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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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2 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Solo is pretty much going under every big release this year OS. Tomb Raider, Maze Runner, Pacific Rim, etc, you name it.

This is incredible when you think about it but for the wrong reasons. 

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Solo put up a very disappointing opening, no way around it. Even worst case scenario, I didn't think the three-day opening would fall below $100 million before preview numbers rolled in. Ultimately, I think this opening demonstrates that the Star Wars brand's power, while still sizable, isn't strong enough to keep every single spin-off afloat. Solo also had the contested reactions to The Last Jedi and the public behind-the-scenes turmoil working against it; and unlike Rogue One, it didn't have the massive goodwill from The Force Awakens or prime seasonal positioning working in its favor. All things being equal, a $100 million four-day opening and a domestic total over $200 million shouldn't be a fiasco, but with how big Star Wars is and how high the financial expectations are every time out, it's not going to be a happy time over at Lucasfilm.


Deadpool 2 got hit way, way harder than I thought it would. I thought it would go higher even with a stronger performance from Solo up top. I wouldn't necessarily take the drop as an indicator of awful word-of-mouth (I've seen it twice, and the audience ate it up both times), but rather proof that more casual audiences just weren't up for a second go-around with this character. It will miss $300 million - which is a letdown - but its performance is still solid against its budget.


Avengers held up nicely. It will surpass the first team-up's domestic gross tomorrow and should continue to hold steady for the next several weekends.


Book Club had a terrific hold, though the truly impressive performance came during the weekdays. It's obviously playing to an older crowd that will show up during the week, so it has the potential to post a huge multiplier if it continues to hold up well on the weekends.


Life of the Party, Breaking In, and Overboard all recovered nicely after last weekend's rough holds.


Show Dogs is toast next weekend, even with no direct competition opening against it. That per-theater average is pitiful.

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2 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

Nope. China is gonna come under 10m by about 100k. They are over estimating

They were true :huh:  It fell 66% 

I didn't see it posted in this thread but then I saw it on the sidebar. Damn. Well... 66% is on the better end of things at least?

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I know the last thing this thread needs is more talk about TLJ and its reception, but some of you are acting like it's the sole reason that Solo isn't doing well and completely ruined the brand in the eyes of the public. You know who hated The Last Jedi? Hardcore Star Wars nerds (or at least a certain segment of them). You know who went to see Solo this weekend? Hardcore Star Wars nerds. Do you really think a bad Star Wars movie is gonna keep Star Wars fans from watching more Star Wars? Give me a fucking break, the prequel trilogy proved that's not the case. It's the more casual audiences that aren't watching Solo, and that's because it didn't look like an appealing movie. Like I loved The Last Jedi, it was one of my favorite Star Wars but I skipped out on Solo this week because I wasn't interested, that's it.


We can argue all day about what the average Joe Schmoe thought of The Last Jedi, you can point to RT audience scores, IMDB scores, this that and the other thing but at the end of the day there's no quantifiable way of knowing how much people "liked something", but it still made $620 million stateside which ain't too shabby. While I do think it was a mistake to put the two movies so close together, if they made an appealing looking movie here people would go see it. And I'm not saying TLJ did NO damage to the brand whatsoever, but some of you are WAAAAAY overstating it (and have been since it came out), and Solo could have done some perfectly respectable numbers if it looked like a better movie, that's it.


Also Deadpool 2 is doing fine big picture god some of you are dramatic.

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Just now, Blaze Heatnix said:

Remember when Rotten Tomatoes told us to check our expectations at the theater floor, for Solo?


I think checking Solo's low numbers is better. :)

That was such a bad consensus. At least the score is rotten with top critics.

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If DP2 does 260-270 dom, it's 26-28% down from DP1. Better than TLJ's ~34% drop. JWFK doing 350-375 and falling 42-46% from JW1 would be unprecedented and would beat LW's 36% drop from JP1 which few have beaten. That's why I find it tough to buy this 130-140 ow talk.

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7 minutes ago, Alli said:

The OS numbers are even more crazy than domestic. People OS don't care about these social justice wars on the  internet. so the drop must be because of TLJ quality

No, the drop is disinterest in Solo, period. TLJ didn't help but the starting point and root of the problem is no interest in this story. I wager the same sentiment applies to Boba Fett spin-off, Lando spin-off, etc. They are not must-see cause they don't connect to the Saga. They are not what individual movies are to The Avengers. 


@GambitPool I guarantee you that Ben Solo/Kylo movie wouldn't be Ben Solow/Kylow. Same actor, connection with the Saga, defo not a filler = reason to see it. Unlike this. 

Edited by Valonqar
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So, Solo's numbers almost guarantee all the June 1 releases get a wider open, right?  I'd assume there are a LOT of theaters which are gonna look for a "2-week" movie to fill unneeded Solo screens until Incredibles 2.  Maybe it will also help some June 8 releases, if they are willing to take only a 1 week guarantee window.  I know if I were any of these movies, I'd be pinging some of those 10-12 screen theaters that I didn't think I had a chance of booking now...  

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