its in that awkward time frame. Skrillex has releases like over 100 songs since then.  And its not old enough to be cool again. its awkward. Its like saying were about to drop the hottest track on the radio from DRAKE and its from 2 albums ago. its was confusing to me. And it reminded me this filmmaker is 50....


Its like your dad singing that song you liked in 7th grade and saying I thought you LOVED this song but you're in 12th grade now. 


I'm fucking 25 years old. That song was the most popular when I was 19 for god sakes, I still lived at home, I couldn't even drink, so it feels like a worse offense to me, its not modern. 



My buddy who is at EDC right now because  his DUBSTEP track are being played infornt of 25,000 people was like YAY dubstep joke, and then when he heard the song, he said he thought so lammmmme. The joke only works on people who don't actually listen or have heard dubstep. Thus they didn't succeed.  



Again, this isn't effecting my "grade" its just two eye roll moments


I'm on the opposite end, I thought it was used pretty hilariously.  Hardest I laughed in the movie tbh.  They timed it perfectly the first time it was used.

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18 hours ago, baumer said:

The Say Anything part had me busting a gut.

Loved it when he goes tr Blind AL'S place to get the cocaine and under the floor boards, there's a CURE FOR BLINDNESS

Matt Damon's cameo

Brad Pitt's cameo

The death of the X-force

The killing of Ryan Reynolds and YOU'RE WELCOME CANADA!


So much great comedy!

Damon was in the movie? I missed that!



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