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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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The finale could still be great, despite the haphazard way we've gotten there over the past few seasons. Have no idea watching why the last 2 seasons weren't 10 episodes each. I'm generally not a fan of padding out time, but an extra 7 hours would have done a lot to not race through everything like they have done these past 2 seasons through necessity.



Edited by Jayhawk
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8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Next weekend's finale is gonna break it again despite the backlash from this week and even if everybody hates it.






well a part of the journey is the end ? 


I think its still a great visual treat but its not very satisfying. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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18 minutes ago, Jayhawk said:

The finale could still be great, despite the haphazard way we've gotten there over the past few seasons. Have no idea watching why the last 2 seasons weren't 10 episodes each. I'm generally not a fan of padding out time, but an extra 7 hours would have done a lot to not race through everything like they have done these past 2 seasons through necessity.



I would have liked there to have been at least two more episodes.   But I can guarantee that a good chunk of people complaining that things were too rushed would find a way to say it's going too slow.

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2 hours ago, DAR said:

What if you think this season has been decent to good?


More power to you (and everyone else who thinks so still) then. I personally "enjoy" it as well as i watch it mostly for fun now. The effects, production design and (mostly) the acting as well remain stellar after all. Its never boring.


I just personally think its also incredibly stupid since Season 7 and that the writers ruined many characters like Tyrion, Jamie, Littlefinger and Varys. But if you can overlook that or dont think so, then who am i to tell you you're wrong?


Its just television after all.

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I've actually enjoyed this season from an action/tech point of view plus the actors have done a great job selling it. It's just the writing that has let them down, unfortunately. They definitely needed to flesh out some stuff some more, as is it all just feels incredibly rushed.


Although I'd be lying if I said the show crashing and burning at the finish line is less entertaining than if they had actually stuck the landing.

Edited by filmlover
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11 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I am howling. This should make people think twice about naming their kids after fictional characters going forward.




Fun read, technically you could name your kid Khaleesi and just say “It wasn’t after Dany” since Khaleesi is a title.

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Assuming GRRM releases the books one day, my headcanon of that whole thing will be (saw it on reddit):




The books are the story as written by the Maesters = very faithful.


However, the show is like an uncle at a table centuries after the events of the show telling the story of the Mad Queen. At first he tells it fine and quite accurately but as the evening goes, he gets drunker and drunker, and yet somehow he still tells the story to the end, albeit skipping over many details and it not being very coherent.


But it's a damn entertaining drunk uncle story and it's got everyone talking about it after he passes out. 



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9 hours ago, Boxx93 said:

I just wish Bryan Cogman or Dave Hill would have written all of these episodes.


It's no coincidence that they wrote the only two good episodes this season. They're much better writers.

Probably wouldn't have mattered much, this needed at least 1 more season(10 episodes) to really work.  Dany going mad should've been a whole season, not 1 episode.  There'd also be a lot more breathing room to handle the deaths of The Varys, Jaimie, and Cersei instead of the rushed lazy shit we got.  They would've been able to do something with the Golden Company instead of the "lol nvm guys we gotta wrap this up" shit we got.  Its astounding how much Cersei/Lena Headey was wasted this season, she had hardly any screen time.  I could go on and on.

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22 hours ago, Brainbug said:


Its all about execution.


Take this:


Some russian guys kill a dog. The owner gets mad and kills the russians.


Sounds kinda funny and ridiculous, doesnt it? Well, John Wick is still a great movie.


Knowing what will happen isnt enough. Its not more than the most basic groundwork. What you do with these things is the important part.

I agree. My favorite part of this show was back in season 3 and 4, when Arya and the Hound were on their little journey. It wasn't the fights that made it so endearing, it was the small talk. When I seen that they were going to get paired up again on their journey to Kings Landing I thought we would get some nice dialogue between the two, but nothing. Seriously, if these guys didn't want to do the show, why didn't they just bow out and let someone else take over. I'm sure there are plenty people out there that would love to take a crack at this.

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16 hours ago, AndyK said:

Honestly, if Danny had accepted the surrender and they all lived happily ever after, people would be crying "fan service".

Uh, I was honestly expecting the Long Night to truly be final fight, the battle of the Seven Kingdoms against the White Walkers. I also was expecting one of Cersei's younger brothers killing her, either to stop her from doing some crazy shit, or Arya with one of their faces, or my personal favorite, Jaime is now a wight, and Cersei doesn't realize it until he finally goes after and kills her. 


I was expecting Jon sacrificing himself for the greater good, and Dany dying on the birthing bed with maybe Sansa raising the heir of the Seven Kingdoms. 


I was expecting Arya to take a killing blow, but Sandor gives her the kiss of life and brings her back like Beric was going to do in the books with Lady Stoneheart. I just can't see Sandor being brought back just to kill his brother. I felt he was here for a higher purpose. Something to do with the Red Priests or taking on Thoros role.


What we got, was a total let down with pretty much every character ruined.

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2 hours ago, Daxtreme said:


The books are the story as written by the Maesters = very faithful.



The funny thing about this is that GRRM has said that a lot of the histories written by the Maesters are heavily slanted

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19 minutes ago, Warhorse said:

Uh, I was honestly expecting the Long Night to truly be final fight, the battle of the Seven Kingdoms against the White Walkers. I also was expecting one of Cersei's younger brothers killing her, either to stop her from doing some crazy shit, or Arya with one of their faces, or my personal favorite, Jaime is now a wight, and Cersei doesn't realize it until he finally goes after and kills her. 


I was expecting Jon sacrificing himself for the greater good, and Dany dying on the birthing bed with maybe Sansa raising the heir of the Seven Kingdoms. 


I was expecting Arya to take a killing blow, but Sandor gives her the kiss of life and brings her back like Beric was going to do in the books with Lady Stoneheart. I just can't see Sandor being brought back just to kill his brother. I felt he was here for a higher purpose. Something to do with the Red Priests or taking on Thoros role.


What we got, was a total let down with pretty much every character ruined.

The majority of that sounds much worse than what we're getting imo, minus Jaime/Tyrion killing Cersei.

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