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The Panda

BOT's Top Comic Book Movies of All Time! - WE’RE IN THE ENDGAME NOW

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59 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

I think I’ve now seen only half of the Spidey movies (less than half if you include the team-up movies).

So probably the only good ones from early 00s and spiderverse. 

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One more and then I'll finish the top 5 tomorrow




Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Directed by The Russo Brothers

Based on "Thanos: The Infinity Gauntlet" by Jim Starlin

(217 Points, 32 Votes)



"I love you 3000"


Number 1 Placements: 7

Top 2 Placements: 10

Top 4 Placements: 17

Top 6 Placements: 20

Top 10 Placements: 24

Awards Count: Rated #30 of All-Time on IMDb Top 250

Box Office: 858m 

Metacritic: 78

Synopsis: After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos's actions and undo the chaos to the universe, no matter what consequences may be in store, and no matter who they face...

Critic Opinion: "The only complaint about Avengers: Endgame is that it raises the bar so high that there may well never be a superhero movie to match it.

It represents a staggering achievement on several fronts, none perhaps quite as startling as its absolute mastery of narrative. The job for Kevin Feige, the presiding genius at Marvel, fraternal directors Anthony and Joe Russo, and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, was simple.  To finish Marvel’s first decade and clear the ground for the second, all they had to do was to tie up all the myriad strands of plot and countless emotional conflictions left dangling by the 22-strong series launched by Iron Man in 2008.  Oh yes, that and deal with the aftermath of last year’s Infinity War, which climaxed with Thanos, Josh Brolin’s impressively nuanced monster, annihilating half the population of the universe. It is as hard to convey the complexities of that challenge as to contain my awe at how sublimely they rose to it." - Matthew Norman, London Evening Standard

User Opinion: "This really...for me.  Emotional .... Action sequences...soooooooo damn long... seeing this twice" - @IronJimbo

(Sorry IronJimbo, you gave me the material to work with in your review!)



Commentary: The Marvel film that is an end of an era, but also not really because another MCU film literally came out two months after this one.  Avengers: Endgame began where the climatic Infinity War left off, and left an open-ended closing note to 11 years of comic book films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The movie took the world by storm, busting all of the box office records there were to bust (I guess besides the Domestic all time record).  Endgame is almost less a singular film and more an encore movie to give viewers a chance to spend a little bit more time with all of these actors before a few of the leads contracts expired.  Beyond some of the jest, Endgame impressively balances and lands a plane that really wouldn't have seemed landable in any notion 11 years prior.

Box Office Count: Under 100m (14), 100m (8), 200m (6), 300m (6), 400m (6), 600m (1), 700m (1), 800m (1)

Decade Count: 70s (1), 80s (4), 90s (4), 00s (12), 10s (22)

Director Count: Miyazaki (2), Nolan (2), Watts (2), Burton (2), Gunn (2), Singer (2), Russo (2), Black (1), Boden (1), Chan-Wook (1), Coogler (1), Cronenberg (1), Donner (1), Favreau (1), Jenkins (1), Johnston (1), Joon-ho (1), Lester (1), Mangold (1), McTeigue (1), Mendes (1), Oshii (1), Otomo (1), Parannaud (1), Radomski (1), Raimi (1), Rodriguez (1), Sandberg (1), Satrapi (1), Snyder (1), Sonnenfield (1), Timm (1), Travis (1), Vaughn (1), Wachowski (1), Waititi (1), Whedon (1), Wright (1), Zwigoff (1)

Franchise Count: MCU (13), Chris Evans (7), Iron Man (6), Batman (5), X-Men (5), Spider-Man (5), Captain America (4), Guardians of the Galaxy (3), Hulk (3), Thor (3), The Avengers (2), Black Panther (2), DCEU (2), Studio Ghibli (2), Superman (2), Ant-Man (1), Deadpool (1), Dredd (1), Men in Black (1), Wonder Woman (1)





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34 minutes ago, The Panda said:

The only complaint about Avengers: Endgame is that it raises the bar so high that there may well never be a superhero movie to match it.

This review, I like it. Another!

Edited by Thanos Legion
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32 minutes ago, The Panda said:

User Opinion: "This really...for me.  Emotional .... Action sequences...soooooooo damn long... seeing this twice" - @IronJimbo

Live look at @The Panda:





Also could be his look for stopping right where he did in the list, for that matter. :ph34r:


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3 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Because it isn't. Spider-Verse is proof some people just care about visuals and not story. Give it a generic animation style and I guarantee its praise would be lower. It has one of the least compelling character arcs for a Spider-Man movie, and it's telling that the part of the plot that people love the most is the third act action. Keep in mind I *like* the movie and would probably place it somewhere in my top 25 CBMs

what a casual take lmfao

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5 hours ago, captainwondyful said:

I had it as #8. Only Spider-Man movie to make my list.  Animation is mind blowing (3rd is so so so good). Finally a Miles story. Features the only Peter Parker I can relate to. (Sorry not sorry. I was never a fifteen year old boy who suddenly had a problem spurting white sticky goo everywhere.). Great, great film. 

How does this comment only have two "haha" reactions? I actually laughed out loud.

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2 hours ago, Jason said:

How does this comment only have two "haha" reactions? I actually laughed out loud.

It has now 4, thx!

Beside trying reading through all, I often get disrupted here at home and would have missed that without your post.


I can soooo relate to that @captainwondyful  - in the way I see them (the different versions of all those movies) as ~ too young behaving/thinking/living/... to be of interest for me and other details I do not click with that character at all.

Nothing against him, simple no interest.

Might have been another reaction if the first movie would have come out in the '70, but even as a teen I preferred strongly stories with old(er) adults as the main characters.

E.g. even as a pre-teen, the first books I read voluntarily were by Pearl S. Buck, CS Forester, ....

Forced on per mother as reading learning/training material in the '60 was Camus' The Plague - still do not like that book.

Read my first children books (wanted to know) as a mid to end teen, not sure about the exact year = never clicked to any of them.



@Plain Old Tele  you are aware about lots of people are not aware about which movies too are based on comics and Mangas and so on?

I think outside the US even less?

The vast majority of even today's pupils here never have read any non-European comic beside Donald Duck/Mickey Mouse/...?

European like Asterix,...

Here are nearly no comic book stores (the only one I knew about was in my state's capital, they gave up ~ 20y back)....


I think you giving Panda so many disbelief.... is 'not cool', he is only the messenger, did and does a tremendous job here, no need to screw with his ~ reaction statistics.

A post in between with a list of the titles you disagree to their ranking would say the same, or?

There a lots of titles I disagree too, I still give thanks for the work, again, he is 'only' the messenger in a way.


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