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27 minutes ago, aabattery said:
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I'm still on board with Jonerys, by the way.


It may leave their kids scarred and deformed but I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger.




In order to ensure our shipping security and continuing stability, the Joneryspublic will be reorganized into the first Incestuous Empire, for a safe and secure shipciety!


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39 minutes ago, aabattery said:
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So long as they name their son Humperdoo.


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Rhaegar/Lyanna wedding! I still don't understand why they let everyone think that she was kidnapped and raped when it was actually true love and consensual? The war started over a lie that they didn't dispel.


Robert drove that narrative.   He certainly didn't want anyone to believe she left him of her own free will.   And since he won the war...winners write the history too.

1 hour ago, 4815162342 said:


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 The setup though for Sansa suddenly playing Littlefinger was entirely nonexistant and was pretty much the writing trying to have cake and eat it too.



I think that was Bran's doing.   He was keeping the sisters informed the whole time.   Recall that he was sitting there too.




Meanwhile in a Kings Landing tavern, Bronn and Pod are shitfaced and wondering why no one has come to tell them what happened at the meeting...






The Jon/Theon scene was very good. I went d'aw when Jon said he was part Stark.


Same.   Jon was impressive throughout with his wisdom and nobility.

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I thought it was a really good episode, and it had the best performances of the series.


It definitely leaves you pumped for season 8, and I loved that it was a more down to earth episode.  I just hope they do a 2 hour climax episode for next season so we have a gangbanger finale.


It's also going to be really consolidated next season, due to the fact that pretty much all of the important characters are headed to Winterfell besides Cersei, Euron and Theon.


And Bran is definitely the Night King, and Sam is definitely the unreliable narrator of the series.

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2 hours ago, ddddeeee said:

So the online spoilers that were spot-on all season 

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Ever since I found out that she was going to be pregnant, I had a theory that she's going to die in childbirth, just like her mother before her while conceiving Tyrion, bringing things to full circle. If the baby is a boy then it would also fit the witch's valonquar (little brother) killing her part of the prophecy from the book that they left out in the tv prophecy. That was the reason she was so petrified of Tyrion because she assumed it was her own little brother, when in fact it may be her youngest son and younger brother of her deceased children. I wouldn't be too surprised if the baby turns out to be a dwarf too though that would be too on the nose.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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This (or these two) season(s) reminds me of season 5 of Breaking Bad.  First half is set up for everything going down next year.


Season 7 was really good, my ranking of seasons will likely look something like this


Season 4 / Season 6 (I flip flop these two)

Season 3

Season 1 / Season 7

Season 2

Season 5

Edited by A Panda of Ice and Fire
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Jon and Dany being portayed by two very mediocre actors who stare more than anything else will always remain a problem for this show. He has a great ass... but all those stares... Jesus. For a sex scene which was hours in the making it felt pretty underwhelming given that even Greywom got at least two minutes of on-screen fucking. I guess the main cast has  better contracts, lol.


The whole "let's capture a dead guy to convince everyone" really was a bad idea... how would this army have ever crossed the wall had it not been for that little fucked up expedition so Viserion could get killed? One of the most consequential contrived scenes ever.


Also, the Dragonpit scene was mostly good... but even there the stares became ridiculous at some point.


Bran and the way he acts and talks is unbearably bad. 


But also a lot of good stuff: Cersei at her best... also the best actress on the show, Cersei/Jamie was a great scene, the first snow falling in King's Landing was really well done, as was the destruction of the wall. I already said, Aegon's ass is hot (though I was a bit thrown by it being pronounced Egon instead of Aygon). Sansa and Arya killing Littlefinger was a great scene. He really needed to go. And it simply felt satisfying that the two sisters worked together and how much Sansa has grown. Recently started to rewatch season 1 and this episode had quite some remarkable throwbacks.


Still, a lot of this season fills very satisfying after all this time... but other things just feel off. It is remarkable what TV can do and GoT will always have its palce in the history books for it. But I just hope it does not all fall apart next season. IMHO it can go both ways still.



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Some people have way harsher views on actors than I do, because I still flat out refuse the notion that Emilia Clarke is a mediocre actress, and Harington isn't spectacular but he fulfills the role he's given alright enough as well. I know it's all opinions but that's my take on it. Who cares about "too many stares", a lot of the power from GOT's characters comes from facial expressions. If you can show your emotions just through the eyesight, that makes you a good actor, and usually an interesting character.





Excellent episode. So many awesomeness - with pretty much everything with Cersei in it (especially the Tyrion and Jaime scenes, as well as, of course, the Dragonpit meeting) and the execution of Littlefinger as clear standouts imo, but also the destruction of Eastwatch (despite the forced way that it got to that point through last week's episode), Theon embracing his dicklessness, and, even though I do agree that the actor who plays Bran isn't particularly good tbh, the revelation of Jon as Aegon Targaryen were also powerful moments.


FUUUUUUUUCK why do I have to wait another year to see where this all goes. IMAX should start giving WB/HBO some epic blowjobs for Season 8 - at least the series finale - to get an IMAX release in theaters.

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Yeah, Theon's dicklessness of steel was the best twist. 



So what's Arya's character arc now? She hasn't gotten any for a quite while and only Cersei remains on her list. Since her character development pretty much boils down to going from revenge to revenge, unlike Sansa who's actually grown as a character, I still don't know where they are going with her. Kill Cersei? That's it? Not even poetic and satisfying. 


As it is, I don't know where they are going with Cersei's pregnancy either. It worked as a means to keep the hold on Jaimie but now the hold has been broken irrevocably. So what's the point again? As someone mentioned, perhaps for death at childbirth but I'm not sure they are going to spread the story in S8 over 9 months or so. It seems to me that all events are now taking place within days.


Agreed that Jonerys sex scene was unsatisfying. It would be unmemorable for unanticipated one but for the most anticipated coupling? Boo.


Also agreed that Tyrion worry is that there will be a dynastic rule again. I think he is seriously sensing the possibility that she gets pregnant after all which would go against the democratically elected ruler that he's stumping for (much like how Free Folk do it).


Emilia and Kit are excellent. It's just that their characters don't get to do juicy actory stuff like Lena.

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Kit only started getting praise when he become the one-note good guy who always does the right thing. When he actually had to deal with his insecurities in the previous seasons he flopped like a fish. They're writing to the actor's strengths nowadays which is why Kit's essentially been saying the same line on repeat.


Emilia is worse because she is actually given material to work with and messes it up. Whenever she's angry it's like a head girl going off on one.

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