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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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15 minutes ago, TMP said:

Joss Whedon shat on Kill Bill, a movie better than anything he’s done, idk if he’s one to lecture people on critiquing art

I liked Kill Bill but plenty of people would justifiably shit all over it. Definitely not made for everyone.

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Man, so much of the toxic Internet discourse is just a result of people needing to feel validated about their own opinions.  Just like what you like and lift it up.


Scorcese is allowed to express his opinion. 


Time is the ultimate arbiter of which films endure.  (Just look over the Best Picture nominees -- even winners -- from the last couple decades and you will see dozens of films that have already faded into obscurity.)

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To me , a lot of marvel film aren't even the theme park, they are garbage yard


Except for iron man 1, CM trilogy, SM: HC , BP, Antman , IW & EG are genuine good or even great, the rest are forgettable and many of them are trash.


GOTG1  are overrated and its sequel are straight out trash.

Thor 2 is trash and its sequel is even trasher.

iron man 2 and 3 are shit

And CM are puke. 




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9 hours ago, Firepower said:

Somehow your each next post is more stupid than the previous one and not just in this thread. I guess it's really hard to be crazy MCU fanatic and attack everyone who doesn't like Kevin Fiegie products or likes DC products.

I have not seen, and have no opinion on, "The Irishman" but it pretty clear the poster you are talking about has not seen much of Scorsese's work if he thinks that all Scorsese does is "Gangsters Movies.

"The Age Of Innocence" 'The Aviator" and "New York,New York" come to mind.

Edited by dudalb
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36 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

Martin Scorsese movies feel like they’re producer driven rather than director driven to you?

When he does not produce his own movies, it's because Scorsese wants to concentrate on his directing and turn the business and adminstraive side of making a movie over to the producer. On a Scorsese film, the Producer is pretty much the hired help for Scorsese. Scorese calls the shots.

Come to think of it. the lady who has been the producer of Scorsese's films for the  past few years is one of the producers on "The Joker". and the reason that Scorsese pulled out of being a producer on The Joker was he wanted to concentrate on The Irishman.

s f

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