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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Captain America: Civil War (2016)  

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18 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

"we are still friends, right?" was a ridiculous scene by the way, took me out of it for a second there. That was my least favorite scene.



Someone else also said that - but think about this: this scene (and a couple of similar ones) work best in retrospect, foreshadowing the double agent switch of BW. ;)

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14 hours ago, Telemachos said:

...and we're one step closer to IMDB. :lol:


I don't know if Coolio has seen it or not, but you know it's already out in England, right?


Coolio's just trolling. I think he pressed that F button right after you asked when the first F would show up. :)

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One of my favorites superheroes movies ever (at the moment only behind TDK and Winter Soldier)


Loved the characters development and the intelligent part of the movie not just nonsense action like Iron Man 3 and Ultron 


For me everything was perfect the only weakness I thing was the use of Zemo (he could have been a lot more menacing) and sometimes annoying Spider-Man (I get is a kid but still)





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22 hours ago, The Stingray said:


Coolio's just trolling. I think he pressed that F button right after you asked when the first F would show up. :)



Now Coolio is joined by Squaremaster.  How special. :lol:




Edited by TalismanRing
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Still processing but i would say this is the second best marvel movie i have seen after Winter Soldier. 


I have to hand it to the Russos and the writers for being able to juggle all these characters. What a marvelous job done directing this. They were able to use more than 10 characters, most of them effectively while Snyder couldn't even use 2....


Even though i will always be team cap i felt for Tony in this and i am not a big Iron Man fan. The whole conflict was engaging. There were some weird scenes though. Like Caps kiss with Carter. Like WTF. It was so badly done. Also why is Aunt May hot? Thats just not...right man.


I liked Black Panther but i wish to see his genius at work. He just seemed to be a fighter. 


I'm sort of split in the middle about Spiderman. I thought his action scenes and wise cracking jokes were great. But his suit was shit and i'm not sure if i can take a little baby faced boy seriously. He seemed stupid and not questioning Tony or Steve about their allegiances. I get Panther and spider man will have their own movies so questions will be answered and their characters expanded upon. So im not too fussed about these gripes.


I liked the Wanda and Vision scenes. As there are hints for the future there. Though what is up with Olsens accent. Changes every scene. Sort it out lady. 


The big fight between everyone was really good but that last battle between Bucky, Steve and Tony was one of the best and most intense i have ever seen. As soon as the video from 1991 started playing i clocked on and said shit. Amazing scene and very emotional.This was RDJs best acting in a marvel movie. Just tremendous. 


The movie did get a little messy at times but when you're juggling 10+ characters its understandable. Zemo though was not very well done. The endgame was effective but the question remains. How did he know about 1991? Maybe i missed it.


Steve runs funny as always lol.


Overall a brilliant movie and one that has allowed another superhero trilogy to be considered great. Not on Dark Knight trilogy level but really close. 


Well done Marvel. More films like this please.





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This is exactly what I want from a comic book movie.


Character interplay and motivation that makes sense, great action (shaky-cam for effect, but done skilfully so you can follow the action and geography) and a solid story broken up with great self-referential humour. But most of all, it's just a fun tone throughout.


I actually liked this better than Winter Soldier, so I'm really glad the Russo's are doing another one.

Edited by Popcorn Lobotomy
Fixed spelling
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I'll have to see it again before I cement my opinion, but I suspect this might end up being my favourite Marvel movie. TWS is tighter from start to finish, but this is much more emotionally powerful and much more funny. Plus the airport scene is pure bliss.


The only real negative I can think of - other than the Sharon Carter kiss that came out of nowhere - was the shaky cam in the first half hour. Seriously, unless you're Paul Greengrass cut the fucking shaky cam out!



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7 hours ago, Popcorn Lobotomy said:

This is exactly what I want from a comic book movie.


Character interplay and motivation that makes sense, great action (shaky-cam for effect, but done skilfully so you can follow the action and geography) and a solid story broken up with great self-referential humour. But most of all, it's just a fun tone throughout.


I actually liked this better than Winder Soldier, so I'm really glad the Russo's are doing another one.

@Popcorn Lobotomy Are you Ev@n from box office mojo?

Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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I'm a DC guy but this was the best superhero movie since TDKR as far as I'm concerned. I liked the first Avengers movie but I think this was even better (and MUCH better than Age of Dulltron) and it's got me looking forward to seeing Spiderman, Black Panther and Avengers 3. 


I give it an A and want to see it at least one more time before its out of cinemas. 

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Civil War is love Civil War is life.


Spider-Man = :wub:


Black Panther = :wub::wub::wub:


And is it just me or do I get the feeling Captain America is going to be in Black Panter?


Also coming from someone who was tired of Tony/Iron Man. RDJ gave the best performance for Tony to date, we actually see an angry hurt side to him that we haven't seen before, I'm actually interested in his character again. 

not gonna lie was really hoping Rhodes would die, he is such a throwaway character.


