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The Matrix Resurrections | December 22 2021 | Keanu, Lana Wachowski back

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On 12/24/2021 at 8:40 AM, SnokesLegs said:

I wouldn’t pay attention to the IMDb score, no doubt the incels are having a shit-fit over certain plot points and spamming it.


That basically matches cinemascore/RTverified user%. I mean, there's always a reason to exclude imdb ratings due to being fake polls but they may be less terrible than people often think.


60% of imdb votes gave Matrix 4 a positive grade versus 65% on Rotten Tomatoes (which mandates you buy a ticket through fandango to vote). They all line up to B-/C+ when you remember that when you drop 6-7 points on rotten tomatoes verified user scores that has a decent linear correlation to a single point decline in cinemascore. 


I wouldn't trust imdb in this sort of situation, but I also don't think it's lying or obviously a result of spam especially given how the film's flopping. 


The real problem is that a lot of the core divisiveness is "do you like the core concept they're aiming for." IMDb's never going to be a good way to capture that because it's leading to too many A/F grades. 

I mean, I probably would have given the film an F. I really dislike hyper explicit meta commentary which really tanked the film for me in a way that prompts a more significantly negative reaction than a film simply being objectively bad (Snake Eyes). There's more to my unincluded 1/10 grade (worse action, etc.) but I think it's expected to get extremes illustrated in this spread.


More interesting to me is the IMDb gender split.

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I just finished watching it, I thought it was fine and not too special. Never really been super into the Matrix, not because I actively avoided them it's likely just cause the series was never really on my radar. In regards to this particular movie though I think it needed a tighter and shorter script/story, did not need to be over 2 hours (like most movies these days tbh).


One major complaint I have is the heavy handed meta commentary on the issues of franchises, reboots, sequels and the like. Several times I found myself going "alright I get it", should've put more energy into crafting a tighter story/script rather than a bunch of meta jokes. Another issue is the bringing back some old characters but with different actors, just make new characters instead of these weird rebooted versions.


The stuff that did work for me was mainly Neo and Trinity, even as someone who didn't see the last two Matrixes I found myself invested in their story and liked how their whole situation ended up. I also liked the new dynamics introduced with the inhabitants of the real world, wish that got fleshed out a bit more. Overall I thought this was alright, wont be for everyone but it will be for some and they were definitely right to put this on HBO Max.

Edited by clockwork
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10 hours ago, AJG said:

The Metacritic user score is probably the most useless thing in the internet, which is shocking because the way Metacritic grades movies is far superior to RT.


Metacritic's users seem to be the nerdiest on the internet because its also a video game site, and imdb's is very susceptible to sabotage by fanboys and idiots voting 10 or 1,  and RT has gotten a bit better with the verified system(for theatrical releases). Letterboxd seems to be the most genuine.  I personally don't put much stock in user scores these days because online metrics like that seem increasingly dominated by fanboy culture, contrarians, and toxic reactionaries.  Even with all that said, a user score in the red on MC a few days after release for a Matrix movie was still a bit surprising to me because even Jupiter Ascending is yellow at 4.4.

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Why matrix resurrection sucks 


- the feel of the action is missing from original trilogy 

- choreography is better on some middling Netflix action films 

- neo is reduced to a bullet stopper . He literally does nothing else 

- the meta commentary is a middle finger to matrix fans of its philosophy

- when the original matrix content played , I was like play that movie , this is a parody 

- the movie is hypocritical . First it mocks itself then it embraces what it mocks in 2nd half 

- the actor playing agent smith was lol why did they even attempt it 

- neo doesn’t pick up the gun even once. It would have been cool if he picked it up once especially in the office invasion scene 

- the movie is cynical in its explanation of past movies 

- free guy did the video game real world thing better 


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I haven't seen it but I read a detailed spoiler and knew it would flop because of this:


at the end, Trinity is the One or something? No way Matrix fans would accept that. It's like that total BS that GOT did to Jon Snow when it gave his Azor Ahai aka GOT One destiny to Arya. That was the moment when even apologists throew the towel and admitted GOT jumped the shark. The Long Night was the nadir of Season 8 even more so than shit with Dany and King Bran.

