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Weekend Thread | The Jungle Book - Early Weekend Estimates 101m - 103m (DHD - Page 59) (Fri 32m, Sat 41.5m-42m) | RTH Saturday Early Est = 40-44M (Page 46) | Barbershop TNC - Est 20.4m (DHD) | Boss -59% | Hardcore Henry epic -71%

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2 hours ago, Rallax said:


The really bad thing is that if you showed some fans this assembly cut, they would eat it right up, just because it's MORE. 


Nevermind the fact that there's shit in there that won't even make the deleted scenes because they're so bad. 




Directors will tell you that editors are actually the most important crew members, and the editing room is where a movie really finds itself. Even (especially!) the greatest movies of all time had to be trimmed and finessed into shape.


A lot of times you see fans talking about editing like it's an afterthought, something the studio suits impose on a poor director to snuff out his vision. I don't think they understand how much that's shot simply doesn't work, or barely works until it's molded in editing.


Editors are artists.


Except for @Telemachos

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2 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


The so called "Holy Trinity" couldn't get the job done.. I knew this was going to get it's ass kicked...


HAHA what a joke. 


All I can say is that being right is a feeling I enjoy in life. It sure beats being wrong. And I said a LONG time ago, even on these forums, many times, that BVS was no threat to anything and that the trailers looked terrible. I knew it would open large, above $150M, but I didn't see it having any sort of staying power. Even by my most pessimistic predictions, though, I really didn't have it below $375M. I thought just based on such a strong opening and the brand names, it surely would come very close to $400M. So I guess I WAS wrong, in a way, just not in the way that many of the fanboys wished :P

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9 hours ago, bladels said:

I know that mredman is deep in denial but that doesn't give him the right to call other member "pathetic loser".

I don't understand how he gets a free pass . Half of his posts are vulgar insults towards other members . You can't mention marvel vs DC in other threads but you can insult other people in this forum ? 

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April gross to date: 480M


We need 310M to have the biggest April ever.

Let's guess

45M Mon-Thu

150M Fri-Sun

40M Mon-Thu

80M Fri-Sat


Who would have thought that after the horrible last weekend?

Edited by stripe
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1 hour ago, Spidey Freak said:


"A heartfelt comedy" is more than what BvS got in its critical reviews. :sadben:


BvS's version of the typical "critics" ad didn't feature blurbs from published reviews -- it quoted tweets from random fans. :rofl:

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16 minutes ago, stripe said:

So tired/bored with all those BvS discussions. Why the necessity to still talk about it? Everything about that movie is meh for me, from quality to BO.


They are just venting their rage because the DCEU still stands and that is not what many hoped for. I almost feel sorry for them. 

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It's the same shit 4 weeks later.  Of course they're bringing up bvs- it's their victory. Congrats all, bvs drops have been bad...you want a pat on the back, a high five, a cookie? Lol sad. Jb , great start, didn't get to see it this weekend, I'm planning on seeing it in IMAX.

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So, a bit off topic, but I think I've found a pretty good way to predict scores for movies on RT before they get released.  Basically, it works like this:


-Compile together every director, writer (only counting people who wrote the final script), producer, and main 6 leading actors in the film.

-Go through each of their filmographies.  Give a point whenever a film they produced, wrote, directed, or acted in got a positive score on RT.  Give a penalty point (-1) when there was a negative score.

-Don't count TV series, TV movies, films labeled as "video" on IMDb, non-theatrical documentaries, or films where they were uncredited in.  If it says "additional screenplay material" for a writer or something like that, it's still fair game.

-If the film doesn't have a score and has no reviews, no points will be added or removed.  However, the film still does not count if there's 4 or less reviews.  There has to be at least 5.

-If a film ends in the positive numbers, then that means it ends being fresh.  If it's in the negative numbers, it ends being rotten.


This might not end up being perfect, but it's worth a shot.  If you guys want me to try this out on any future films, then please let me know.


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7 hours ago, filmlover said:

Pretty much. The Brothers Warner simply thought they could take a short cut to success and, well, this was the result. They're lucky Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are already made although if those stink as well...

Again, if they had done it in the exact same way as Disney they would have been accused of other things as well. At least they are trying something different. It's not working as well as they had hoped so far, but it's still profitable and with loads of potential.


They've made a movie about their two main superheroes fighting as their second movie instead of their thirteenth for example. Their third and fourth movie will be a movie focusing on super-villains and a movie about a female superhero and those are both things that Marvel, with over a dozen movies to their name, haven't even tried yet.


So, once again, you can complain about the movies itself all you want as it's completely fair to complain about a movie you dislike, but to complain about Warner's approach to building their comic book universe being different from Disney's approach is just shortsighted in my humble opinion. If they were doing it in a very similar way to Marvel you all would be complaining that they were copycats instead, we all know that.


In the end BvS disappointed(I liked it but I'm talking about numbers here) but there's still hope for the next couple of movies doing really well as you sorta pointed out yourself.

7 hours ago, grey ghost said:

This year is awesome.




