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Eric Quinn


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This movie highlights the strengths of the superhero genre and why its become so dominant in our culture.  


The setup that NWH had from the previous movie was very strong (the identity reveal and being framed), so already NWH had a ton of potential, but where they went with it is just out of this world.  The premise of this movie is absolutely bonkers, when you think about it for five seconds.


Superheroes as a genre have so much flexibility with the setting, characters, and plots of the movies in a way that say... Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic World, and Fast and Furious don't/won't do.  So we can get weird as fuck plots and audiences won't bat an eye at them.

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Really liked this, especially the 2nd half, but I think the reactions are slightly OTT if I’m being totally honest. Having said that, it was an absolute blast seeing the three Spidey’s together, the audience as expected when absolutely berserk. Tom Holland + Zendaya chemistry is so good, and Jacob Batalon as Ned is pure gold. The scene with his grandma brought the fucking house down. Also, Dafoe’s green goblin is still one of the best villains in a superhero film ever. So menacing. And lastly, damn, Garfield saving MJ really packed a punch. 

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Just got back from my 2nd viewing. What's interesting is that many of the people in my show seemed to have no idea about Tobey and Andrew's possible appearance. They gasped loudly when Andrew showed up, and gasped even louder when Tobey showed up. While the crowd on opening day cheered and clapped at those moments. Other big reactions were Aunt May's death ("Noooo") and Andrew saving MJ ("Awww").

Edited by catlover
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The only problem i had with this movie was Aunt may and Tom were trying to change the villains by giving them a chance to redeem which i felt so pointless...i mean come on...these villains have come from different universe and are trying to destroy urs and you want to trust them and make them change??


In the process of redeeming them....your universe literally has taken a hit now!

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3 hours ago, catlover said:

What's interesting is that many of the people in my show seemed to have no idea about Tobey and Andrew's possible appearance.


I wouldn't have known if not for these forums.  I don't follow movies on social media.  I would have loved to be surprised.

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I'll start off with what I liked. The movie starts to pop big time once the other 2 Spider-Men show up. The scene with the 3 of them casually shooting the shit about Spider-Man life was an absolute joy, I can't deny that, and overall it was fun seeing the 3 of them together. Andrew Garfield was definitely the best Spider-Man in the movie, which was a bit of a surprise. I always knew he was a good actor, but I barely remember TASM1 and didn't bother with the second one. 


The problem is the entire story was a ridiculous excuse to make this team up happen that I didn't buy at all. The whole multiverse happening because of a botched wizard spell? That's fine. The wizard's spell being cast because Peter's friends didn't get into college? What?! Even though they have Dr. Strange comment on this, it's still a coffee filter-flimsy premise. The entire crux of the movie being "Inject the bad guys with good guy juice and send them back to their universe?" This is the best they could come up with? I'm sorry, that is not good writing.


Also the "comedy" has regressed big time. I didn't say anything at the time the trailer dropped because I didn't want to pile on about the "Scooby Doo" and "Seriously what's your real name" jokes, but they annoyed me at the time, and the film is full of those attempts at humor which just... aren't funny. A lot of those attempts come from Happy and Ned, and for the first time Ned started to annoy me. Really the only comic relief that worked was from the Spider-Men trio and Jamie Foxx (the brief scene with the school teachers was funny but that lasts like 8 seconds)


Finally, the action is just SO lifeless. The action in all of these MCU Spider-Man movies has never been a high point, but I was hoping they'd step it up for this one, but nope. Every setpiece is still set in a drab, boring location and feels completely functional, even compared to like an Avengers movie, there's just no excitement to any of the action. They even managed to drain the life out of the Dr. Strange sequence. That's how I feel about Jon Watts' direction in general, serviceable and that's it. Honestly FFH might be the best out of the MCU Spideys


Tldr overhyped, gets gud when Tobey and Andrew show up. 


Edited by MOVIEGUY
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Surprised by how much I enjoyed this, considering this kind of fan service usually has me rolling my eyes into the back of my skull.