I'm not going to call it my favorite Superhero film just yet.. (yes ever not just MCU) just because I need time process it, but I'd say the odds are incredibly likely. 


I did have a couple problems with it though


I didn't dig the fight in the beginning to shaky and felt off. I wish that bucky felt a little more sympathetic, I wished Sebstained would have conveyed a bit more remorse for his actions. the kiss was really throw in there, not development enough of a romance for that. wish that Captain America gave the speech that Sharon gave at the funeral. 


Other than that it was pure bliss. I loved Black Panther soo much, I just love him super excited for his movie. loved the Vision/Wanda side story is was so great. That fight scene, at the airport like I usually get bugged with humor in action, but it worked perfectly. and Ant-Man or should I say Giant man! oh man! and the ESB reference gosh omg of that scene. plus by far the most personal gut wrenching and best final battle scene ever in The MCU.

Edited by Kalo
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On 4/29/2016 at 7:33 PM, ddddeeee said:



The highlight is Marvel going full-on meta for the first time.


"I'm Clint by the way."

"I don't care."


In all seriousness though, RDJ killed it. I think this is his best performance as Iron Man to date. He looks older and weary too which really worked. I liked Lizzie a lot too and her little arc. Evans has the role down obviously but I don't think he was given anything meaty to work with, a lot of it was retreading TWS. Sebastian Stan is just really boring. Bucky is just really boring. That character is a major nuisance at this point.


I liked Spidey a lot even if his involvement felt rather contrived. I don't know if I could handle a whole movie of that though, I think he could become irritating. There was something really 'try hard' about him but that's easily excused after the two previous movies.


I loved that we got to see everyone's perspective but I never bought Black Widow's either time. Panther's origin didn't work (it couldn't have been more than 90 seconds) but the design is too cool and Boseman sold it as well as he could.


The score wasn't actively annoying like in TWS but it was complete wallpaper. I think I heard faint hints of Silvestri's Avengers theme but that's it. The musical situation in the MCU is far beyond repair.


All of this can be forgiven though because of that airport scene. Sooooooooooooooooo much fun. Reminded me of Spider-Man 2. Tonally at odds with the rest of the movie for sure but whatever. 

Want to sleep on it, but pretty much agree with most of this. There's a good amount of ambition here, but also signs of bloat and a bit of wasted potential.


If nothing else, it has me very intrigued for the future of the story.

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I loved it. RDJ really killed it this time around. The scene where he's watching the murder of his parents by Bucky. Hell, I wanted to beat the shit out of Bucky. 


Im glad they didn't go with a major character death here. They'd all be back somehow for Infinity War anyway. 


God, Panther and Spidey. Both of them were just fantastic. "Did you guys see that old movie? Empire Strikes Back?"

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The Russos and screenwriters can turn the Marvel exposition mud into wine. The film builds splendidly, kind of owning its TV-like overstuffedness and structure of jumping between situations. Bucky or Accords would've streamlined the entire thing more - Marvel wants to have its cake and eat it too, and it mostly works actually. Cements the Cap films as the cornerstone of Marvel quality.


Still, I saw no reason why this couldn't have ended on the shot tracking away from Downey in the snow lair.

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1 hour ago, Spaghetti said:

Want to sleep on it, but pretty much agree with most of this. There's a good amount of ambition here, but also signs of bloat and a bit of wasted potential.


If nothing else, it has me very intrigued for the future of the story.


I know you got to include a lot of characters to make it a full on Civil War, but part of me wishes this was really just Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, Cap, Bucky, and Falcon quarreling. Maaaaaybe Scarlet Witch, but to me, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Vision didn't really need to be there. The more personal it got, the more I was invested into the central conflict. 


Was a bit disappointed at how much shaky cam and quick cutting there was. There is a ton of amazing choreography out there that's difficult to follow because of the frenetic way it's assembled. Thankfully not too much of a problem during the Airport scene, but more one during Bucky's escape in Bucharest and the beginning of the movie.


I really liked Bruhl as Zemo. Probably #2 villain in the MCU. He can't be a physical threat at all to the Avengers, but I think he sold his motivations really well and proved to be a good psychological foil, even if his plot runs parallel and and doesn't intersect much with the rest of the story until a little too late in the story.

Edited by MrPink
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27 minutes ago, Gopher said:

The Russos and screenwriters can turn the Marvel exposition mud into wine. The film builds splendidly, kind of owning its TV-like overstuffedness and structure of jumping between situations. Bucky or Accords would've streamlined the entire thing more - Marvel wants to have its cake and eat it too, and it mostly works actually. Cements the Cap films as the cornerstone of Marvel quality.


Still, I saw no reason why this couldn't have ended on the shot tracking away from Downey in the snow lair.


Yeah, barring change of mind upon subsequent viewings, I feel the same. The ending feel bittersweet but somehow too soon, too little yet too much at the same time (if that makes sense lol) 


Though the ending scene did give us that funny payoff for the joke Tony set up earlier, so I won't complaint....much. I'll try. 

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