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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

The film having immersion and worldbuilding to the point you feel like you're actually 4.8 lightyears away.


Yes! Nail on head. You're one of very few people who really gets why Avatar was so huge. Way too often do I hear "Avatar only made as much as it did because of 3D", or "Avatar was only successful because of the visuals/CGI". No, wrong — the visuals and the 3D were merely components to its success, they weren't the driving forces. There have been dozens of movie, both before and since Avatar, that have utilized 3D to great effect, but none of them have come anywhere close to Avatar's success levels. There have been hundreds of movies, both before and since Avatar, that have incredible visual effects, but, again, none of them have come close to the impact of Avatar.


What really drove Avatar's success was, as you say, the film's ability to really transport people to another world for 3 hours. That's a combination of a great many things — the visuals, the worldbuilding, the 3D, the storytelling, to name a few — and you can't just boil its success down to any single component. That's why concerns about the film's ability to deliver the same sort of mindblowing visual effects as in 2009, or about 3D no longer being a driving force for audiences, don't really register to me. It's the full immersive package that drove audiences to make Avatar the highest-grossing film of all time — not just the visuals, not just the 3D — and Avatar 2 will deliver that same unique experience again.

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Underwater motion capture is what I am most looking forward to seeing. I wonder if they are going to use that tech with other movies like Little Mermaid.


Sequels to TWO $700 million movies (domestic) released within a month of each other during the holiday season! That's going to be something spectacular to watch in you're box office fan!

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9 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Unironically, i do think Avatar themes is very relevant. It was in 2009, but now that we're so into global warning it feels even more relevant. 


I think the first one have a very cool treatment of the nature and it's importance to balance, but it's a side plot because well, he have an entire universe to introduce in that movie. 


Now that this is done i think the plot of the sequels can go way further in these environment discussions, especially since the teaser is showing a very big presence of humans working on the planet, there's room to discuss a lot.


Every succesful movie is an example of it's time, i think Avatar franchise can easily be one example of our struggles on Earth if it goes this route (and i suspect it will), which is relatable. Of course the movies won't be just about this, but it can contain these multitudes.

As I said before, a film like this would help but I feel like someone like Greta T and the younger generation who are much more involved in the fight against climate change is going to look at this from a cynical view as they have been striking for action for years and not a note of support from a rich boomer who has a house in New Zealand, one of the most protected places from devastating climate change according to studies

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1 hour ago, hw64 said:

The internet is a bubble


Maybe 10 years ago but this is not really the case anymore, we are in an ever increasingly online society... gen Z is like terminally online.  Now I'm not saying your boomer parents or a majority of normies are watching movie reviews on youtube, but to simply dismiss "online culture" such as twitter or youtube as a bubble with no impact at all on narratives or public opinion on things just isn't accurate or the State Department and 3 letter government agencies wouldn't be getting involved in online censorship and the control of information in such aggressive ways right now.  I don't watch any of them(except RLM), but quite a few of these youtubers have many millions of subscribers and get many, many times of the amount of viewers a review in traditional media such as the NYT ever get.

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I'm taking the challenge without looking:


Kaluuya in Get Out - Dan like Kaluuya

Leo in Inception - Something Cobb but defintiely Cobb EDIT: Dom I remember now

Colette in Hereditary -  no clue and not fair to put that cult movie with boxoffice phomena

Willis in 6th Sense - Doctor Something, mostly called Doctor

Fraser in The Mummy - Rick O'Connell easy one. Rick and Evie epic couple

McCon in Interstellar - no clue


Now the results:

Fail. Kaluuya's name was Chris.


Fail obviously. Collette's name was Annie'

Fail Obviously. Willis name was Malcolm


Fail obviously. McCon's name was Cooper



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Cynicism is a dime a dozen these days. Even if someone can exert the kind of influence to dissuade millions from seeing a movie they have to quickly find something new to be mad about in order to maintain eyeballs. Any kind of controversy wouldn't be able to sustain more than a couple days angry discourse.


I think of that quote from the end of Ratatouille (which is a movie I have my own personal issues with but that's another matter) about the average piece of junk usually being worth a lot more than the criticism designating it so. Ultimately this is a piece of entertainment and a lot of people are gonna want to kill three hours with family at some point over the holiday season, and its surface visual and narrative pleasures are what are going to matter much more in the long run than any kind of uncharitably interpreted subtext.

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2 hours ago, NCsoft said:


Jacksfilms' attachment to the narrative that "no one can name a character in Avatar", and kept making videos bashing it, is actually one of the curious examples of the "Avatar is irrelevant" phenomenon, which is really becoming a beast in itself. Many people so passionately insist that "Avatar has no impact" as if their livelihood depend on it. I'm pretty sure this has never happened to another "irrelevant" films before. 