Chemistry between the three Spider-Men was soooo good, and Dafoe killed it, but when doesn't he? Couldn't see shit during most of the action sequences, but maybe that was a blessing in disguise considering how fucking bland that sequence on the bridge with Doc Ock looked.


Can't help but think how good this movie could have been in the hands of a director with... any sort of distinctive style.


A really good movie, despite all that, though.


Now gimme that Spider-Man 4 with Tobey and John Malkovich as Vulture and Raimi back behind the chair.

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I mentioned in the RTM thread that my audience went absolutely WILD for Andrew's big reveal when he took off the mask. Tobey's entrance also drowned out the movie for a few seconds (why did the writers even bother including dialogue for those first couple of seconds following each of their arrivals when they knew it was going to cause crowds to lose it lol?) but they didn't set it up to be nearly as BIG of a moment as Andrew's was.


Charlie Cox's appearance also got a huge reaction (as someone who didn't watch the Daredevil show it did little for me although Cox is always a welcome presence). And then there was Tom Peter attempting to save MJ from falling to her death only to be taken out by Goblin's glider (a lot of loud "oh noes" and screams when that happened) followed by thunderous applause when Andrew Peter caught her. This was one those special theatrical experiences I'm going to cherish forever.

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4 hours ago, IceFire9yt said:

Superheroes as a genre have so much flexibility with the setting, characters, and plots of the movies in a way that say... Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic World, and Fast and Furious don't/won't do.  So we can get weird as fuck plots and audiences won't bat an eye at them.


this is true though they can do that because there are gizillion CBs with most bonkers plots, characters and settings. OTOH, none of the other franchises started like that. HP is abse don books so unless they expand that universe with wizards in space, shrunk wizards, wizards meeting LOTR characters, etc, fat chance to get the kind of plot/set/character diversity that CBM offer. SW, JW and F*F are even more limited by being movie franchises. Also, unlike CBM that can take palce anywhere, the others are limited to their universe. You can't have Earth or Quantum or Parallels Universe-bound Star Wars because Star requires it to be in space and Wars that some type of war conflict is at least in the background. That's limiting. F&F, etc are even more limited. Unlike CBM which are limitless cause there's already 1000 characters, universes,etc that may or may not cross over. 


@filmlover I didn't watch Daredevil either but blind Murdoch catching the I beleive Mysterio stone was effective whether one knows the character or not. It got a huge reaction.

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I really enjoyed it but some parts bugged me. The blatant continuity errors with the Raimi films (Sandman and Ock shouldn't know that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin) and I felt some aspects of the other Spider-Man could have been executed a bit better. Felt like Tobey didn't have many lines and their final  goodbye was really rushed. Were Tobey/Andrew a last minute addition? Maybe it would have been better to delay the film and work out some of the kinks. Still a very enjoyable movie but I hope the rumors of Tobey and Andrew potentially coming back in future films is true

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4 hours ago, filmlover said:

Icon Dafoe was incredible in this. His Norman here was more insidious than the one from 19 years ago.


The scene in Happy's apartment complex where Holland's Peter kept slugging him in the face only for him to not react/budge at all and just grin/laugh? Fucking flawless.

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I can't see how this was conceived without Andrew and Tobey on board unless they knew from the beginning they would be because their presence in this is too important in showing MCU Peter how to overcome an unbearable loss after having just lost his Aunt May to tragedy on top of his Uncle Ben (who they have been vague about when and how he died in MCU Peter's life). Making Tomei's May this Spidey's version of Ben works since we've already developed some sort of attachment to her character over multiple movies which makes the tragedy sting harder. Definitely beats hiring yet another respected actor to appear for just a handful of scenes only to die violently before the end of the first act of the origin movie.

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The doubling down on May being Peter's moral compass really rang false to me given how they've actively avoided any meaningful drama with her before this (her character had never moved beyond the really gross 'hot Auny May' thing). The actors sold it about as well as they could, but it didn't have the heft it felt like it should.

Edited by ddddeeee
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