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Eric Deetz

THE STAR WARS THE RISE OF SKYWALKER WEEKEND THREAD | Abandon all hope, ye who enter here | 177.38 DOM, 197 OS, 373.5 WW | SALE NOW LIVE

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47 minutes ago, Nerfy said:

When is the true event of this weekend (The Top 50 Musicals List) happening? @Force Ghost Cap 😁


Alas, it's been delayed :( . As I said in the Classic Conversation Thread a couple days ago, my December did NOT go as planned, so some stuff didn't get done.  AND I lost about three or four write ups, so I was just like... :circles::rant:  When I started the List, I hadn't taken over Box Office Survivor, and that took up A LOT of time I had penciled in for the Musical List.  . So I have it penciled it for the 1st of January, but hopefully I can get it up before.  The plan is to basically locked myself in my office between here and New Years.


In the meantime, the In The Heights Over West Side Story Club I've been waiting SIX MONTHS to Post is going up Tonight.  Also, we are having our FINALE of Survivor on Monday.  And this Season has been ABSOLUTELY WILD. SO if you're looking for a good read between now and Friday's numbers ta-da!

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I am really sad that we never got to see Luke, Leia and Han together again. They were the perfect trio. 

Really miss all 3 of them. 

Yes, I hate TLJ but I was numb whenever I saw Leia. I was crying when Luke and Leia met. 

It was very emotional moment. 

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46 minutes ago, John Marston said:

of course Star Wars isn't dead, but it needs course correction. This should likely (and will likely be done)


-limit Kathleen Kennedy's power. Keep her away from the creative side of things


-make sure Rian's trilogy is officially axed and he will never be involved with SW again



-get rid of and replace the story group. Show Pablo Hidalgo and the others out the door like they did with Kiri Hart earlier this year


-put Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni in charge. With Kevin Feige as a consultant



Alright, which one of you let YouTube register to post here?

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Just now, ViewerAnon said:

Alright, which one of you let YouTube register to post here?

Lol I’ve been posting here for six years. And all my suggestions are reasonable and likely course correction. I don’t even think Kennedy need to be fired. Just kept away from the creative side 

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The best part about Cats looking to underperform is that at least we probably don't have to worry about anyone trying to attempt making a movie out of Starlight Express. And also that "digital fur technology" is looking to go the way of Square Pictures (the ones behind 2001's Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within) or that studio that made Disney's Dinosaur the year before that.

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1 minute ago, John Marston said:

Lol I’ve been posting here for six years. And all my suggestions are reasonable and likely course correction. I don’t even think Kennedy need to be fired. Just kept away from the creative side 

Being mad at the Story Group of all things screams Angry Dude On YouTube.

They have zero power. They are literally there to mold canon across platforms based on what filmmakers want to do in their movies.

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4 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:

Being mad at the Story Group of all things screams Angry Dude On YouTube.

They have zero power. They are literally there to mold canon across platforms based on what filmmakers want to do in their movies.

TFW @John Marston makes "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. An Unbridled Rage"


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1 hour ago, Water Bottle said:


Solo proved SW can't really be Marvel. Despite what fanboys on the internet says, the GA isn't really interested in seeing spin-off movies about characters: and most of Marvel is movies about a specific character. Rogue One maybe showed spin-off movies could work when exploring a different part of the world with new characters.

I disagree just in that its a matter of degrees. Saying a movie that makes less than 250-300M is one "the GA isn't really interested in" overstates things. I think Solo's BO was dented somewhat by TLJ being so polarizing, but even if things had gone well (a world in which TLJ was solid, if unspectacular), it would never have broken out to anything comparable to the main-line SW movies. Its just a question of budgeting and expectations. If everyone had gone into it thinking "Ant-Man" then it would have been great.

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In all seriousness. I said I would be happy with anything starting with a :"4" and I am.  Would have preferred 41 or 42, but thems the breaks.


Now it's all down to WOM.


(not gonna be on the forum much coz I'm WAAAAAAAY behind on holiday prep)

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3 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:

The sad thing about SOLO flopping is it learned the wrong lesson. OBI-WAN would've thrashed it at the box office.

Why Han Solo? The Falcon is captured by a larger ship piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, looking to reclaim their former vessel. 

Han Solo is probably the coolest and funniest character in STAR WARS. But he is quite pointless in the grand scheme of things. In the Skywalker Saga he's just a dude who marries the daughter of Anakin Skywalker. The only thing he brings to THE FORCE AWAKENS is nostalgia. And not the kind of good nostalgia found in THE PHANTOM MENACE or many of Spielberg's movies where the nostalgia comes from the actual content and feeling. 

Han Solo is a replaceable character just like the Falcon is a replaceable ship. He doesn't symbolize anything. He has no meaning. He's just a funny dude.


Not a big fan of Han Solo even if he may be the coolest space pilot in all galaxies. Thus I didn't get too upset when he was stabbed right through the stomach. 

What made me upset though was how pointless his death was. One could argue that Kylo Ren took his final steps on the dark way of the force. One could also argue that Rey lost a mentorish friend who didn't take her seriously. 

But did Kylo really stop being ambivalent? Always have a feeling that he is still the same guy as he was before he stabbed his father through the stomach? And did Rey really lose a mentor when Han Solo got stabbed through the stomach?

And, wow... Han Solo didn't die a hero's death, nor was his death very tragic since we never got to see his and Kylo's life as father-and-son. He didn't accomplish anything. His death didn't have an effect on anything really. 

Death is an important part of STAR WARS. When Qui Gon died Anakin was left without father figure. All he had left was his jealous brother (i.e. Obi Wan) who thought Anakin was another pathetic lifeform. The turn of events shook Anakin who was now without mother or father. He's endless search of someone taking care of him and loving him had only begun. 

And when Mace Windu died it was all symbolism for the hubris related fall of the Jedi.

And when Obi Wan died we got to realise what the Jedi was capable of beyond telling Storm troopers that "these are not the droids you're looking for".



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