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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | 1B WW

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Expected numbers. The marketing was boring and TFA rode on the nostalgia wave just like Jurassic World did to reach those massive numbers both domestically and overseas. This movie does not have that and it is a spinoff, not part of the main trilogy. 

I am waiting to see how SW8 does compared to SW7.

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3 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

How about they realized R1 wasn't a sequel to TFA and didn't care for it? 


According to German high reputation / selling newspaper comments:

1. bad early WOM, including bad reporting about the female... stupidity. A quoted an example at dom:

he expected it to be a vegan Death Star .... plus the reshoots get still reported in a way over the top way and so on.


I think the most Star Wars fans are Space Opera fans (a lot of SW fans like GotG but not all CBMs), and SW R1 is described as non-family war Sci-Fi. Plus the strange WOM,...

= I see a possibility for the WOM to get repaired by audience reactions, but I still see a lot of little details that might hinder the total possible also


Including the earlier mentioned lost public holidays, an IMHO stronger competition the next few weeks incl stronger holdovers, local films partly too.

And the newness must-see thing all speak about SW 7 and .....


I do not understand why people react so strongly to each little tidbit, to learn them is react, but why reacting so strongly so early?

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3 minutes ago, hw64 said:

It's not 50% or higher though, if that's what you mean. It's -56% from TFA, so it's doing 44% of what TFA did.

I know, there is  a minus before the % = SW 7 minus 56% = I am not blind ;)

= I wasn't expecting 50% or higher as some seem to have expected. I have no problems with the numbers reached.

Expecting was the wrong word anyway. I do not really 'expect'.


I think the advertising ... shows that Disney too take the releases not the same way as in the US and maybe later in China. As told, I have not seen even one kind of advertising outside the cinemas. Other OS members told the same.

I think some miss many little points that speak against a high OS number. As in OW, I have no feeling for the WOM as I have not seen the film yet and also not read the impressions of people I have a feel for what they think in-depth as an alternative to my own missing impression.

= how the non space opera, but 'bordering to an r-rating' war Sci-Fi will impact during X-Mas time I am also not sure. Can go up for good WOM, can go down for being the wrong months, like maybe a late long leg thin at the end of the year / beginning if the new year.

If WOM breaks through the not space opera, not fun mixture GA might expect from SW, all is possible too, or the opposite.

The Spanish based reviews have me concerned a bit, the amount might mean a translation problem... again (as in it happens too often IMHO, no matter the studio...)

= wait for a few weeks and so on.

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22 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

The 4th highest grossing film of the year was a flop?


21 minutes ago, James said:

It set the OW record I think.... so not really.


without checking the data more than with a glance

= breaking the OW (not sure because admission wise it is not even in the top 10 of the last 8 years) but ending 4th of the year (not even in the top 10 of the last 10 years admission wise) might indicate people didn't like it as much as thought before the release, or?

At least as a possibility.

It had something over the double of Ant-Man's admissions and way less than e.g. Minions, also less than FF 7, Averngers 2, and maybe 25% more than Terminator Genisys

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1 hour ago, marveldcfox said:

I am waiting to see how SW8 does compared to SW7.


If we go by previous SW trilogies, the drop will be rather big as well. My hunch would be it does numbers that people predicted for R1, around 1.3b, $1.5b at best.

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Hmm I think with Passengers becoming a turd critically, I think RO has a decent 3 week window overseas to do well. 


I remember people saying the same thing with TH openings not being that great but it still did about 700 million in the end as its well X-mas.

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