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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | May 5, 2023 | The 9th most profitable film of 2023

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35 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I’ve said it before and again, once the Fox deal is done, Disney will go do a 180 and hire Gunn back. They did this to appeal to the DOJ. 

I don't think the DOJ cares about James Gunn's weird shock humor from 2009.

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Disney jumped the gun because they rushed into firing just because Gunn's tweets that they knew about became  a public knowledge. So it's firing cause he got caught not because tweets were bad or whatever. Piss poor move on their part. They are implicit cause they knew and everyone knows that they knew. yes, tweets were bad but execs knew about them. So the studio looks 2 faced and stupid since this isn't about the content but about getting caught. They don't appear righteous and as defenders of children/morality/whatever cause they knew. They appear like cowards. Good on cast for supporting Gunn

Edited by Valonqar
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Hiring back would be the right thing. 


And I'm really not a fan of this retroactive "gotcha" technique going on with Twitter.   You've seen it with Gunn and a few MLB players.  Absolutely condemn them for what they said in the past.  But if they've apologized and showed no signs of that behavior then as they say find a new slant.

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33 minutes ago, Nova said:

I honestly think Disney would be foolish if they didn’t bring back Gunn. I can’t imagine a director wanting to do GOTG3 when the whole cast wants their old director back. And then if the new director decides to take the characters down a path that the actors aren’t fans of then you better believe they’ll make things difficult. 


Disney should just re-hire him and say they spoke with the cast, Gunn and have come to the conclusion that they believe he deserves a second chance. 


By the time the film comes out all of this will have blown over if they just bring him back on. Otherwise if they get a new director, it’ll be an on going topic. How did the cast feel? How were things on set with the new director? Do they like the direction the film took? Then you’ll also have nitpicking of the film and comparing it to what could have been had Gunn finished his trilogy. 

It's going to be an on-going topic no matter what they do. If Gunn is rehired then they get another round of backlash from the twitter people who were mad to begin with and when the movie comes out. 


Disney should've just taken a few days to look at the situation before making such a rash decision. It turns out most of the industry ended up supporting Gunn and thought his firing set a bad precedent. Disney just didn't even wait to see but now I think they have to stick to their decision (at least for the time being).

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27 minutes ago, B D Joe said:

What if they get Gunn back and the movie sucks anyway because third films are hard.

That would be a funny outcome, but the MCU has a much better track record with third films than second ones so far in defiance of the general trend.    


Iron Man:3>2  

Cap: 3<2, but still great   

Thor: 3>>>2  

Avengers: 3>>>2   

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The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!

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15 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!


I've changed a TON in the past 6 years.

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16 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!

Context is important here though? Before Guardians, Gunn's whole career was about being as shockingly offensive as possible. His target audience on twitter clearly were the people who enjoyed his weird horror movies. Disney knew that about him before they hired him surely. That's literally his entire pre-GOTG filmography!

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54 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

I don't think the DOJ cares about James Gunn's weird shock humor from 2009.

Yeah that cracks me up.


He got instantly fired because of the #MeToo climate, nothing else.  Before Harvey Weinstein, those shitty jokes wouldn't have made a blip on anyone's radar.


If he does get re-hired, it would be worth it just for the lulz on Cernovich's twitter afterwards.

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25 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!


Yup, might as well keep going with the kneejerk outrage, why not

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23 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


Having so much success and giant pile of money with your art with shock completely removed from it can change your attitude about using shock in your humor.


Habit and acting a way do have a way to change the brain according to many:



Specially with that crazy high level of reward he got from them.



25 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


What does the tweet reflect about the person: Person that like to make grass/dark humors and does it in public.

Is it laughable to think he does not do it now ? Or what are you suggesting dark humor is supposed to reflect about someone ?

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1 hour ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!

This is a surprisingly simplistic and sad way to live.


I feel sorry for you.

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I ll say it one LAST time :


the fact the cast says "defend the jokes" and you all talking like he comitted a crime puts me in


total and utter dismay.


There is NOTHING to defend, NOTHING.

He does not have to change and cave to the New Puritans.

Could people just relax for one second (two is asking too  much ?) ans stop acting like every brain fart they make smell like butterflies?

Do you realize how hypocritcal you all sound, pretending to be the guardians of moral and virtue ?

Stick to the Galaxy instead, please.


Usually, when you are completely brainwashed, you are not aware of it because you think you hold and tell the objective truth, la Doxa.

That's how all religions and ideologies have worked since the beginning of language in every culure.

All of them.

Only science cannot be discussed.

The rest is like blowin' in the wind I am afraid, different opinions on stuff.

Afraid to announce that if you think Gunn did something wrong, you are a fundamuntalist, a pure product of your culture & time, absolutely  incapable of accepting that people have other ideas than yours.

A testimony of pure absence of tolerance. 


I sincerely hope Gunn will continue to make pedo jokes, all kinds of jokes , ALL of them, until his last breath.


The way things are progressing, humor will belong to History books anyway in 10 years time.

80% (90% ?) of jokes subject matters are already verboten and will 'offend" someone on the Internets & IRL anyway.

How Many Trump/Republicans/Populists/Catholic/White Heterosexual Males jokes can you make in one lifetime ?

Not that many I am afraid.


