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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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10 minutes ago, Nova said:

It was Deadpool 2's fault too. Don't forget that. Ya know the movie that all but collapsed it's second weekend was also a factor for Solo bombing. Disney will go through every excuse they can find before admitting that they released a film that nobody asked for and to make matters worse released a meh movie. In other words they'll blame everything but the product that they delivered. 

If only Solo didn't exist and Deadpool 2 opened on this weekend... :ph34r:;)

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13 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

Indirectly it can. Solo is a brash figure, and very much an American in attitude, which is why he is popular there. Thats not popular right now outside the US. Speaking with others, its clear that Solo was never the popular figure here (the UK) he was in the US, thats only going to be even more true of Europe.

Is this real life ? What on earth is this ? Solo flopped because he is too American ? :wintf:

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Seems like everything was a bit underestimated, at least from Disney. Good 4day weekend for IW , over 21 million, let’s see if it goes over 22 million with the actuals.

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4 minutes ago, sfran43 said:


3-day estimate increase by 1M, yet they still stick with 3.8M Monday, a -43% Memorial Day drop? :apocalypse:

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16 minutes ago, Gamera said:

When the "Lando is Pansexual" announcement came out, you knew the movie was in huge trouble.


I have no idea how that was supposed to drum up business.




yep this movie failed because they said he was pansexual.  good analysis there.

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37 minutes ago, Nova said:

It was Deadpool 2's fault too. Don't forget that. Ya know the movie that all but collapsed it's second weekend was also a factor for Solo bombing. Disney will go through every excuse they can find before admitting that they released a film that nobody asked for and to make matters worse released a meh movie. In other words they'll blame everything but the product that they delivered. 

LOL, that too! :lol:


@GirafficPark Good point about Solo character appeal OS though the studio with their incessant markets research, focus groups and what not should have known that he's much more an American thing and give the movie much smaller budget than what's spent on the Saga.

Edited by Valonqar
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What has happened to Solo at the box office as well as including all the behind the scenes issues is what every other movie studios other than Disney has experienced regularly. Look at Universal and the monster universe, look at WB and the DCeU and FOX with X-Men properties and Sony with the Spiderman movies. I guess it's Disney's turn to join this club however I don't think they will be in it for long as their success rate is far greater than other studios with their IPs and they will rebound in no time at all.

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Avengers: Infinity War grossed an estimated $21.25M over the 4-day weekend. Estimated total gross through Monday is $626.44M. Updated 3-day weekend estimate is $17.44M.


RTH was right again...of course!

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13 minutes ago, sfran43 said:


41% drop for the 3-day. Stunning hold, especially in the vein of a Star Wars movie opening..... and completely collapsing. (Though I'm afraid that next weekend's hold will be closer to 50% again, due to the incredible Sunday hold that was clearly inflated by MDW.)

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