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Disney+ MCU: Loki | June 11 2021 | Richard E Grant's in this

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1 hour ago, eddyxx said:


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They didn't even tell his name in the show. Ofc we all know just by seeing the actor itself, so yeah, there will be more than enough re-introduction.


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24 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:
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They didn't even tell his name in the show. Ofc we all know just by seeing the actor itself, so yeah, there will be more than enough re-introduction.



They didn't tell his name because he is actually related to Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic , so yes we will have to wait for proper introduction 

Edit: this could be potential spoiler so proceed with caution 

Edited by Madhuvan
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Hmmm, a dark ending...some nice CGI graphics to start the last episode.



Cringe overacting from the Kang actor

🙂. It was absolutely hilarious though, when he's, like, sitting there relaxing at his desk, watching the two Loki's settle their disagreement 😂😂😂


I can see 😂...Kang is gonna have the typical Marvel Studios re-imagining 😂. I can see from the statue how the "evil variant" Kang will be portrayed in the MCU. He will have similar clothing, but will get the typical MCU treatment from the neck up 🙂.


Forget about the purple helmet thingy, and the blue face. What youre getting is the unhelmeted, unaltered face of Jonathan Majors 🙂.


Hurts the suspension of disbelief, but oh well.I dont know if its just an ego thing that the actors put in the contracts, show my face, no helmets or masks 🙂? Or is it just Marvel trying to ground these characters? 

Edited by OdinSon2k14
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Wow, I really did enjoy this series.


I think it ties Wandavision for me, and I loved Wandavision:)...


I think the series would have been better with 8 episodes than 6 b/c there are things I'd have liked fleshed out in the backend 3 episodes.  But, that's a tiny quibble, and when you want more, well, it's an obvious sign of "this is good"...


1st half of the series was an A, 2nd half was a B+ - overall A- from me for the series, and I can't wait for season 2, so it better not take 18 months to 2 years - I want normal tv show spacing b/c you can't leave a cliffhanger and then say "oh well, we'll see you in 2024:)...

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Enjoyed the finale. I think it mostly stuck the landing and sets up the hook for both season 2 and phase 4 in general pretty well. The timeline stuff mostly makes sense to me, pretty much what I expected so I didn't really have a problem with it. The opening sequence was spectacular! Overall I'd say a very solid 3.5/5



The weakest sections to me were everything to do with Renslayer and the TVA agents. Just didn't work for me and doesn't interest me. I'm also probably in the minority in that I didn't care about Mobius at all so his end didn't really effect me much, except that I feel bad for Loki being alone again. Loved Jonathan Majors as this version of Kang and can't wait to see him in the future. 


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will ferrell anchorman GIF


I'm still riding on a high, but I've watched it twice.  And yeah.  It's definitely my favorite Not Related To Steve Rogers content Marvel's produced.  Period.  This is a proper TV show, and that was a proper resolution of season one, and RIDIC hook for second two.




First we start off with a crazy bit of fan service that made me scream: the voice overs over the logo.  I ALMOST missed it in a rush to fast forward to first scene.  Thankfully, I stopped half way through, went WTF IS THAT CAROL'S VOICE OMG WHY ARE THEY PLAYING PEGGY AND STEVE'S MUSIC?!, and rewond.


This is the little shit that Marvel Studios does so well.  It's the attention to detail.  The episode's already started and my HYPE level is "I haven't been to Comic Con in two years, omg Kevin what are you doing to me" levels.  Mix that with it's such an elegant way to bleed into the idea of multiverses.  The song's called "It's Been, A Long Long Time" (feels apropos) and the lyrics are: 


Never thought that you would be
Standing here so close to me
There's so much I feel that I should say
But words can wait until some other day

Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It’s been a long, long time


Which will come into play later. Right now we need a gorge 2001: Space Odyssey riff through space and time until we reveal the Citadel at the End of Time.  I also want to note that this show is SO PRETTY.  I love the extreme color grading and all the bisexual lighting happening.  


We meet our heroes in front of the door.  I **love** this scene.  The choice to let both of them show vulnerability about their discovery instead of just barging in.  Slyvie's "I just need a second to get my head straight".  Of course she doesn't get it.  The doors fling open, and there's Miss Minutes in a Jump Cut From Hell to tempt Loki and Slyvie with the poisonous apple.  I'm not a gaga Hiddles fan, but like, god damn he's so good in this scene.  That LOOK when she tells him he can kill Thanos.  




acting patrick stewart GIF


 And then, there's glowy fog miss from a door and.


Oh.  Oh Fucking DAMN.  I mean, DAMN.  HE'S HERE.  Shookth, we are.


I did not expect them to just drop Jonathan Majors into the episode.  I assumed Kang was going to be some Final Line Name Drop. But no.  He's here -- very similar to how I called it with Nathanial Richards.  (Only not a teenager, but the theme and motivation's the same).  He lays everything out on the line for Loki and Sylvie, asks them to choose the literal power of the universe or a multiverse time war.  And then he waits.


