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Eric Quinn

C’MON BARBIE LET'S GO PARTY...AT LOS ALAMOS | BARBENHEIMER WEEKEND THREAD | We’re Thriving in our Plastic Fantastic Era | Mother Mothered with 162M | Daddy Exploded with 82.4M

Your Barbenheimer weekend plans  

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  1. 1. What are you going to watch this weekend specifically?

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I know it's Deadline but no reason to believe 6.6 is not possible  for DR Part 1. It only dropped 28%  from wed to thursday better than the 35% of tuesday to wed. Despite some people around here saying the WOM not great Cinema Score, RT audience score and IMBD rating are all great. If capacity is a issue for Oppenheimer Mission should benefit from the spillover. Now watch it only do 5.6 or something and this will all be moot. 

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30 minutes ago, Avatree said:

What is "woke" about Barbie? I would expect "woke" outrage about the Amy Schumer Barbie but the trailers for the actual Barbie look like exactly what anyone would expect from a Barbie movie


I would expect A/A+ for Barbie and B+/A- for Oppie.



It stars somebody with XX chormosomes. If it has a woman, it automatically makes it woke to conservative fuckwads.

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I can see a scenario where Opp does 

102M weekend. I'm expecting a strong Sat and Sun due to runtime, spillover, appealing to older crowd and people having more time to do a Barbenheimer double feature. A lot of things have to go right for numbers to be that high though. 

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As much as I'm not interested in Barbie or Oppy ( I'm in the minority obviously ), they're probably getting great CinemaScores. At least, based on the info shared by Deadline.


Barbie got 4 and 1/2 stars and Oppy got 5 stars.  Sure, these are PostTrak scores and not CinemaScores. I think they could get different, but both flicks will probably land on the A range, imo. 


I don't like Barbie and I really don't want to see a 3 hour movie featuring people talking in rooms. Yeah, I'm biased against these movies, BUT I also hope you get the best experience watching them. I'm a Mission Impossible fan, though! :)



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1 hour ago, von Kenni said:

It's not an exact science for sure but you can argue some broad underlining attitudes and behavioral traits for the generations. Generations by Strauss & Howe is an excellent book and the newer version Turning Points. The predictions they make at the end of 1980s based on generational cycles is eerily accurate for today and how different generations act.


Oversimplifying, there was a generation that fought the war (greatest), generation that was children then (silent), generation that was born after/durint it (boomers), generation that was born during the 60s and 70s turmoil/cultural revolution (Gen X), and so on. Big part of it is understanding in what kind of world your parents grew up and lived, and theirs parents, and so forth. It would help a lot to make people understand each other cross generational and lessen societal tensions.


E.g. I understood my dad much better when I understood what his farther and that generation went through, how they were broken men due to war, sometimes violent, and often alcoholic. Then my grandmother who lived almost 100 years from the previous pandemic to the last one was even more eye opening when learning from her first-hand account.


In short, the years are not exact science but there are definitely larger cultural and zeitgeist eras that underlie whole generations for decades of spans and are useful to understand.

That is basic knowledge, you do not make the same comment to people your generation than other ones. As for Societal tension, is not just understanding how their lives were.

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47 minutes ago, KC7 said:



45 minutes ago, Fanboy said:

Voldemort reckons 72.5M+ likely for Barbie, and 35 possible for Oppy. Deadline saying 68-70 for B and 32 for O. Both with previews. 


Thank you guys.:)


Given how busy the theaters were in the afternoon, Voldemort's projections are more likely IMO. :excited:

Edited by Valonqar
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I feel like the Anti-Woke Warriors only care about casting. Eg casting a black person in a role that previously had a white person; doing gender swaps; or including transgender people. They arent actually bothered by the content of a film, whether the film has disagreeable politics etc because they're never going to watch the film anyway. They can only react to what they can see on the poster.

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5 minutes ago, Fanboy said:

I can see a scenario where Opp does 

102M weekend. I'm expecting a strong Sat and Sun due to runtime, spillover, appealing to older crowd and people having more time to do a Barbenheimer double feature. A lot of things have to go right for numbers to be that high though. 

That would be a pretty huge jump from true Fri, but I agree the Sun hold will be extremely light. Should be perfect Sunday movie for the older segment if its audience. 

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3 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

As much as I'm not interested in Barbie or Oppy ( I'm in the minority obviously ), they're probably getting great CinemaScores. At least, based on the info shared by Deadline.


Barbie got 4 and 1/2 stars and Oppy got 5 stars.  Sure, these are PostTrak scores and not CinemaScores. I think they could get different, but both flicks will probably land on the A range, imo. 


I don't like Barbie and I really don't want to see a 3 hour movie featuring people talking in rooms. Yeah, I'm biased against these movies, BUT I also hope you get the best experience watching them. I'm a Mission Impossible fan, though! :)



I would love to live in a world where Mission and Oppenheimer both  grossed their full potential. But we live in the world where Brian Robbins and the boobheads at Par said yeah let's open Mission a week  before Oppenheimer steals all our PLF's. Brilliant!

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24 minutes ago, Skim Beeble said:

he who shall not be named is saying $35m for Oppenheimer 


So that would be 25 true Friday

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1 hour ago, Eric Bainbridge said:


This strike is making things unhinged lmao

On the inside he's screaming for RDJ, Emily Blunt and Matt Damon's help. Not Cillian because Cillian seems so introverted lol.

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5 minutes ago, Fanboy said:

I can see a scenario where Opp does 

102M weekend. I'm expecting a strong Sat and Sun due to runtime, spillover, appealing to older crowd and people having more time to do a Barbenheimer double feature. A lot of things have to go right for numbers to be that high though. 

Simply due to the target audience being at work during the day on Friday, I expect Saturday to reasonably higher than true Friday for Oppy. Sunday is more of an unknown as the daytime shows will be more heavily attended than Friday but the late evening/night shows will only have a fraction of the attendees, apart from large city IMAX/70mm screens. Those are going to be packed for the next month and possibly even through Labor Day if it can maintain those screens. 

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Oppenheimer is hitting 300 if it touches 90 with an A- or higher CS. A more impressive run than Inception and I never ever in a million years would have thought that would happen or be possible for it before Barbenheimer kicked into full swing. 

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8 minutes ago, martin said:

Hoping Barbie 200m OW,just because i pity WB having so many flop this year.

Let's go Barbie....let's go billion....ow...ow..ow..yeah....


Yeah.Thanks to Barbie, WB will recover everything they lost with The Flash, only to lose everything again when Blue Beetle gets released and it flops. :)

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37 minutes ago, Fanboy said:

 I think Mamma Mia! ($27M) has the biggest opening weekend for a movie that opened alongside another movie opening to $100M which was TDK

Could be wrong but I think it's The Blind Side opening @ 34mil against new moon which is looking to be around Opp's opening day anyway.

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16 minutes ago, emoviefan said:

I know it's Deadline but no reason to believe 6.6 is not possible  for DR Part 1. It only dropped 28%  from wed to thursday better than the 35% of tuesday to wed. Despite some people around here saying the WOM not great Cinema Score, RT audience score and IMBD rating are all great. If capacity is a issue for Oppenheimer Mission should benefit from the spillover. Now watch it only do 5.6 or something and this will all be moot. 

The important number is -58%: that MI7's week/week drop on Thursday when losing PLFs and staring down Barbenheimer.  Also keep in mind Friday last week had ~$2M extra thrown in from EA shows, so the real value is ~$14.7M - $6.6M would be -55% from TFri, so its reasonable, maybe benefits from Oppy sell-outs as a second choice, but probably comes in a little lower by morning

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