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WGA/SAGAFTRA Strike Discussion Thread | SAG Ratifies Contract

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1 hour ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

The thing is, if AI is that big of a threat and could put SAG actors out of work, it won't be Studios that come out ahead, it'll be the yet-to-be-formed tech company that uses AI to create their own movie outside of the SAG/WGA/AMPTP system.

This either AI is not really a big factor

Or Ai is a big deal and if studios are not free to use it they will loose to the world competition that can freely use it and deal to secure studio revenues by labors will not mean much.


It is not an easy dance.


And not necessarily the tech company that use AI, those would be tool easy to use by creative studio, small one from all around the world, it could turn over a long enough window filmmaking-videogame making into something not that dissimilar to bookwriting in how much open it is to everyone that want to do it, no more you need to be a giant corporation or state to make movies affair.

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The amount of actors doing Broadway or West End between now and next year does make me wonder if actors thought the strike would go on a while longer and so sought to do theatre. Steve Carrell in Uncle Vanya and Elle Fanning in Approriate are the two that come to mind.



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42 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Saw a few actor friends out in Hollywood say they're voting no. Is it 2/3rds or 50%+1? If the latter, it'll pass almost for sure. But the former.....might be dicey?





    • The new TV/Theatrical Agreement is subject to the review and approval of the National Board.  Once the National Board has done so, the Agreement is subject to a ratification vote by the union’s membership. The contract does not become valid until a majority (50%+1) of voting members votes “YES” to approve it. 2023.


Edited by Porthos
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45 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Saw a few actor friends out in Hollywood say they're voting no. Is it 2/3rds or 50%+1? If the latter, it'll pass almost for sure. But the former.....might be dicey?


Honestly, many DGA members say they will vote NO for the tentative deal. At the end, the majority voted yes.


The truth is people who plan to vote YES won't often reveal this information, especially if the deal is controversial.

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1 hour ago, Cmasterclay said:

Saw a few actor friends out in Hollywood say they're voting no. Is it 2/3rds or 50%+1? If the latter, it'll pass almost for sure. But the former.....might be dicey?


35 minutes ago, Kon said:


Honestly, many DGA members say they will vote NO for the tentative deal. At the end, the majority voted yes.


The truth is people who plan to vote YES won't often reveal this information, especially if the deal is controversial.


The point isn't so much for this deal, though again the IATSE vote was real fucking close (and, AIUI, only passed in part thanks to the EC like structure of the member guilds), but setting the tenor/tone/battleground for the next deal.


One of the reasons why everyone and their mother thinks the IATSE talks will be contentious is because the last deal barely squeaked by and a lot of members felt they should have gotten something much better.  Well, it'll also be contentious because of the labor strife of this year, but even without that, it would have been dicey.


So looking ahead, if the SAG-AFTRA ratification is:

If the vote is something like, oh I dunno, 85%+, then nbd. Might be worse next time, might be better.  No real change in information had is the better way to put it, perhaps.


If the vote is something like 70%-85%, then there's more room for choppy waters as there will be a sizable minority flank that might see its influence grow if the deal doesn't turn out to be Sunshine and Roses (as most deals won't).  They'll be chomping at the bit to play the "I told you so" card when things inevitably start to go tits up/studios try to take advantage of loopholes.


If the vote is something like 55/45 or 60/40 or worse 52/48?  Then could get real ugly in three years time as there will be a YUGE block of rank-and-file that still wanted to stay on strike after months and months of bitter talks and no work.




The counter argument might be that all of the above is tea leaf reading and that trying to predict labor mood three years from now is a fool's errand.  True enough. But as guidelines for expectations go?  Good working framework to start from, I think.

Edited by Porthos
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23 minutes ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

The more I dig in to the social media posts about how the SAG contract is not good enough, the more I notice that the people engaging the most with the posts and spreading them around don't even seem to be actors in SAG. It's weird.


At least what I see (actors on IG going "ok well the AI thing means I'll just be passed over because I don't want to give up my likeness based on these rules") It's just raise awareness that hey, "This strike may not be over, and they may be getting screwed over."


I also see a lot of them claim they haven't had access to the full contract. I'm Not in SAG, just sharing what I see them say.

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3 minutes ago, Morieris said:


At least what I see (actors on IG going "ok well the AI thing means I'll just be passed over because I don't want to give up my likeness based on these rules") It's just raise awareness that hey, "This strike may not be over, and they may be getting screwed over."


I also see a lot of them claim they haven't had access to the full contract. I'm Not in SAG, just sharing what I see them say.

SAG has never released the full contract prior to a vote, at least according to official SAG Strike Captains. They're also suggesting people attend the in-person or online meetings before voting, while a large portion of online SAG actors are saying to vote no immediately.


Honestly, I don't think 80,000 of the guild's 160,000 members will vote no. I think the contract will pass.


But it does feel like what I said months ago ended up being true: The "no AI" crowd is not happy.

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19 minutes ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

SAG has never released the full contract prior to a vote, at least according to official SAG Strike Captains. They're also suggesting people attend the in-person or online meetings before voting, while a large portion of online SAG actors are saying to vote no immediately.


Honestly, I don't think 80,000 of the guild's 160,000 members will vote no. I think the contract will pass.


But it does feel like what I said months ago ended up being true: The "no AI" crowd is not happy.


It seems the SAG contract with AMPTP has 848 pages (I assume previous contracts has similar numbets of pages too), so most members wouldn't really read the contract. 


That's why the guilds release summaries of the contract.

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22 hours ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

i'm definitely see a lot of negative talk about the contract online from member  , mostly about AI , almost all coming from actors that post about politics all the time.

Yeah, it really feels like this is a Bernie Sanders situation, where online it really feels like this is a big rejection of the new contract, but voting day comes and it passes easily.


I mean, for all the fervor surrounding it, I don't actually see a ton of different voices talking about it. Not in the "half of SAG membership" range, at least...


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