Couple things.  First thing's first, Jonathan Majors is OUTSTANDING as He Who Remains.  I mean, he basically has a 10 minute exposition monologue that's shot in a single set up, and yet it's so fucking compelling.  Who the eff knew that Marvel was gonna deliver us a Ned Beatty "The World Is A Corporation" scene in LOKI?!?!  By the By, Marvel.  This is way better than shit falling out of the sky. 


This is a masterclass performance.  With peaks and valleys, and hints of what's to come with Kang. "If you think I'm evil, bro.  Just wait to you met my Variants."  YEAAAAAAH.  Give me them ALL.  I think it was savvy to start with the end for Kang as his introduction.  Instead of it being a basic "sociopath trying to conquer the universe" arc, we get to see things in reverse.  It's gonna be a BLAST.  Another note, Marvel and Hollywood have a history of casting people of color in Sci-Fi, and then painting their skin green or blue.  I am so happy we're getting He Who Remains like this, before the Blue Face, Purple Helmet Dude shows up. (If he does at all).  He Who Remains will also help Kang distinguish himself from Thanos, and I think just make him overall more layered and compelling.  I am SO DAMN EXCITED for what's to come.  


We just watched The Searchers, so John Ford is fresh in my mind.  I want to applaud Kate Herron for going Fordian old school with this scene.  Keep it simple, get out of the way.  Let the actors do their work.  I love the slow dolly so we're getting movement with cutting.  Just good stuff.  She's done a great job all season, and this is the cherry on top.


The scene ends with Loki and Slyvie being forced to make a choice. 


L: Slyvie, the universe is in the balance.  Everything we know to be true.  Everything. I know the TVA has hurt us both.  But what if by taking him out, we risk unleashing something even worse?  All I'm suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it.  I promise you from my heart this isn't about a throne.

S: What was I thinking trusting you? Has this whole thing be a con?

L: Really? That's what you think of me, after all this time? Sure, why not? Evil Loki's mastermind comes together.  Well, you never trusted me, did you?  What was the point? Can't you see?  This is bigger than our experience.


And in the most heartbreaking exchange in all of the MCU:


S: Why aren't we seeing this the same way?

L: Because you can't trust, and I can't be trusted. 


Feelings Feels GIF by WE tv


Bill Murray Film GIF


Okay so once I get out the paddles and give myself some CCs back to life, Holy Fuck is this show delivering on the emotional beats.  We've gone with Loki on a journey this last decade.  We have seen him grow from the jealous, bitter younger brother in Thor, to the OOC megalomanic in The Avengers, to the depressed vengeful captive of Dark World, to True Chaotic Neutral Final Form in Ragnarok, to a dying as A Hero in Infinity War.  All that time, he has always sought Power and Authority.  


And now here he is.  With the opportunity to get everything he ever wanted.  He won't.  Because this is bigger than our experience.  


 Growth Progress GIF by Insecure on HBO


It's never something I expected as the start of this journey into mystery, but it feels so right.  


Just as it feels right that Slyvie will NOT accept the peaceful option.  She is still a Loki.  And she still is blinded by her rage and fears and toxic emotions that shackled our Loki for eons.  His confession of love.  Their kiss.  (IT’S BEEN A LONG LONG TIME.). Her "I'm Not You".  It slaps so hard.  I've watched it like three times and I'm still gagging.  




And then deciding to kick us when we're done, we get Mobius and B15 not knowing Loki cause he's stuck in an alternative timeline.  Rude.  Rude.  I can't even.  How am I supposed to FOCUS on ANYTHING by multiverse hijinks until I get ANSWERS.  God damn it, Kevin.  You did it again.



  • Special Shout Out to Gugu Mbatha-Raw for NAILING her scene with Owen Wilson.  Judge and Mobius's relationship have been a good foil for Loki and Slyvie throughout the season.  I love how the scene plays like a debate on how to react to new information; do you want to embrace it and move on, or are you desperately clinging to your known world view.  That felt pretty heavy after the past two years.  
  • Owen Wilson deserves an Emmy for this cause I think it's the first time he's acted in like a decade.  Or maybe Kate Herron deserves an Emmy, because she got him to act for the first time in a decade.  [Insert road to el dorado both is good.gif]
  • We even took time to give B15 a proper arc!  I love that this show -- unlike others I'm looking at you WandaVision -- actually treated its supporting cast as important members of the story.  Television is about ensembles.  This is the first MCU show to really nail that.
  • I can't believe it's gosh darn 2021 and i'm like LOKI FANGIRL.  I fought that shit for TEN YEARS and then Kevin gives me an alligator, a kid, and old dude, a time lord, and selfcest.  Now i'm like:

    wedding crashers comedy GIF

  • I can't BELIEVE Marvel Studios basically canonized everyone's fan fic.  We now have multiverse of infinite possibilities.  Avengers Mansion led by Steve Rogers and Haus Stark led by Tony Stark on Nikki Fury's Drag Race in a "they're all drag queens" universe?  Exists somewhere.  Everyone's Hogwarts Crossovers -- eh, probably not due to Copyright issues.  But your No One Has Superpowers And Owns A BAKERY fics totally ARE.  It totally gave fandom enough fuel for another ten years.  I just hope they're clever enough to use it. (They probably won't be.)