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50 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

I haven't seen it but I read a detailed spoiler and knew it would flop because of this:



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at the end, Trinity is the One or something? No way Matrix fans would accept that. It's like that total BS that GOT did to Jon Snow when it gave his Azor Ahai aka GOT One destiny to Arya. That was the moment when even apologists throew the towel and admitted GOT jumped the shark. The Long Night was the nadir of Season 8 even more so than shit with Dany and King Bran.


Yes and no:



They’re basically two sides of the same coin. Neo still has his powers, but so does Trinity, and they make it clear that they need each other. So it calls back to how Neo doesn’t truly become “the one” in the original film until Trinity brings him back to life with the kiss, they were both waiting for that moment, as the Oracle states. This is why the machines resurrected them both, as you can’t have one without the other.


Its kind of sweet really, but of course the incels are completely misreading it as Trinity emasculating Neo.


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I’m just going to point out for the record that the YouTube comment section for that interview that Lana Wachowski recently did with IGN is a massive clusterfuck that clearly demonstrates how this movie was never going to go over well with that crowd.  Obviously, that doesn’t mean that people can’t have valid reasons for disliking this movie, but it’s pretty clear that this movie was always going to piss off all those morons who go on about being “red pilled.”

Edited by WittyUsername
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54 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

I’m just going to point out for the record that the YouTube comment section for that interview that Lana Wachowski recently did with IGN is a massive clusterfuck that clearly demonstrates how this movie was never going to go over well with that crowd.  Obviously, that doesn’t mean that people can’t have valid reasons for disliking this movie, but it’s pretty clear that this movie was always going to piss off all those morons who go on about being “red pilled.”

I didn't know about the interview, thanks for bringing it up. I was curious to see an interview with her.


Edit: nevermind, I thought it was a full length interview

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4 hours ago, Valonqar said:

I haven't seen it but I read a detailed spoiler and knew it would flop because of this:



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No. This is amazing. This is the best thing that they did. 

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15 hours ago, IcarusReborn said:

I'm not sure how this got made with such a terrible script. This script couldn't help me pass my screenwriting classes I took 15 years ago. This film is an incoherent mess. It has some good ideas, like Neo questioning reality and his sanity and Neo and Trinity faintly remembering each other in the coffee shop. But the film's execution of these ideas is incredibly bad. This is like a first draft of a script, which needs at least two more rewrites with input from a script doctor or two. 


Why does everything look so cheap? And discount Morpheus and Smith were both cringey, jokey, and unnecessary. Just come up with new, badass characters instead of SNL level spoofs of these legendary characters/actors. Matrix Ressurections is an absolute disaster! Studios have now ruined the Terninator, Star Wars, and Matrix franchises. 



Again, I would consider the fact that only one of the Wachowski's was involved, here.  You can't expect this to be exactly the same concoction as the first three films with only one half of the creative directors behind-the-scenes.  But of course most of the general audience don't know that.


And for me, I find it hard to judge a completed film on a "script" unless one has a copy of the shooting script also in front of them.  Scripts can start off as one thing and become something very different once the film is shot...and then once it is edited.  So so much can change...

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3 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

I’m just going to point out for the record that the YouTube comment section for that interview that Lana Wachowski recently did with IGN is a massive clusterfuck that clearly demonstrates how this movie was never going to go over well with that crowd.  Obviously, that doesn’t mean that people can’t have valid reasons for disliking this movie, but it’s pretty clear that this movie was always going to piss off all those morons who go on about being “red pilled.”

i genuinely think pissing off those people was a deliberate choice by Lana Wachowski (and i think it's very cool that she did that)

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8 hours ago, Valonqar said:

I haven't seen it but I read a detailed spoiler and knew it would flop because of this:



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lol "I haven't seen the movie but here's my opinion on it anyways"



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