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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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Many MCU movies are using somehow (and some parts of) the mythic structure template of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey book (The Hero With a Thousand Faces), just like:

Blade Runner

The Matrix

Silence of the Lambs

Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi

Jurassic Park


Raider’s of the Lost Ark

Die Hard




The Terminator

Terminator 2: Judgement day


Edge of Tomorrow
Batman Begins

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Rises



The Watchmen

Toy Story

The Incredibles


The Lion King



When Harry met Sally




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2 minutes ago, Franklin808 said:

Lets also keep in perspective. Justice League was supposed to be DC Avengers. It was supposed to be the over $200M opening weekend and way over $1B worldwide. Solo was never expected to be that. Justice League was preceded by 3 bad to awful films, 1 very good, and itself was a mess. Solo was preceded by 3 very good, very well made films. You may not like the content of them, but the quality was there. Warner would have killed to have Justice League get the 71% RT score.  



I’ll try spinning. That’s a good trick 

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13 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

"Some commenters here are eager to declare Solo an all-out failure in the Justice League sense of the word, but it’s still too premature. The film could see a spike in younger audiences today and tomorrow."

And what has that to do with pushing for ppl to see it?

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Yeah, I'm not sure where the Justice League comparisons are coming from. That movie was supposed to be arguably the most important film of the DCEU and whiffed it. The news of a young Han Solo origin film was greeted with a reaction of "...but why?" from the moment it was announced and it stuck all the way to the end.

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9 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I don’t think $1b is even close to a sure thing anymore for IX. Will all depend on the reception of it. I also highly doubt that SW won’t ever be back to being a juggernaut. Even if this sequel trilogy goes down in flames, SW will come back with a vengeance at some point. They just have to give real time to let the demand build again and not make such a divisive film. 

For SW to come back with the vengeance, they need to brutally cut what doesn't work (including characters, timelines, designs, etc), keep what works and develop completely new slate, but this time well thought-out cause laziness riding on nostalgia is not working anymore. I admire MCU for not being afraid to background characters that they don't need to tell the story at hand until they need them if they need them. That way we don't get Canto Bight and such filler that everyone complains about. 

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13 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Fantastic Beasts I guess has a compelling case in steady fanbase+Dumbledore, but nobody really has alot of love for the first one, which only did what it did because of Harry Potter nostalgia. With that gone, I see a big drop incoming. Plus Depp gonna hurt alot more than he'll help.

It had zero connection to the Potter franchise, unlike every other single prequel or spin-off. Dumbledore is a major hook for this one, as well as seeing Hogwarts. 

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Star Wars isn't MCU. They really need to stop releasing a movie every year.


Not only that, but we get a sequel and then a prequel, and then a sequel again. The universe really needs to move forward. Prequels are in the past, and the past already gave us the original trilogy ( and Rogue One ). It's time to let it go. 



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4 minutes ago, A2k Raptor said:

after aou it looked like no cbm would beat ta but this year bp and aiw both beat it.

after bvs and ss, wondr didn't look like it would do big. jl did bad but wondr2 and shazam may do great.

after x3 and wolverine:origins things looked bleak for x-men.

after tokyo drift f&f looked dead but is a global monster now with a spinoff in production.

jw followed jp2 and jp3's bad reception and largely declining gross.

a franchise like sw can't be in trouble when 3 movies did 4.5b combined, and only solo is flying low

THIS. Let's hit the brakes a bit, people. This isn't a DC situation. They just really need to make sure they avoid what made TLJ such an unlikable movie in the first place and they'll be just fine.

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4 minutes ago, Thomas Beck said:


How? I mean, what is there left to do, really?


Already did the prequels that showed how Vader and the Jedi fell and the Emperor rose.


Did the sequels as well and killed off multiple main characters from the OT.


Can't continue with the OT characters as the actors are either too old or dead.


Since SW seems to be mainly nostalgia driven it's hard to see in which direction they can continue from here.

Kind of doubt the new non-Skywalker trilogy will find a big audience even if I myself might go see at least the first one.

Put the right creative team with the right vision behind an SW film and I'm sure it can be massive again. You're right it will be harder once the Skywalker saga is over (which is basically after TLJ honestly, hence another ding for IX) but SW is too big of a culturally ingrained thing to just die off for good. The PT really didn't rely that much on nostalgia or known characters for TPM and AOTC and both were still huge. Anakin as a character wasn't in the OT, really all we had was Obi Wan (played by a different actor) and Yoda. 

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3 hours ago, Franklin808 said:

I dont think that AIW passing TLJ hurts SW one bit. 


Especially since Disney owns both of them.

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Make Luke not dead in part 9

Make him fight Kylo and destroy him.


I could fucking fix Star Wars.  It's not that hard.  Look at what JJ did with TFA.  Record opening and north of a 3.5X.  


Figure it out Kathleen.

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7 minutes ago, John Marston said:



I’ll try spinning. That’s a good trick 


Not sure why everyone's freaking out when it's already Alden's highest grossing movie!

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3 minutes ago, JB33 said:

THIS. Let's hit the brakes a bit, people. This isn't a DC situation. They just really need to make sure they avoid what made TLJ such an unlikable movie in the first place and they'll be just fine.


Pretty much exactly a DC situation, audiences are rejecting some of what they put out and they need to course correct

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2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

Not only that, but we get a sequel and then a prequel, and then a sequel again.

Yes that is rather unique for a franchise. Sometimes you have sequels, then a series of prequels in chronological order (Ep 1-3, Hobbit, FB...).


While it isn't exactly confusing or complicated to follow the timeline of Disney's SW movies, jumping around in time every year may make the viewer less interested in 'What happens next?' than they should be.

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