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The Wild Eric

Weekend Thread: SW 26.2/25.3/21 72.5M | Jumanji 11.7/12.4/11 35.1M | Frozen 6/5.85/5.3 17.15M

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If the Disney+ Star Wars shows continue to have critical acclaim and are widely loved by the audiences I see no reason why the brand would be permanently tarnished or other ideas that are being tossed around.  


Couple years down the road someone with fresh ideas can step in and make an interesting and well received SW film. 


Mandalorian is doing well because it is focusing on the half of the star wars brand that is relatively undamaged:  the Western sci-fi side.  The other half of the star wars brand, which has been horribly damaged, will be much harder to salvage.


To understand the part of star wars that lies in ruins, you have to understand the two elements that turned star wars into a multi-billion dollar franchise.  One part was western science fiction, and the other part was Chinese martial arts fiction (referred to as wuxia)


Below is a description of elements found in nearly every wuxia novel:  (it should seem familiar.)



There is an energy in the world (Qi/force/etc).  Some people have the rare gift of being sense this energy and have the potential to harness its power through training in the martial arts.  Force/Qi-sentative children are taken from their families and join martial art sect/order to devote their lives to harnessing its power.  After years of training, they become martial arts master able to use Qi/force to do all manners of supernatural things (move objects with their minds, shoot lighting from their fingers, manipulate the minds of mortals, etc).  These force/Qi martial arts users can sense each other over great distances and dodge/block attacks by predicting the future.  There preferred weapons are swords.


The best way to describe the first six star wars film is a beautiful mixture of Easter martial art fiction and Western sci-fi fiction.  Problem is, lucasfilm has been managed by people who think of star wars as "wizards with laser swords".  These people didn't understand that star wars was the world's most valuable martial arts franchise, with horrifying results.



How do you break a martial arts franchise?  Here is how.   You have a nobody from nowhere, who has never trained a single day in martial arts, pick up a sword for the first time and defeat one the galaxy's strongest martial artists, who has trained for decades on how use the force and the sword.  That is how you turn a martial arts franchise into a joke.  How you turn star wars into "wizards with laser swords".


In both wuxia and the OT/PT, being force/qi sensative means nothing without training in the martial arts.  You don't become a master martial artist without training, period, this is common sense.  TFA badly damage the wuxia side of star wars.  TLJ finished it off.


In TLJ, Rey is able to lift ten times more stuff than Yoda, with essentially zero training.  This completely breaks the martial arts side of star wars.  Not only can someone with zero training do the same things as martial artists who have trained centuries, they can do it ten times better.  Sigh...


In the first six movies, the force/jedi were based on chinese martial arts lore (talented individuals gain strength through training).  In the last three movies, the force/jedi was based on a bad version of Harry Potter (sense the force, poof  >> jedi master).


A four billion dollar martial arts franchise was put in the hands of people who think martial artists are wizards...




EDIT:  It should also be clear from this why TROS is bombing in China.  They see the corruption of the wuxia side of star wars far clearer there.



Edited by cedec0
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1 hour ago, #ED said:

Is it me or this wasn’t marketed as the finale till tickets went on sale? 

No, way earlier, it has been marketed since June as the end of the alleged "Skywalker Saga". Disney saw the crazy money from Endgame and figured they could pull off a fake "finale" scam again.

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5 minutes ago, PKMLover said:

Can that 3 multiplier be higher?

I hope it turns out higher. 


Ralph Breaks the Internet did 2.98 times the first January weekend afterwards, while Coco (the holiday 2017 animation) did 3.30, and Moana did 3.66.

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Star Wars 2022 can still be successful if they create a completely new universe like different character, planet , action , some kind of cool stuff that replace or upgrade lightsaber and different villain ( not something like Death Star again lol ). The iconic and lovable things could still remain as side reminder about why we love Star Wars just don’t make it too significant to the story. If they could create that combined with good and interesting story , Star Wars can do better than it is now. Just need some times and I believe Disney can do it like what they did with MCU. The most important thing is they need a right people to handle it.

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13 minutes ago, Claudio said:

Star Wars 2022 can still be successful if they create a completely new universe like different character, planet , action , some kind of cool stuff that replace or upgrade lightsaber and different villain ( not something like Death Star again lol ). The iconic and lovable things could still remain as side reminder about why we love Star Wars just don’t make it too significant to the story. If they could create that combined with good and interesting story , Star Wars can do better than it is now. Just need some times and I believe Disney can do it like what they did with MCU. The most important thing is they need a right people to handle it.

To me, people are way overreacting. I definitely agree. This is already being proven with Mandalorian's popularity. And, with Disney+, they can work to cultivate off shoots and new characters and corners of the galaxy, etc. I couldn't agree more.

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Is there any way for people to criticize Disney's handling of Star Wars post Rogue One without being accused of overreacting? Any mild criticism is seen as overreaction. Even when Solo flat out bombed people were accused of overreacting.

Edited by Zakiyyah6
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5 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Is there any way for people to criticize Disney's handling of Star Wars post Rogue One without being accused of overreacting? Any mild criticism is seen as overreaction. Even when Solo flat out bombed people were accused of overreacting.

I only mean that I think Star Wars, if handled more like Mandalorian, will have some very, very successful movies in the future. This isn't going to be another Fantastic Beasts. Not even sure the next FB can do 150M DOM.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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It would be quite sad as a fan to see how the finale of this trilogy just kinda petered out. 

But I have not been a fan since TFA so I just find the downward trajectory quite... amusing. 

Although, as a AoU fan, I will say that I’m happy to see that movie’s title of “highest grossing disappointment” continues to live on! And seems like it’ll live for another few years too at least. 

Right? @Arendelle Legion @Lordmandeep

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14 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Hell of a football game. Did someone say both games were rubbish? 

They need to stop selecting OU for these playoffs. This was their fourth playoff game and they have been outmanned every game. Clemson/Ohio St game was awesome. Ohio St. had the better line play but hard to keep Lawrence and his receivers down for an entire game.

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

I only mean that I think Star Wars, if handled more like Mandalorian, will have some very, very successful movies in the future. This isn't going to be another Fantastic Beasts. Not even sure the next FB can do 150M DOM.

I don't think spending 300mil per picture in the future will be a smart idea until they right the ship. Mandalorian is a television thing and I don't think has much barring on the theatrical films unless they use those same people to make the films. FB3 is a guarantee flop. WB better lower the budget a lot.

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12 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Is there any way for people to criticize Disney's handling of Star Wars post Rogue One without being accused of overreacting? Any mild criticism is seen as overreaction. Even when Solo flat out bombed people were accused of overreacting.

Sure. Problem is is that people often don't really express their feelings very well and they often come off as just trying to poke fun at something instead of having a discussion about a topic. Forums like this in general has pretty much just become an extension of twitter though where many people just use it as an avenue to react instead of to discuss.

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9 minutes ago, Sam said:

Although, as a AoU fan, I will say that I’m happy to see that movie’s title of “highest grossing disappointment” continues to live on! And seems like it’ll live for another few years too at least. 

Right? @Arendelle Legion @Lordmandeep

Dec 17, 2021

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26 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

To me, people are way overreacting. I definitely agree. This is already being proven with Mandalorian's popularity. And, with Disney+, they can work to cultivate off shoots and new characters and corners of the galaxy, etc. I couldn't agree more.

I mean to me I would consider not doing 2022 and push it out some buy yeah anything can be forgiven. See DC films.

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