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Weekend Numbers: Fantastic Beasts 75M, Strange 17.6M, Trolls 17.5M, Arrival 11.8M, Edge of 17 4.8M, Bleed 2.35M, Billy Lynn 930k

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2 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

I'd agree more if Rogue One wasn't following on the heels of $925M DOM earner. This is much different. Rogue One also features Vader. Fantastic Beasts do not feature Voldemort in his youth/prime. Rogue also takes place on the same planets, etc. as Star Wars with Storm Troopers, Death Star, diverse cast, etc.


And I think all of what you just said here is very positive for R1.  Positive enough that it will make about 440 million, good enough for second domestically of 2016.  Incredible for a spin off.

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21 minutes ago, grim22 said:

Moderation: Not the politics thread.

Can this be the new joke? Like if someone says "Oh man, this movie is a complete, hopeless clusterfuck", someone can reply with "Not the politics thread".

Edited by cannastop
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3 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

I really, really hope they go back to that 3 movie plan. Win, win for me, man.


It'll still hit $200M DOM. This will have similar ticket sales to WB's Sherlock Holmes with RDJ and Jude Law. Nothing wrong with that. Oh, and it'll do very well OS.


Difference is that had half the budget at $90m. Still, $600m ww is still good - better than the latest X-Men and $200m+ more than Mad Max.


Should have lowered my prediction in the Derby even more when I looked at the NYC previews last night but figured maybe it was playing the opposite of Strange and doing better in flyover


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Considering how it's going overseas, I think 700 M WW is still good, they can build on it with the sequels. But really, I don't know how you can miss the fact that this is the same universe as Harry Potter, the marketing seems on point, who would see the trailer and not think "mmmmm, wizards, magical beasts, wands? yeah, no idea what that is"

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2 hours ago, Christmas Baumer said:


He told you to chill because you are the one who was throwing out insults. Nobody insulted you but you were called out for all of you big talk about how Fantastic Beasts was going to do very well. And see you don't necessarily actually make a solid prediction so that if you ever are wrong you can just come back and say well you never actually gave a number so technically you are not wrong.


Thats why you rub people the wrong way at times.


And why exactly would any of us and you make you a private message telling you to calm down? You are just a member here like everybody else did. No need to give you special privileges to send you a private message telling you that you've done something that isn't exactly on the up-and-up.



Anyways, I will treat you with kid gloves from now on.  Every club you make is the right one and all your opinions are spot on.  Sorry to have ever disagreed with you.  Carry on.  

Edited by EmpireCity
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12 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

Glad to find out i wasnt in a bizarro world when i said "who cares" about this film.


Are you sure??


On 13/11/2016 at 1:18 PM, Fullbuster said:

elon musk


Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not

A swath of technologists and physicists believe that ‘simulation theory’ will be proved, just as it was proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe


When Elon Musk isn’t outlining plans to use his massive rocket to leave a decaying Planet Earth and colonize Mars, he sometimes talks about his belief that Earth isn’t even real and we probably live in a computer simulation.

“There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality,” he said at a conference in June.








I don't know what you think about this but these last few days that made cogitate so much, that's really fascinating, that would be absolutely incredible and would change everything about who we are.

















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Potter was always a literary phenomenon. The films only did so well because of the sheer number of people who had read the books. There was something special about staying up until midnight to grab the new HP book. Reading it over and over again and picturing in your mind what it would look like on the big screen. The trailers for the films would literally have me at my computer pressing the replay button 30x in a row for an hour. I'd go over every frame thinking "wow that looks way different than what i expected" or being amazed at how some really interesting scenes would be brought to life. But without the books Potter would have never been the phenomenon that it was. Fantastic Beasts is a spin off that has no connection to Potter at all and was simply a screenplay written by JK for the sole purpose to make WB money. It's not surprising this is underwhelming big time. WB failed to understand why these Potter films made so much money in the first place. Take away the desire to see these beloved books adapted on the big screen and take away the characters that made the films and books so great and you have very little for fans to be excited about. So imo it's making what it deserves. Im a huge HP fan....but for the love of god can we just let the series be? Cursed child...fantastic beasts....all ridiculous stories that nobody was clamouring for. 

Edited by Lumos
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