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2 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

@The Panda


Clearly those surveys are wrong because according to that you're telling me that the Last Jedi was more liked than infinity War but on further reflection and endgame broke the opening weekend record by a hundred million dollars while the tros is going to open 30 million dollars less



That is all the damn proof I need and frankly you have been 100% wrong about the Last Jedi was well loved...


 The people that have been saying film had a large mainstream backlash are fully vindicated. 


You can't excuse yourself out of this the numbers don't lie and frankly we are right and you can admit your failure in realizing reality



I didn’t make that comparison. 

Marvel movies and SW movies attract different types of audiences, cinemascores wouldn’t be as directly comparable as SW-SW.


But frankly, it sounds like you have more interest in smug talking the narrative you like the best than actually considering that there’s a large multitude of factors for why films “underperform” or “overperform” and pinpointing it into a singular factor (especially without any actual evidence linking the causality) is pretty dang foolish.

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43 minutes ago, The Panda said:




The Last Jedi: A
Solo: A Star Wars Story: A-

The Rise of Skywalker: B+


The Last Jedi: 85

Solo: A Star Wars Story: 62

The Rise of Skywalker: 54


Blaming TLJ for the failures of other movies is pretty dumb imo!

Dumb ??? TLJ Rotten Tomatoes : critics 91% .... fans 43%, for ROS it's 58% (critics) and 86% for the audience....
TLJ was pathetic, full of cringeworthy scenes and no emotion, that drove the hardcore fans AWAY !!!

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5 minutes ago, a2k said:

the-numbers.com had a spot on prediction before previews hit.


To be frank, he was flying over 700mn at beginning of month. I guess our tracking thread is what bring prediction down on internet as it is very popular on reddit. Had there been no thread, I can easily assume people would have been expecting atleast $200mn.

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5 minutes ago, Jedi Jat said:

Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of JK Rowling


I guess not completely off but I don't know how I sat through that garbage.

would say the difference is that unlike the current SWs, FBs are spin-offs. Mainstream HP would still attract the loyal fan-base though there will be some dilution.


edit: speaks to HP fan-base loyalty that an obscure author of a book mentioned in the books got his own series and even then it took a very bad movie to put a halt/slow things down

Edited by a2k
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2 minutes ago, Jedi Jat said:

Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of JK Rowling


I guess not completely off but I don't know how I sat through that garbage.


That's fair, I didn't even bother with it after the first movie, but I also wouldn't consider myself a HUGE HP fan though.  

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3 minutes ago, The Panda said:

I didn’t make that comparison. 

Marvel movies and SW movies attract different types of audiences, cinemascores wouldn’t be as directly comparable as SW-SW.


But frankly, it sounds like you have more interest in smug talking the narrative you like the best than actually considering that there’s a large multitude of factors for why films “underperform” or “overperform” and pinpointing it into a singular factor (especially without any actual evidence linking the causality) is pretty dang foolish.

You simply don't want to admit  that film that you held in high regard was not well liked by manye people.


I do agree that poor reviews ...a storyline that really didn't hook people is causing a decline but you have to admit a backlash to The Last Jedi is a major attribute...


You can deny it all you want but frankly when you guys made fun of me saying that the backlash towards the Last Jedi was not mainstream .


well you guys have been one hundred percent wrong...


I have every right to be smug you've been telling me for two years I've been wrong.


Edited by Lordmandeep
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Despite the not so great news I’m looking forward to seeing the movie with my dad.  He my sister and I would always see a SW movie together.  Sadly my sister is no longer with us but she’ll be there in spirit 

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Just now, Jabba'sMoofmilker said:

that poll is the main reason I gave up on TROS have any good WOM

It’s not even a poll. 5 theaters across five cities on opening day pass out this survey the response to which is voluntary. And for some reason we accept it as a valid poll. So not only response bias but the polling audience is also biased unless we accept those all urban people on OD as reflective of the whole county. That’s beyond trash a statistics professor would lose his fucking mind if a student based on project on a survey that weak. It’s basically a twitter poll 

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People are surprised with the B+ CinemaScore for TROS because opening days are inflated by fans / fanboys. Besides, this is the finale of a saga that's now 40 years old. 


Sure, general audiences might be more forgiving ( it seems they are. I've seen many people saying it wasn't a bad movie at all ) BUT fans / fanboys are the ones who watch this movie several times. Fanboys are the ones rushing to see the movie as fast as they can.


That's why CinemaScore is interesting. Sure, it doesn't say much about the quality of a movie. However, when the finale of a huge saga gets a B+, you can say the fanbase wasn't excited or impressed with what they watched. So, that means the replay factor ( fans watching it again ) won't be as strong.


I'm not a fan / fanboy of Star Wars and I've never been. I'm as casual as I can. So, I adjusted my expectations after seeing that fans aren't giving a good score. That's probably why I didn't hate this movie. In fact, it was fine / ok. I can definitely see the problems in it, though.


All in all, I think fans of the saga deserve so much more. 

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17 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:

I guess for me, I have a hard time understanding the mentality behind one single movie turning people completely off a series.  Like you're done and that's it, no more interest.  You've spent years and years being a fan, in many cases, literal decades being a fan, but that one movie just killed all the interest for you.


I don't like the prequels and I think TROS is quite a bad film, but I'm not swearing off Star Wars because I didn't like it. 


I just don't get it.  



Can't speak for others, but for me it was TFA + TLJ combined which killed the interest for TROS. Still, I love Star Wars and there is plenty to appreciate in these two movies, but I just don't feel any excitement for Ep. 9.


My ranking:

1. ANH

2. ESB



5. TPM

6. R1


8. Solo

9. TFA

10. TLJ


1-5 love

6-8 like

9-10 okay

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3 minutes ago, DAR said:

Despite the not so great news I’m looking forward to seeing the movie with my dad.  He my sister and I would always see a SW movie together.  Sadly my sister is no longer with us but she’ll be there in spirit 

I hope you guys have a great time! So sorry about your sister. 

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@The Panda there is nothing to gain working with that segment of the board. Data and reason are not worthy substitutes for emotion and inner hate / or love (depending on the film.) 



Also, amazing how many posts some people make - you dont realize it till you have them on ignore and have to scroll past all their trolling 😂

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Disappointed at how bad Deadline did with TROS estimates this weekend. Despite the teasing will say they do well with early numbers very often but previews, early Friday and extrapolation - all's been poor with TROS.

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7 minutes ago, Deep Wang said:


That's fair, I didn't even bother with it after the first movie, but I also wouldn't consider myself a HUGE HP fan though.  

Actually now that I am thinking, it killed FB franchise not HP and FB. If there is another HP spinoff not from this storyline, I will totally watch it.

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1 minute ago, boomboom234 said:

It’s not even a poll. 5 theaters across five cities on opening day pass out this survey the response to which is voluntary. And for some reason we accept it as a valid poll. So not only response bias but the polling audience is also biased unless we accept those all urban people on OD as reflective of the whole county. That’s beyond trash a statistics professor would lose his fucking mind if a student based on project on a survey that weak. It’s basically a twitter poll 

And yet, the "data" is fairly accurate (with rare exceptions). And its been around long enough for followers to know or recognize how the info should be interpreted. 😂 not saying its not weak sauce from a research pov, but it serves its purpose. 

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