Jungle Book

Civil War

Finding Dory

Suicide Squad

Fantastic Beasts

Rogue One

(a bunch of spectacular flops) :popcorn:


There's something for everyone. You can't say that for every year.



Doctor Strange and X-Men too! Heck, even Huntsman, as that seems to be something for at least one well-known forum member....

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4 minutes ago, ThatOneGuy said:

So, a bit off topic, but I think I've found a pretty good way to predict scores for movies on RT before they get released.  Basically, it works like this:


-Compile together every director, writer (only counting people who wrote the final script), producer, and main 6 leading actors in the film.

-Go through each of their filmographies.  Give a point whenever a film they produced, wrote, directed, or acted in got a positive score on RT.  Give a penalty point (-1) when there was a negative score.

-Don't count TV series, TV movies, films labeled as "video" on IMDb, non-theatrical documentaries, or films where they were uncredited in.  If it says "additional screenplay material" for a writer or something like that, it's still fair game.

-If the film doesn't have a score and has no reviews, no points will be added or removed.  However, the film still does not count if there's 4 or less reviews.  There has to be at least 5.

-If a film ends in the positive numbers, then that means it ends being fresh.  If it's in the negative numbers, it ends being rotten.


This might not end up being perfect, but it's worth a shot.  If you guys want me to try this out on any future films, then please let me know.


Using The Jungle Book as an example:


Jon Favreau: 18 fresh, 25 negative -7

Justin Marks: 1 negative, -1

Neel Sethi: Nothing

Bill Murray: 31 fresh, 27 negative, +4

Ben Kingsley: 39 fresh, 29 negative, +10

Idris Elba: 12 fresh, 15 negative, -3

Lupita Nyong'o: 3 fresh, +3

Scarlett Johansson: 27 fresh, 17 negative, +10

Total: +16

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Just now, WrathOfHan said:

Using The Jungle Book as an example:


Jon Favreau: 18 fresh, 25 negative -7

Justin Marks: 1 negative, -1

Neel Sethi: Nothing

Bill Murray: 31 fresh, 27 negative, +4

Ben Kingsley: 39 fresh, 29 negative, +10

Idris Elba: 12 fresh, 15 negative, -3

Lupita Nyong'o: 3 fresh, +3

Scarlett Johansson: 27 fresh, 17 negative, +10

Total: +16


Fav wouldn't be -7, it only counts films he directed since he only directed The Jungle Book.  He'd be at 6 positive, 1 negative, so +5.  This also doesn't count The Jungle Book of course.

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5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

 But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they’re Batman and Superman. They’re not just, like, the flavor of the week Ant-Man — not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?”


Zack Snyder


Blank Man has a sequel, with a tentpole slot.


Any news about Superman s sequel Zack ?


Karma is a B.


I think what Snyder and Spielberg might consider the negative aspect of B-list heroes, is actually what makes them valuable.


While the few A-listers we are really attached to and cannot let go (Bat, Sup, Spidey, etc.), will continuously be launched and re-launched, the B-listers are so many ("dime a dozen" like Spielberg says) that the B-list heroes will never have to be repeated. We may not have a re-launch of Ant-Man and that is ok because there are so many other B-list SHs, that we are not emotionally attached to, waiting in the line that as long as there's a strong creative vision, we will want as many different ones as possible to be shown on screen. That is what will keep the genre fresh and non-repetitive.


IMO A-listers are meant to be launched and re-launched while B-listers are there to fight the fatuigue by themselves never being repeated and moving from one blank-man to another, to keep things new. That way A-lister and B-listers feed and feed-off each other. Each keeps the other relevant.


Edited by a2knet
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36 minutes ago, holcs said:

It's the same shit 4 weeks later.  Of course they're bringing up bvs- it's their victory. Congrats all, bvs drops have been bad...you want a pat on the back, a high five, a cookie? Lol sad. Jb , great start, didn't get to see it this weekend, I'm planning on seeing it in IMAX.


Two caveats: First, I saw BvS and didn't particularly like it, and second, generally speaking, while I am a big fan of the Bale Batman films, I am much more on Team Disney/Marvel than Team Warners/DC. 


That said, I don't see why so much glee is being expressed by those who don't like DC. Is BvS a disappointment? Yes, but only a very mild one, in that it didn't do $500m+ domestic like the Marvel tentpole Avengers movie or the last couple of Batman movies. But for crissakes it's already at $310m DOM! It will top out around $330m DOM and $900m WW! Only in a wacko alternate universe are those numbers "disappointing" in any real sense. 


BvS isn't the first Avengers movie, or even Ultron. OK, got that. But it's far closer to those films than it is to true flops like Mars Needs Moms and John Carter. It will make WB plenty of money on its own, and has done more than enough box office to set up the series of DC Universe films. Thanks to BvS, those will have plenty of pre-release exposure and will be well-positioned to succeed on their own merits.


So bigger picture, BvS has done its job for Warners/DC.

Edited by SteveJaros
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