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Weekend Actuals (Page 150): Apes 56.3M | SMH 44.2M | DM3 19.4M | Baby 8.7M | Big Dick 7.5M | WW 6.8M | Wish Upon 5.5M | Tomatoes losing their power

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18 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:


Why does BvS get crapped on?  Probably b/c of its divisive quality.  If it had better overall reception among the core fans and the GA, if people didn't feel ripped off for buying their initial OW ticket, they probably wouldn't bad mouth it.  I'll never forget every employee at my comic book store warning me away from it on opening Friday - only comic movie they have ever openly discouraged their customers from attending.  


If I owned a comic book store and my employees were openly discouraging customers from attending a CBM (any CBM), I would seriously have a talk with them. 

CBMs are potential sales boosters for comic stores, and if I owned one, I don't care if the CBM got a 0% on RT, I would cross-promote the heck out of whatever property that is so we could sell some comics.

And if my employees were trying to play at being Roger Ebert and hindering my sales, I would have a serious problem with them.

Edited by Cochofles
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3 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


If I owned a comic book store and my employees were openly discouraging customers from attending a CBM (any CBM), I would seriously have a talk with them. 

CBMs are potential sales boosters for comic stores, and if I owned one, I don't care if the CBM got a 0% on RT, I would cross-promote the heck out of whatever property that is so we could sell some comics.

And if my employees were trying to play at being Roger Ebert and hindering my sales, I would have a serious problem.

I'd probably fire them for that very reason honestly. Okay maybe not fire but they would get a serious reprimand.

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49 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

Civil War's multiplier was pathetic. Movie was great, but insanely frontloaded.


That actually puts a cloud on Infinity War's performance. Don't be surprised if that movie plays like Harry Potter and the Death Hallows Part 2, dropping more than 70% during the second weekend. Opening will be insanely inflated, which means it'll be even more frontloaded.




I'm cautiously guarded about IW, because ANY movie has a hard time juggling up to just five characters (much less main characters), and IW has so many that I seriously have my doubts that a good story can be made there. CBMs already have a really, really hard time just successfully having a really good hero AND really good villain in one movie. What I'm afraid of is that Infinity War will play out like an American Idol finale:


"Heeere's IRON MAN and Company"  thunderous applause

"Now heeere's CAPTAIN AMERICA and Friends"  thunderous applause

Everybody has a joke or quip, some laughs...more applause

"WATCH OUT!! Here comes.............THANOS!!!!"    booo booo hiss hisss

fight fight

"Oh, Thanos is kicking everybody's ass! Is this the end of our super hero team?"

pause pause pause

"Look! It's Ant-Man and Spiderman!"  thunderous applause

joke joke quip quip--some forgettable theme music

fight fight fight

"THANOS IS TOO STRONG!!! Look at that chin flatten our heros down!"

pause pause pause

mysterious portal appears

"DOCTOR STRANGE has appeared!"

Thanos grimace, snarky quip, snarky quip.

fight fight fight

"Our heros might win...might win....NO!! THANOS SUPRISE!! He has TWO CHINS!!!"

fight fight fight, more forgettable music

"Oh No, it's looking really grim for our heros, even DR STRANGE et al can't beat him"

slow motion pan across rubble town, grim grim grim


"Is this the end?"


Sound of cassete tape, and press play...

CLASSIC 70s ROCK TUNE!!  audience breathes in collectively and holds their breath

"It's.......THE.....GUARDIANS.......OF THE GALAXY!!!!!  thunderous applause-

Thanos grimaces MIGHTILY

fight fight fight


fight fight fight teamwork teamwork teamwork



standing ovation, massive applause, fireworks, ceiling caves in


funny post-credit scene with everybody high-fiving and dancing to more CLASSIC 70s ROCK


2nd post-credit scene


"new villain....REVEALED!! Infinity War 2 in 2020!"


The internet breaks down:




first 99% on RT (Not 100% because there'll always be 1% who have to be the opposite for the angry views)


400M OW, 2.1x multiplier



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9 minutes ago, Barnack said:


I feel the other way around, if Sony would have pulled a 90%+ on RT Spider-Man movie that will go back to doing around 300m domestic and over 850m wordlwide, it would be seen much more has a big victory than it is now, because Feige in charge and Marvel brand+Iron Man made that to be more expected. 


With marvel being involved it turned it into the first Iron Man movie that will not do 400m domestic since the Avengers instead of a clear victory that it would have been for a Sony movie.


is Spider-Man homecoming drop that bad with competing with a PG-13 over 50m entry like Apes on is second weekend ?:



Superheroes first entry like Doctor Strange now drop 50%, great one that play for a mostly adult audience like Guardian 2/Logan drop over 55%


Deadpool did a 57.4% drop, Civil War 59.5%, first and second guardian of the galaxy drop over 55% both, it is hard out there for a SH movie second weekend, those giant Thursday night numbers they get inflate the first weekend and make the legs look worst than they are.


Spiderman Homecoming made 15.4M in preview, is real 3 day weekend was of 101.627, second weekend dropped 55.5% from that.



I disagree on this. Fans who attend previews would definitely have gone through the rest of the weekend as well. The previews have made moviegoing more spread out than expanded them. Or are we saying the people who went to watch it asap would have not gone if there were no previews?

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12 minutes ago, Barnack said:


I feel the other way around, if Sony would have pulled a 90%+ on RT Spider-Man movie that will go back to doing around 300m domestic and over 850m wordlwide, it would be seen much more has a big victory than it is now, because Feige in charge and Marvel brand+Iron Man made that to be more expected. 


