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Name your guilty pleasure movies

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Ha, forgot about Street Fighter 1994. That's a stupid movie but it's definitely fun to watch. It's like those 90's and late 80's cheesy action films, with silly plots and cheesy dialogue, but they provided mindless fun and a perfect choice if you get bored and want to kill some time. I liked it.

Edited by vc2002
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The Sword and the Sorcerer



The Last Starfighter

They Live

Big Trouble in Little China


I'm sure there are more I just can't think of them right now.


Krull is a nice one, I honestly don't care about it, but I know many people who like it. Funny thing is that most people won't consider it a guilty pleasure because they actually believe it's a good movie (it's not).


I guess I could count Congo as a guilty pleasure. It's really bad, I always laught at the plot, but there's something enjoyable about it.

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wasnt clueless popular? def a guilty pleasure film for me, i knew the dialogue by heart still do , paul rudd was "brutally hot" in it lol


agree about the stephen seagal films (most of them anyway my fav is still  hard to kill -_- )


swordfish? i love that movie , i was like finally a believable bad guy who doesnt stupidly get caught at the end so good guy can have feel good end !


ooh deep blue sea is a goodie! those sharks were a hoot , still remember the crowd going whaaaaat when they pulled the breaks and reverse ha ha ha 


mortal kombat

 starship trooper

red sonja 

ace ventura films

baby's day out 

galaxy quest 


bride and prejudice

chucky films


probably more  but i'd have to think about them

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The Twilight Saga. I fully recognize that they're shit, and even the best one gets only a B-/C+ from me (that would be New Moon). That being said, they're ridiculously fun to watch on a postmodern level. Drinking games (within reason - don't take a shot for every time a guy has his shirt off, or else you might not live to tell the tale) make them especially enjoyable.


And come on, y'all: Clueless should not be a guilty pleasure. It's legitimately well-scripted and enjoyable to watch without an ironic bent to it.

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White Chicks. It's insanely stupid and the makeup is creepy as hell (like, really creepy), but good lord does it make me laugh out loud and then feel so embarrassed for doing so. Especially everything that Terry Crews does and Jennifer Carpenter's big breakdown in the dressing room.


"Hi I'm Cellulite Sally; look at my huge ba-donkey. Don't forget about me, I'm Backfat Betty. Now who could have said that? Oh yeah, it's Tina the Talking Tummy. I CAN'T EVEN WEAR A SHORT SKIRT AND A TOP WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A FAT PIG!"

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Ok, fair enough, but I don't think it's a guilty pleasure.  


I would think a guilty pleasure is some small obscure film that maybe you know and like but it hasn't really made it into the mainstream.  Of I guess some of the ones you mentioned would be, especially Superman 3.

ok I guess Armageddon doesn't count. if you want to go for one no one has heard of.. and only half of them liked mine would be The Sasquatch Gang.. it's incredible.  

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White Chicks. It's insanely stupid and the makeup is creepy as hell (like, really creepy), but good lord does it make me laugh out loud and then feel so embarrassed for doing so. Especially everything that Terry Crews does and Jennifer Carpenter's big breakdown in the dressing room.


"Hi I'm Cellulite Sally; look at my huge ba-donkey. Don't forget about me, I'm Backfat Betty. Now who could have said that? Oh yeah, it's Tina the Talking Tummy. I CAN'T EVEN WEAR A SHORT SKIRT AND A TOP WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A FAT PIG!"


This is my family's favourite movie to watch together.  It never ceases to make us laugh.  My sister and I quote lines from that movie to each other all the time.

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Not sure how many of these count but mine would beBest of the Best 1-4 Of course 1 rules the roost but the other 3 are enjoyable too. I wish Phillip Rhee had got a call for Expendables.Knock Off - Van Damme and Rob Schneider in Hong Kong, whats not to love?Lions For Lambs - A box office bomb, not critically favoured, but Redford, Cruise and Streep in one movie? The exchanges between Cruise and Streep during their debate are fun to watch, and Cruise is always better when he has another top actor pushing him, a la nicholson in a few good men or newman in color of money. Its incredibly short considering the subject matter but it helps its cause as a easy to digest guilty pleasure.Johnny Mnemonic - Dolph Lundgren's performance alone gives this movie repeat viewing points.

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