But when Avatar tripled the former highest grossing films in China back in 2010, as it did in many developing markets; people were  leaving the theatres in awe not because any "influencers" told them to react that way, it's their genuine reaction that lead to the amazing WOM it had that ultimately contributed to its success, I think it would be the same this time. If the visceral reaction is that strong, and I think we have reason to believe that it will, then words of a few YouTube "influencers" wouldn't matter at all.

Jacksfilms used to be my favorite YouTuber back in 2017 - 2019, and since the first time I saw his Avatar video, I really disliked it, worst thing is that video is what practically originated the "bad cause you don't remember characters name" argument.


1 hour ago, ThomasNicole said:

This guy gets it 




This is what I always said. Unless for movies that belongs to a franchise, it's really hard to remember character names.

I've watched Baby Driver more than 5 times and I only remember Baby (Miles actshually)  and Barbara names, and that's because one of those it's in the movie name, and the other because there are 2 songs on the soundtrack with the same name.

Another personal example, Quiet Place was my second favorite movie of the 2018, yet I never remembered anyone's name. 

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50 minutes ago, interiorgatordecorator said:

trailer on the official twitter account hit 10 million views


Have never tracked a trailer so no idea if that's good



I think Twitter view count looks good, probably tracks very close to a hotly anticipated MCU film.

Thor love and thunder teaser from 3 weeks ago had a real urgency factor because it was released so late, its views are currently at 28.7M (after 3 weeks) and I think close to ~20M there after full 24 hours. 

YouTube is another matter, view counts are so scattered across different channels (the One media channel alone is approaching 2M views), but honestly not looking bad, main one trending at #2 overall. 

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The first Avatar movie was a huge hit because it managed to be immersive in a way that I’m not sure any movie managed to be before or since. Yes, the story is nothing special, but the movie was a phenomenon because it was an experience.

As for why it supposedly “faded” from the cultural zeitgeist, that could be chalked up to the simple fact that watching the movie at home doesn’t have the same impact that watching it in theaters had. That doesn’t mean no one cares to see the sequel. 

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There's that reddit post chronicling a lecture by a fox executive that proposes an answer/tries to explain to the culture relevance question


Now it is often asked why is Avatar so forgotten over the past several years? This is apparently a deliberate decision by Cameron. He had thousands of offers to do toys, animated series, more video games, etc. And he deliberately turned it down. For one I don't think he had much interest in trying to run that empire that Lucas had for years (was more into deep sea diving and organic wine haha) and two they knew they were so over exposed in 2010 that they had to retreat from the market until the sequels were almost ready.

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30 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

As I said before, a film like this would help but I feel like someone like Greta T and the younger generation who are much more involved in the fight against climate change is going to look at this from a cynical view as they have been striking for action for years and not a note of support from a rich boomer who has a house in New Zealand, one of the most protected places from devastating climate change according to studies

Maybe you have a point, but i think Cameron himself is very active on this fight for this becoming a thing. I remember him only offering vegan food during shoot for all the Avatar. He talked about it a lot as well since Avatar because it help the discussion, so i suspect it's probably gonna happen again when the sequel drops. 


28 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:


Maybe 10 years ago but this is not really the case anymore, we are in an ever increasingly online society... gen Z is like terminally online.  Now I'm not saying your boomer parents or a majority of normies are watching movie reviews on youtube, but to simply dismiss "online culture" such as twitter or youtube as a bubble with no impact at all on narratives or public opinion on things just isn't accurate or the State Department and 3 letter government agencies wouldn't be getting involved in online censorship and the control of information in such aggressive ways right now.  I don't watch any of them(except RLM), but quite a few of these youtubers have many millions of subscribers and get many, many times of the amount of viewers a review in traditional media such as the NYT ever get.

The internet isn't a bubble indeed, but i think each day Internet is becoming just a lot specific groups co-existing in the same virtual place, which in the end make these groups just bubbles. 


On mainstream social media, the cultural impact arguments is basically just from groups on Twitter, a bubble. The criticism on YouTube is not only on channels about movies but channels that cares about talking an old movie and in a negative way. So you know, it's not something really that impactful as a whole even if it haves a somewhat big audience, especially when a lot of people that watch these contents do so only to disagreed with it and enter discussions.


Tbh it just seems like consensus doesn't exist anymore, at least on the way internet is evolving, only small things still get consensual opinions about it. The real succesful things always get somewhat mixed responses on social media since everyone share their opinions and want attention, on twitter especially this seems like a reality. Just look how much increasingly criticism Marvel takes and that doesn't seem to have any impact on their box office. 


It's kinda the same for Avatar, while there wasn't anything to talk about it, the groups that cares about trashing it do their job, but once the images and now the trailer drop, is behaving exactly like everything well liked and succesful thing these days, majority positive with a very angry portion hating on it.

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4 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:

Its not the only channel that will release the trailer. 

Yes i know, that's why the views are so fragmented.


Still, it's not really a wise decision to drop it in a channel without any popularity, people have to search for it instead of just receive notification from big channels like Marvel Studios.

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