With marvel being involved it turned it into the first Iron Man movie that will not do 400m domestic since the Avengers instead of a clear victory that it would have been for a Sony movie.


is Spider-Man homecoming drop that bad with competing with a PG-13 over 50m entry like Apes on is second weekend ?:



Superheroes first entry like Doctor Strange now drop 50%, great one that play for a mostly adult audience like Guardian 2/Logan drop over 55%


Deadpool did a 57.4% drop, Civil War 59.5%, first and second guardian of the galaxy drop over 55% both, it is hard out there for a SH movie second weekend, those giant Thursday night numbers they get inflate the first weekend and make the legs look worst than they are.


Spiderman Homecoming made 15.4M in preview, is real 3 day weekend was of 101.627, second weekend dropped 55.5% from that.


Doctor Strange's drop is so small because his 2nd Friday was a holiday.

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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


If I owned a comic book store and my employees were openly discouraging customers from attending a CBM (any CBM), I would seriously have a talk with them. 

CBMs are potential sales boosters for comic stores, and if I owned one, I don't care if the CBM got a 0% on RT, I would cross-promote the heck out of whatever property that is so we could sell some comics.

And if my employees were trying to play at being Roger Ebert and hindering my sales, I would have a serious problem with them.


Maybe - I ended up valuing their feedback even more, since they had me dead right - I did hate the movie.  I read a lot of comics, with the Bat Family ones near the top of my pull list, and I must have a "comics style."  I have actually taken a lot of their comics suggestions (especially for independent ones) and they have also tended to be perfect for my taste.  So, I think they have made their "store mark" on knowing what the customer wants and likes...and they do it well.


They are the ones that got me to reading old Daredevil (a hero I never read, but I loved the Bendis run on the comic, which got me pysched for the tv series - everyone should read this:)...and The Fix (about as R rated as I go)...and a hundred other things:)...it's a real blessing to have that type of shop around:)...


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4 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Big budget trilogy, I should say. Because Linklater's Before Sunrise trilogy is unbeatable.  

Sunrise is my favorite movie like ever. But nah. Sunset is not good. And Midnight is good but fails to leave the impact of Sunrise. It never needed to be a trilogy. Sunrise was good enough

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I think the market is pretty welcoming of comic book movies and each comic book movie gets a share of the box office pie whether it be DC or Marvel. Not one movie is going to run away with the majority of the box office, WW and GoTGv2 making roughly around similar box office domestically, Logan with 226M and Spiderman making around 300M, all of them are literally from different comic book companies and movie studios and not any one of them running away with all the box office, nice share across the board. I think people should be happy at this point how receptive audiences still are for comic book movies given how diluted the market is with these comic book movies still being able to do good business and co-exist in the marketplace as well with a decent share of $$$ for each.

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49 minutes ago, filmlover said:

In non-superhero news, A Ghost Story is really fizzling in limited release. Thinking it'll be lucky to make $1M in total even with a significant expansion (which would lead to nothing but an ugly PTA).


No shock there although I thought at least Under the Skin's 2.6m would be within reach. Now it's gonna make barely half that, at best. 

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If Sony, sans any Marvel Studios involvement, followed up the $200M DOM of TASM 2 with a critically adored $300M+ DOM earner, only complete loonies would be criticize them. Most would see it as a big success and Spidey being in the best shape cinematically since SM2. And, right so. Not sure that's even debatable. 


There was a club here with SMH under TASM DOM.

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Sunrise is my favorite movie like ever. But nah. Sunset is not good. And Midnight is good but fails to leave the impact of Sunrise. It never needed to be a trilogy. Sunrise was good enough

This might be your worst take yet.
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8 minutes ago, GrimFandango said:


I'm cautiously guarded about IW, because ANY movie has a hard time juggling up to just five characters (much less main characters), and IW has so many that I seriously have my doubts that a good story can be made there. CBMs already have a really, really hard time just successfully having a really good hero AND really good villain in one movie. What I'm afraid of is that Infinity War will play out like an American Idol finale:


"Heeere's IRON MAN and Company"  thunderous applause

"Now heeere's CAPTAIN AMERICA and Friends"  thunderous applause

Everybody has a joke or quip, some laughs...more applause

"WATCH OUT!! Here comes.............THANOS!!!!"    booo booo hiss hisss

fight fight

"Oh, Thanos is kicking everybody's ass! Is this the end of our super hero team?"

pause pause pause

"Look! It's Ant-Man and Spiderman!"  thunderous applause

joke joke quip quip--some forgettable theme music

fight fight fight

"THANOS IS TOO STRONG!!! Look at that chin flatten our heros down!"

pause pause pause

mysterious portal appears

"DOCTOR STRANGE has appeared!"

Thanos grimace, snarky quip, snarky quip.

fight fight fight

"Our heros might win...might win....NO!! THANOS SUPRISE!! He has TWO CHINS!!!"

fight fight fight, more forgettable music

"Oh No, it's looking really grim for our heros, even DR STRANGE et al can't beat him"

slow motion pan across rubble town, grim grim grim


"Is this the end?"


Sound of cassete tape, and press play...

CLASSIC 70s ROCK TUNE!!  audience breathes in collectively and holds their breath

"It's.......THE.....GUARDIANS.......OF THE GALAXY!!!!!  thunderous applause-

Thanos grimaces MIGHTILY

fight fight fight


fight fight fight teamwork teamwork teamwork



standing ovation, massive applause, fireworks, ceiling caves in


funny post-credit scene with everybody high-fiving and dancing to more CLASSIC 70s ROCK


2nd post-credit scene


"new villain....REVEALED!! Infinity War 2 in 2020!"


The internet breaks down:




first 99% on RT (Not 100% because there'll always be 1% who have to be the opposite for the angry views)


400M OW, 2.1x multiplier




Did you just throw a gigantic serving of delicious shade at the MCU formula? :ph34r:






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