  • In Pipe Dream Fan Fic Dreams I Need Realized In Season Two or Three:  I would VERY MUCH like to see Evil Thor show up.  And I don't care if the boy is retired, someone gets Evans and Atwell on this ASAP.  I need my biggest timeline offenders trapped in the TVA, please! Please let this be the Season Three arc:






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2 hours ago, Cap said:

will ferrell anchorman GIF


I'm still riding on a high, but I've watched it twice.  And yeah.  It's definitely my favorite Not Related To Steve Rogers content Marvel's produced.  Period.  This is a proper TV show, and that was a proper resolution of season one, and RIDIC hook for second two.


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Will have to disagree on slyvie having trust issues . The show says that be it's not put forth really ,she confides in loki like after 1 episode.

I kid you not she even says " what was I thinking trusting you" in this episode . 


-So a character whose said not to trust trusted loki after 3 eps.


All this is exposition given and contradicts her character in the entire series .All this is just to create dramatic tension .


Well you know who had a hint of trouble trusting loki In the series .mbatha raw and owen at a point.

Slyvie trusts him  so quick 


Yeah I understand it works good enough for you.which is fine.


Slyvie is motivated to find the timekeepers who made her suffer and put an end to them. She is emotionally reasonable and relates well with others. This trust issues stuff is BS and just contradicts her character.


I can't buy into their relationship particularly for this ,all we get is "trust issues" stuff in this episode that have no through line in their relationship throughout the series


We have seen good relationship like wanda/vision and pepper/tony which are well done and are integral to the characters and carry a through line in the story.


The only through line is that there alone! and that's all the work they put in it. All they feel like is like good actors acting beside each other and no chemistry.


Slyvie Even can't give a chance to loki when a critical decision needs to be made in this episode with all info given to them which just makes her decision rushed and reckless even with proper motivation for her character doing so.


This relationship is just feels like one for internet popularity.and just lessens them instead of adding more to their characters.


This relationship is shallow and outward style with little substance.


Probably wondering  why this relationship is bugging me much. I just feel it slowed down the show at parts and it really makes 2012  loki inconsistent at times instead of developing his character . 


Slyvie was ruthless and clever at first but she became tame as the show progressed.  EP 2 was loki at his peak then he  sort of lost his edge  and cunning when episode 3 happened.  pliz just because he saw shit on tva projector  in ep 1 is not enough to make his character change that quickly.





Sophia and hiddleston are good actors and can do  much better in this show instead of being reduced to basic generic relationship trope that just drags the show down. 





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4 hours ago, Liiviig 1998 said:



Slyvie Even can't give a chance to loki when a critical decision needs to be made in this episode with all info given to them which just makes her decision rushed and reckless even with proper motivation for her character doing so.






I don't see why rushed and reckless makes it bad. In that scenario, I would argue her character should be acting reckless. She's finally at the edge of her lifelong goal and (from her view) Loki is standing in the way. 


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I think they need to be careful with the multiverse stuff for general audiences in the films though. Keep it simple like ITSV and leave the random time stuff for the Loki show. I think if the films start to get too deep into "pruning" timelines and stuff that doesn't even make much sense to fans, the narrative will get way too confusing for many people. Kang himself can be explained easily without needing to mention the TVA. 


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51 minutes ago, Menor said:
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I don't see why rushed and reckless makes it bad. In that scenario, I would argue her character should be acting reckless. She's finally at the edge of her lifelong goal and (from her view) Loki is standing in the way. 

 I .

would argue she should be more conflicted bse resorting to her action will be at risk of causing  more of what she has been fighting to achieve (more variants of him).

My problem is not her doing the action it's the way it's done with the info she is given.

Just wanted to have more weight to it when she does it instead of being so  rushed 


She doesn't give it a pause of thought yet the show has shown an intelligent character


A good example how it's done well is thanos and gamora on vormir in infinity war. And we all know how illogical his motivation is.



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10 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Director and Executive Producer Kate Herron has left, not returning for season 2. 


That’s a shame, she nailed it. Although at the same time it opens it up for another director’s interpretation which should keep it fresh, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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45 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Maybe they can get someone who knows the appropriate amount of lighting to use this time (change the cinematographer too please).

But all the bisexual lighting !

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