I will add that if you think calling out people publicly on the Internets or elsewhere is changing anything and that the New Puritans are doing the Lord's Work, than you are sadly more naive than I thought and you should start to mature and grow up because reality is a bit more harsh an complex than shouting at the evils of the world ( the -isms and -ists and -iles & whatnot, you know al of them) in a vacuum of 011001001001010.


And to conclude I will quote the great philosopher Katie Holmes :


But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."

Edited by The Futurist
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Him apologizing for those blog posts was him apologizing for those tweets obviously. Why would he be sorry for the blog posts and not the tweets? People are being pedantic by mentioning that he didn't directly apologize for the tweets. And screw anyone who thinks that people can't change in 6 years, I've changed in 6 years. People can change in a year.


Our society is so fucked up because we have this bizarre idea that people can't change and because we have that idea people don't even try to change. I want racist people to renounce their racism, I want homophobic people to renounce their homophobia and I want generally crappy people to become better people.  And if wanting people to become better is naive then call me Miss Naive.

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I love how some folks in this thread (I am looking at you @stephanos13) who are only choosing to look at Gunns tweets and refusing to look at how much he has changed as a person. You keep talking about actions this and actions that. Are you going to talk about how last year, James Gunn was one of the only people to back Selma Blair when she came forward about being sexually abused? No you won't. Because people like you only look at the bad things people do. You never look at the good. You never look at how people can grow. People fuck up and thats it. They should be on the "bad group" list forever.  


James Gunn helped someone who was sexually abused just last year. Helped them gain the strength to tell their story. Selma has talked about how Gunn helped her and more recently this is what she has said about him: 

"You propped me up when I was in a scary place, and guided me towards the decent and right thing to do." 


But that counts for nothing right? No one is allowed to grow and change in your eyes. Everyone should be on a pedestal and the moment that thing breaks, its over from them. I honestly don't know whats worse. Someone who is a POS all of the time. Or someone who sits on their high horse and acts like they've never done anything wrong in their lives while crucifying those who have and not allowing anyone to grow. At least with the former I know their a POS. With the latter you're just being a hypocrite because everyone has skeletons in their closet. Lets just hope yours aren't ever revealed. 

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3 hours ago, B D Joe said:

What if they get Gunn back and the movie sucks anyway because third films are hard.

Every MCU threequel has been a BO and critical success so far. And with MCU’s general track record I dont think thats something to worry about

2 hours ago, Rebeccas said:

It's going to be an on-going topic no matter what they do. If Gunn is rehired then they get another round of backlash from the twitter people who were mad to begin with and when the movie comes out. 


Disney should've just taken a few days to look at the situation before making such a rash decision. It turns out most of the industry ended up supporting Gunn and thought his firing set a bad precedent. Disney just didn't even wait to see but now I think they have to stick to their decision (at least for the time being).


I agree they should wait to let things die down but I dont think a few thousand angry twitter user would cause much dent in the BO of the film. 


Besides by 2020 most would have forgotten and moved on anyways. 


2 hours ago, stephanos13 said:

The fact that people use the excuse the tweets were many years ago (most of them say 10 yrs) and don't reflect the person he is now are laughable to say the least.


He has pedo tweets up until 2012. He miraculously changed in 6 years and 1 year before making the first Guardians. Are you kidding me?


On another note he never apologized for the tweets in the past, he only apologized for some pedo posts he had in his personal blog. Big difference!

If you dont think a person can change in 6 years then thats a sad outlook on life. 

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56 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I ll say it one LAST time :


the fact the cast says "defend the jokes" and you all talking like he comitted a crime puts me in


total and utter dismay.


There is NOTHING to defend, NOTHING.

He does not have to change and cave to the New Puritans.

Could people just relax for one second (two is asking too  much ?) ans stop acting like every brain fart they make smell like butterflies?

Do you realize how hypocritcal you all sound, pretending to be the guardians of moral and virtue ?

Stick to the Galaxy instead, please.


Usually, when you are completely brainwashed, you are not aware of it because you think you hold and tell the objective truth, la Doxa.

That's how all religions and ideologies have worked since the beginning of language in every culure.

All of them.

Only science cannot be discussed.

The rest is like blowin' in the wind I am afraid, different opinions on stuff.

Afraid to announce that if you think Gunn did something wrong, you are a fundamuntalist, a pure product of your culture & time, absolutely  incapable of accepting that people have other ideas than yours.

A testimony of pure absence of tolerance. 


I sincerely hope Gunn will continue to make pedo jokes, all kinds of jokes , ALL of them, until his last breath.


The way things are progressing, humor will belong to History books anyway in 10 years time.

80% (90% ?) of jokes subject matters are already verboten and will 'offend" someone on the Internets & IRL anyway.

How Many Trump/Republicans/Populists/Catholic/White Heterosexual Males jokes can you make in one lifetime ?

Not that many I am afraid.


I will add that if you think calling out people publicly on the Internets or elsewhere is changing anything and that the New Puritans are doing the Lord's Work, than you are sadly more naive than I thought and you should start to mature and grow up because reality is a bit more harsh an complex than shouting at the evils of the world ( the -isms and -ists and -iles & whatnot, you know al of them) in a vacuum of 011001001001010.


And to conclude I will quote the great philosopher Katie Holmes :


But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."

I agree with you. Maybe it's cos I am from a place where freedom of speach is not practiced. 

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