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INFINITY WAR WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals ~ 257.698M OW (RECORD) | 106.334M Friday, 82.131M Saturday (RECORD), 69.231M Sunday (RECORD) | 640.9M Worldwide Opening (RECORD) | Read the Rules on the First Post | SALE NOW LIVE

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Russos do deserve huge credit though, like yes the visionary of this franchise is Feige but directing a movie of this size, with this many characters and moving parts and not committing suicide halfway through is a huge accomplishment. 

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26 minutes ago, a2knet said:

106 + 80 + 64 (-20%) = 250 gets the ow record

also, 211 added over true OW beating TFA's 191 by 20.

so without the previews too it would be the 3rd biggest ow behind TFA and TLJ

Now this is messed up. Star Wars has the presales, but Marvel is the true weekend monster.

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7 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

That fight did not kill Age of Ultron, decent but not really good word of mouth did. If people loved Age of Ultron it would have rebounded opening weekend and would have had slightly longer legs. I wish people would stop ignoring the obvious and using that fight.


the fight hurt it on Saturday. That's why it barely dropped on Sunday

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3 minutes ago, filmlover said:

A monkey could've directed this and it would still be pulling in these kinds of numbers.



Look at BvS and AOU's true-Friday to Saturday drops.


Even a movie like JW deserves credit for striking a cord with casuals and walk ups.

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1 minute ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I used to lurk at that time and I hated all of the excuses. Sure the film was always going to be frontloaded (just like IW will be) but the word of mouth was noticeably not up to par with Marvel sequels like Winter Solider and GOTG2. 

WOM was lukewarm. Fight impacted Saturday's number by as much as $10M. Both are true.

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1 minute ago, John Marston said:


the fight hurt it on Saturday. That's why it barely dropped on Sunday

The fight hurt it afterwards as well? It didn't "only" gross 460mil total because of that fight. Face it, the word of mouth was only okay.

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For sure anybody could have directed this and it would have made $200M+.


Still though quality wise I'm not sure how much better you could have made this film. So many things could have gone so easily wrong. Yeah Markus and McFeely deserve more credit than they get and it's not a surprise after Avengers 4 the writing duo are joining the Russo Brothers in their own studio.

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6 minutes ago, filmlover said:

A monkey could've directed this and it would still be pulling in these kinds of numbers.

Come on now, that’s just ridiculous hyperbole.

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21 minutes ago, Thanos Legion said:

Oh my goodness, thank you. The MCU has been great, but Winter Soldier ending things in a way that Ultron couldn’t do the Banner/Widow stuff is one of the best changes you could make. The only woman Steve has had decent chemistry with after 1950 and they botched things up a year later. 

Evans and ScarJo have explicitly stated that they wanted them to be Work Spouses.  That was the dynamic everyone came up with on The Winter Soldier.  (Which is why the script flips the typical love interest and sidekick/best friend roles; Falcon is the love interest, Widow is the Best Friend/Sidekick).  What's so god-damn frustrating is Widow and Hawkeye were suppose to be together.  But Joss Whedon decided in AOU he wanted to show "that men and women could be friends" and forced BruceNat on on us -- instead of just having Widow/Hawkeye be dating and expand on Cap and Widow's friendship that was developed in TWS.

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1 minute ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

For sure anybody could have directed this and it would have made $200M+.


Still though quality wise I'm not sure how much better you could have made this film. So many things could have gone so easily wrong. Yeah Markus and McFeely deserve more credit than they get and it's not a surprise after Avengers 4 the writing duo are joining the Russo Brothers in their own studio.

I was really impressed that you had multiple storylines taking place in multipal locations, all going on at the same time, but the audience was never confused about by the shifts. It's very easy to mess that up in a film with a plot as complex as IW had.

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11 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Why are you still trying to understand his utterly baffling "hot takes"?


It was an honest question. Maybe the suggestion was that AoU somewhat diluted the audience's thirst for another Avengers' get-together. 


In my view, what makes the MCU so successful and durable is that not every new film has to top the previous one. Even after the "relative failure" (and I stress the word "relative") of AoU the MCU had several movies in the pipeline and loads of powder for Infinity War. 

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9 minutes ago, grey ghost said:



Look at BvS and AOU's true-Friday to Saturday drops.


Even a movie like JW deserves credit for striking a cord with casuals and walk ups.


Ultron potentially lost $10m on Saturday to the boxing match. BvS opened on Good Friday, so a ton of people were off work that day. I saw it at 3 PM because my company's office was closed. Normally I would have been at work that day until about 6 PM. 


It's opening weekend. Civil War had an incredible Saturday and absolutely terrible legs in the long run. Spidey 3, same deal. Transformers 2 made $200m in 5 days and then struggled to get past $400m total. The point being it is way too early in release to give credit to anything other than HYPE for the numbers over the last couple days. It's 10 years of hype. Russo brothers have helped with that by doing a very good job on some of the movies, but Feige is the main guy who has been in control of this thing. Very involved producer on every single MCU film. 

Edited by redfirebird2008
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